- ...
- Fix: Change html lang attribute when the lenguage is not en
- Fix: epic screen on screen inferior to 1200px
- General improvements to interface.
- Persist show/hide tags preferences on local storage
- General improvements to interface.
- Fix: Can't create empty custom filters anymore.
- Fix: Can't save filters with the same name as an existing filter.
- Fix: Remove highlightjs default theme
- Fix: Wrong filter us count in empty backlog
- Fix: Highlight code when the user doesn't have edit permissions
- Improve kanban render performance
- Fix: Display warning in admin if reached max memberships in a project
- Display issues tags in sprint taskboard
- Fix: Fix incorrect count on filter
- Added translation to Dansk
- Added translation to Serbian
- Added translation to Vietnamese
- General improvements to interface.
- Fix: Add new buttons and style to transfer owner, imports warnings lightbox and warnings on new projects
- Fix: User mention with underscore
- Fix: Drag and drop on empty backlog
- Feat: Editor, image with links
- Minor bug fix.
- Improve configuration for docker
- Debug mode now is disabled by default
- Minor bug fix.
Generate docker image
Major UI changes
- Improved performance in Kanban
- Fix comments style.
- Render custom fields and block reason as Markdown.
Fix attachment refresh feature.
Fix welcome email template layout.
- Several minor changes.
Add Arabic.
Update Russian.
- Fix error when zendesk is not loaded.
- Update Japanese and Italian translations.
- Add Zendesk for integrated support.
Improve userpilot integration.
Fix typo.
- Minor bug fix.
- Several fixes.
- Update French translation.
- Fix CSS bug with WYSIWYG toolbar.
Verify user email.
Task promotion creates user story and deletes original task.
Upgraded node, gulp and other development dependencies.
Several minor bugfixes.
- Added integration with userpilot.
- Fixed redirect after change email confirmation.
- Updated translations (fa and fr).
- Updated translations (pt-br).
- Fixed several minor bugs.
- Updated translations (pl).
- Fixed several minor bugs.
- Updated translations (de, pl, ru, tr, uk).
- Fixed CSS bug.
- Fixed several minor bugs.
- Updated lots of strings and updated their translations. Finally, oompa loompas have been substituted by the Taiga.
- Update Latvian translation.
- Add Google tag manager integration.
- Update Korean translation.
- Add Latvian translation.
- Several minor bugfixes.
- Refresh default theme.
- Several minor bugfixes.
Set login form visibility based on instance configuration.
Promote task and issues to user story with watchers, attachments and comments.
- Several minor bugfixes.
- Fix translation problem with pluralization.
- Fix several minor CSS bugs.
Update search counters on backlog when an US is moved.
Fix several minor CSS bugs.
- Fix CSS issue.
BREAKING CHANGE Big refactor of base CSS for themes that can break custom themes.
Change comment box position based on comments order.
Refresh attachment URL on markdown fields to support protected backend.
Fixed drag&drop of attachments to text fields.
Redesign detail header.
- Disabled malfunctioning notification infinite scroll.
- Updated translations. Big improvement in Italian coverage (grazie mille!).
- Several minor fixes.
- Minor fixes
- Add Taiga Fresh theme.
- Minor fixes.
- Progressive Kanban render.
- Minor fixes.
- Close loader before kanban/backlog filter request.
- Fix multiple assign US button
- Assign roles as watchers
- Minor bug fixes
- Vote button redesign
- Minor bug fixes
- Revet remove bluebird dependency
- Fix moment local for Chinese
- Multiple minor fixes
- Remove bluebird dependency
- Enable hiding list items on Dashboard
- Minor fixes.
- Add user stories dashboard filter
- Change Kanban zoom level
- Filter history by entry type
- Minor fixes.
- Promote Tasks to US
- Display US status on Taskboard
- Add closed user stories filter in epics dashboard
- Activate Hebrew and Basque languages
- Minor fixes.
- Pin npm Flot dependence
- Minor fixes
- Negative filters
- Activate Ukrainian language
- Minor bug fixes.
- Update locales.
- Remove tips
- Minor bug fixes.
- Update locales.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Custom home section (https://tree.taiga.io/project/taiga/issue/3059)
- Custom fields (https://tree.taiga.io/project/taiga/issue/3725):
- Dropdown
- Checkbox
- Number
- Bulk move unfinished objects in sprint (https://tree.taiga.io/project/taiga/issue/5451)
- Paginate history activity
- Improve notifications area (https://tree.taiga.io/project/taiga/issue/2165 and https://tree.taiga.io/project/taiga/issue/3752)
- Minor icon changes
- Lots of small bug fixes
- Update subscriptions messages
- Security bug fixes
- Minor bug fixes.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Allow reorder tasks in US (https://tree.taiga.io/project/taiga/issue/5479)
- Minor bug fixes.
- Fix pickadate conflicts
- Modify meeting module URL checking
- Minor bug fixes.
- Add auto CTRL+C in admin icon for reports URL's.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Due dates administration (https://tree.taiga.io/project/taiga/issue/3069)
- Issues to sprint (https://tree.taiga.io/project/taiga/issue/1181)
- Link US to Epics - https://tree.taiga.io/project/taiga/issue/4732
- New lightbox - https://tree.taiga.io/project/taiga/issue/3167
- Fix another bug related with ordering US.
- Filter by cards to find position in Kanban.
Move US to the end when status archived and hidden
Fix US order when move it
Add assigned users filters.
Minor bug fixes.
- Temporary remove assigned users filters.
- Fix debounce load US's
- Fix RTL style bug
- Fix style bug.
Update locales.
Improve RTL styles.
- Add Right-To-Left (RTL) support.
- Update locales.
Fix bug unable to sign up when no privacyPolicyUrl or termsOfServiceUrl settings were defined.
Update locales.
- Minor bug fix regarding GDPR notification.
- Update locales.
- Add features to fulfill GDPR.
- Add Persian (Iran) language.
- Update locales.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Add "live notifications" to Taiga:
- Add configuration in profile area.
- Add "due date" in US, Tasks and Issues.
- Add multiple assignement only in US.
- Delete cards in Kanban and sprint Taskboard.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Update locales.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Fix multiple drag in macOS.
- Repair collapsed column style.
- Emojis support on subjects and tags.
- Add "confirm dialog" before closing edit lightboxes.
- Wiki activity hidden by default.
- Allow ascending votes ordering in issues list.
- Add multiple drag in Kanban.
- Show US counter and wip limit in Kanban columns title.
- Add role filtering in US.
- Minor bug fixes.
- New project creation form: Now you can:
- duplicate a project.
- import from Taiga.
- import from Trello.
- import from Jira.
- import from GitHub.
- import from Asana.
- Improve add-members form: Now users can select between their contacts or type an email.
- Contact with the project: if the projects have this module enabled Taiga users can contact them.
- Velocity forecasting. Create sprints according to team velocity.
- Add new wysiwyg editor (like the Medunm editor) with emojis, local storage changes, mentions...
- Add rich text custom fields (with a wysiwyg editor like descreption or comments).
- Add thumbnails and preview for:
- PSD files.
- SVG files.
- i18n:
- Add japanese (ja) translation.
- Add korean (ko) translation.
- Add chinese simplified (zh-Hans) translation.
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- Remove bower, now use only npm packages.
- Add Epics.
- Add the tribe button to link stories from tree.taiga.io with gigs in tribe.taiga.io.
- Show a confirmation notice when you exit edit mode by pressing ESC in the markdown inputs.
- Errors (not found, server error, permissions and blocked project) don't change the current url.
- Neew Attachments image slider in preview mode.
- New admin area to edit the tag colors used in your project.
- Set color when add a new tags to epics, stories, tasks or issues.
- Display the current user (me) at first in assignment lightbox (thanks to @mikaoelitiana)
- Divide the user dashboard in two columns in large screens.
- Upvote and downvote issues from the issues list.
- Show points per role in statsection of the taskboard panel. (thanks to @fmartingr)
- Show a funny randon animals/color for users with no avatar (like project logos).
- Show Open Sprints in the left navigation menu (backlog submenu).
- Filters:
- Refactor the filter module.
- Add filters in the kanban panel.
- Add filter in the sprint taskboard panel.
- Cards UI improvements:
- Add zoom levels.
- Show information according the zoom level.
- Show voters, watchers, taks and attachments.
- Improve performance.
- Comments:
- Add a new permissions to allow add comments instead of use the existent modify permission for this purpose.
- Ability to edit comments, view edition history and redesign comments module UI.
- Wiki:
- Drag & Drop ordering for wiki links.
- Add a list of all wiki pages
- Add Wiki history
- Third party integrations:
- Included gogs as builtin integration.
- i18n:
- Add norwegian Bokmal (nb) translation.
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- Add sprint title on search results for user stories (thanks to @everblut)
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- Ability to create url custom fields. (thanks to @astagi).
- Blocked projects support
- Moved from iconfont to SVG sprite icon system and redesign.
- Redesign 'Admin > Project > Modules' panel.
- Add badge to project owners
- Limit of user per project.
- Redesign of the create project wizard
- Transfer project ownership
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- New design for the detail pages slidebar.
- Added 'Assign to me' button in User Stories, Tasks and Issues detail pages. (thanks to @allistera).
- Attachments:
- Upload attachments on US/issue/task lightbox.
- Attachments image gallery view mode in detail pages.
- Drag files from desktop to attachments section.
- Drag files from desktop in wysiwyg textareas.
- Project:
- Add a logo to your project.
- Denotes that your project is looking for people and add an explanation.
- Discover section:
- List most liked and most active project (last week/month/year or all time).
- List featured project.
- Search projects:
- Full text search with priorities over title, tags and description fields.
- Order results alphabeticaly, by most liked or more actived.
- Filter by 'use kanban', 'use scrum' or 'looking for people'.
- i18n.
- Add swedish (sv) translation.
- Add turkish (tr) translation.
- Sticky project navigation bar.
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- [118n] Now taiga plugins can be translatable.
- New Taiga plugins system.
- Now superadmins can send notifications (live announcement) to the user (through taiga-events).
- Statics folder hash to prevent cache problems when a new version is released.
- Implement websockets heartbeat messages system for taiga-events.
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- Ability to create single-line or multi-line custom fields. (thanks to @artlepool).
- Ability to date custom fields. (thanks to @artlepool).
- Add custom videoconference system.
- Make burndown chart collapsible at the backlog panel.
- Ability to choose a theme (thanks to @astagi).
- Inline viewing of image attachments (thanks to @brettp).
- Autocomplete for usernames, user stories, tasks, issues, and wiki pages in text areas (thanks to @brettp).
- Support authentication via Application Tokens.
- User onboarding: improve placeholders and add joyriders.
- i18n.
- Add italian (it) translation.
- Add polish (pl) translation.
- Add portuguese (Brazil) (pt_BR) translation.
- Add russian (ru) translation.
- Improve performance: Show cropped images in timelines.
- Caps lock warning in login and register form.
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- Menus
- New User menu
- New project menu design
- Home
- Change home page for logged users, show a user dashboard with
working on
- Change home page for logged users, show a user dashboard with
- Proyects privacity
- Enabled public projects
- Improve SEO, fix meta tags and added social meta tags
- About project detail
- New projects list design
- New project detail page design
- Add project timeline
- User profile
- Now, access to edit user settings is out of a project
- New User profile view
- Add activity timeline to user profiles
- With the activity of my contacts on mine
- With the activity of the user on others
- Add user contacts to user profile
- Add project list to user profile
- Backlog panel
- Improve the drag & drop behavior of USs in backlog panel
- Select multiple US with
in the backlog panel
- Global searches:
- Show the reference of entities in search results (thanks to @artlepool)
- Autofocus on search modal
- i18n.
- Add deutsch (de) translation.
- Add nederlands (nl) translation.
- Improve performance: remove some unnecessary calls to the api.
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- Make Taiga translatable (i18n support).
- i18n.
- Add spanish (es) translation.
- Add french (fr) translation.
- Add finish (fi) translation.
- Add catalan (ca) translation.
- Add traditional chinese (zh-Hant) translation.
- Add Jitsi to our supported videoconference apps list
- New contrib plugin for letschat (by Δndrea Stagi)
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- Added custom fields per project for user stories, tasks and issues.
- Add to the Admin Panel the export to CSV sections.
- Reorganized the Admin Panel.
- New contrib plugin for hipchat (by Δndrea Stagi)
- Plugin based authentication.
- Added Taiga Style Guide in support Pages to enhance open source design.
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- Taiga webhooks
- Created admin panel with webhook settings.
- Not showing closed milestones by default in backlog view.
- In kanban view an archived user story status doesn't show his content by default.
- Now you can export and import projects between Taiga instances.
- Improving performance.
- Email redesign.
- Support for contrib plugins (existing yet: slack, hall and gogs).
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- Gitlab integration:
- Create Admin Panel with the Gitlab webhooks settings.
- Bitbucket integration:
- Create Admin Panel with the Bitbucket webhooks settings.
- Added team members section.
- Exit a project feature.
- Taskboard enhancements: Collapse of columns (task statuses) and rows (user stories).
- Use enter to submit lightboxes forms.
- Improved concurrent edition to avoid double edition.
- Upgrade to AngularJS 1.3.
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- GitHub integration (Phase I):
- Add button to login/singin with a GitHub account.
- Create Admin Panel with the GitHub webhooks settings.
- Show/Hide columns in the Kanban view.
- Differentiate blocked user stories on a milestone.
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- US/Task/Issue visualization and edition refactor. Now only one view for both.
- Multiple User stories Drag & Drop in the backlog.
- Add visual difference to closed USs in backlog panel.
- Show created date of attachments in the hover of the filename.
- Show info about maximun size allowed for avatar and attachments files.
- Add beta ribbon.
- Support for custom text when inviting users.
- TAIGA loves Movember! The logo has a beautiful mustache this month.
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes.
- Promote an issue to a user story.
- Changed configuration format from coffeescript file to json.
- Add builtin analytics support.
- Fix bug related to stange behavior of browser autofill and angularjs on login page.
- Fix bug on userstories ordering on sprints.
- Fix bug of projects list visualization on project nav on first page loading.
- Redesign for taskboard and backlog summaries
- Allow feedback for users from the platform
- Real time changes for backlog, taskboard, kanban and issues
- Lots of small and not so small bugfixes