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Finantial Chat

For this project I choose to implement a React front-end that request two apis, ChatApi, that handles the users messages and providers authentication and StockConsultantBotApi, a decoulped api that handles the resquest about stock prices.

Authentication was implemented using Identity Framework from AspNetCore, using a Postgres database to persist.

All users messages are storage on MongoDb.

I couldn't make the RabbitMQ consumer on ChatApi, to get the messages sended by the Bot, but I could make StockConsultantBotApi send messages to RabbitMQ, if you are willing I want your feedback in how could I made that work.

Except for the RabbitMQ I could implement all the other features.

It was a very interesting project, I learned a lot and thank you guys very much for that oportunity.

This is the main screen of the application:

Chat Screen

How to use


  • Docker and Docker-Compose
  • It is faster if you run your Docker on Windows Subsystem Linux 2 or Linux

Front-end (React)

It is need to have installed Node, you can find the link here.

After Node is installed go to the finantial-chat-front folder, install the packages and start the application.

cd finantial-chat-front
npm install
npm start

Front-end is good to go and runs on localhost:3000.


It is need to have dotnet envoriment installed, you can find the link here.

After dotnet is installed, start the docker-compose used to message storage and users manager

cd FinantialChat
docker-compose up -d

This will start

  • Mongo Express: mongo dashboard, very useful to check data
    • access on: localhost:8081
  • MongoDb: our dabatase to store messages
  • Postgres: our database to manager users, using Identity

After docker is runnig go to the ChatApi folder, install all packages and run the application.

cd ChatApi
dotnet restore
dotnet dotnet ef database update
dotnet run

ChatAPI runs on localhost:44315


If the ChatAPI is up and running the StockConsultantBotApi is a lot more simple to execute.

So access FinantialChat/StockConsultantBot, install all packages and start running the application.

cd FinantialChat/StockConsultantBot
dotnet restore
dotnet run

StockConsultantBot runs on localhost:44316

Create User

To create a user check the postman collection that has the examples to Register and Authenticate a user.

Or you can send a request to:

POST http://localhost:44315/api/register
    "user": "username",
    "password": "test" 