Science Fetcher is a webapp able to fetch articles on the latest science news from Google News as a faster alternative to a Google search.
- Moved app deployment to
- Changed API call to correctly use GET instead of POST
- Changed internal scraping logic
- Updated some frontend scripting logic
- Updated HTML of some pages
- Changed toggler-icon border colors to be light
- Removed og:image tag
- Fixed formatting issue in changelog
- Added badge icons to topics
- Changed toggler icons for topics and about page contents navigation bars
- Improved articles: uses Bootstrap's media objects, image are on the left, and new spinner
- Improved footer: darker background, added icons, added technologies section, and removed navigation section
- Improved performance and security by adding noreferrer to external links
- Improved performance by preloading scripts and styles
- Improved contact page by centering text
- Improved about page's "How?" paragraphs
- Improved on-page anchors on about page in stylesheet
- Fixed bug allowing topics to be selected with keyboard focusing
- Fixed technology topic issue by using different link
- Fixed bug that caused inability to leave 404 page when using about and contact links
- Added warning badge for technology topic yielding less results than expected
- Changed contact and 404 card to not stretch to the entire page
- Changed alt attribute to not be empty on load
- Fixed exploit involving sending unwanted URLs to backend by adding escape code to URL and moving topic map to backend
- Added thumbnails to articles
- Added feature to prevent fetching while already fetching
- Changed topic selection to be a collapsible menu
- Changed article to be clickable
- Changed date to display time since posted
- Changed article list and header to not stretch to the entire page
- Changed about page navigation bar to not stretch to the entire page
- Improved webscraping code: RSS feed is no longer used, error handling, and storing data in objects
- Improved 404 page
- Improved error handling for missing data (connection error)
- Improved script: changed values for readability, cleaner display labels, and session storage improvement
- Fixed open graph title for home page
- Removed some obsolete styles in stylesheet
- Added sitemap link to footer on home page
- Added error handling for connection error and missing data
- Added more SEOs: removed X-Powered-By header and heading tag improvements
- Improved favicons with compressed images, site names, and theme colors
- Fixed security issue allowing access to all root files by allowing access to files only in public directory
- Redesigned entire site with Bootstrap 4
- Added 6 topics to choose from: general, space, tech, biology, computing, and physics
- Added date underneath article titles
- Added footer to home page
- Added and improved about page contents
- Added feature to fetch articles when page loads
- Added post request to backend for getting articles
- Added local storage for removing first visit guide
- Added session storage for remembering last selected button
- Added 404 page to backend instead of redirecting to home page
- Added more SEOs: favicons, social media, sitemap
- Improved script.js (no more bundled code)
- Improved fetching function to get articles from backend
- Improved style.css to work with Bootstrap
- Improved backend by serving compressed responses
- Changed favicon design
- Changed page titles
- Removed obsolete meta tags
- Added text stroke and shadows to headers
- Added gradient to site header
- Added underline to links when hovered over
- Added non-secure to secure redirect
- Added 404 to home page redirect
- Added canonical tags
- Added shadow for navigation bar
- Added feature to remove .html extension in URLs
- Added comment for bundled info about script.js
- Clicking button fetches 15 articles with links
- 3 pages: home, about (2 sections), and contact (mail to email)
- Navigation bar fixed to the bottom