M-01 Flawed handling of Sablier NFT cancellations in fjord staking allows indefinite reward accumulation on refunded assets
The Fjord Staking contract does not correctly process the cancellation of Sablier vesting NFTs, enabling users to indefinitely earn rewards on refunded assets from canceled streams. This occurs due to a silent revert in the unstaking process, caused by an incorrect call to FjordPoints.onUnstake
, allowing rewards to accumulate on funds that have already been refunded.
The stakeVested function in the Fjord Staking contract allows users to stake their Sablier vesting NFTs, which hold FJORD tokens, to earn rewards. When a stream is canceled, the onStreamCanceled
hook is supposed to handle the cancellation by unstaking the refunded assets to stream sender (the unstreamed amount). However, the current implementation always reverts silently due to an incorrect call to FjordPoints
within _unstakeVested
function onStreamCanceled(uint256 streamId, address sender, uint128 senderAmount, uint128
) external override onlySablier checkEpochRollover {
// --SNIP
uint256 amount = uint256(senderAmount) > nftData.amount ? nftData.amount : uint256(senderAmount);
>>> _unstakeVested(streamOwner, streamId, amount);
emit SablierCanceled(streamOwner, streamId, sender, amount);
After the onStreamCanceled
function handles necessary checks, it calls _unstakeVested
to unstake the amount of assets being refunded to the stream's sender and reduct that amount from the staked balance. The function _unstakeVested
calls points.onUnstaked
, which triggers an underflow revert due to an incorrect msg.sender
being passed, as shown below:
function _unstakeVested(address streamOwner, uint256 _streamID, uint256 amount) internal {
// --SNIP
>>> points.onUnstaked(msg.sender, amount); // @audit msg.sender corresdponds to Sablier contract
emit VestedUnstaked(streamOwner, epoch, amount, _streamID);
The msg.sender
refers to Sablier
and since the Sablier
contract does not have any stakes, the call reverts with UnstakingAmountExceedsStakedAmount
function onUnstaked(address user, uint256 amount) external onlyStaking checkDistribution updatePendingPoints(user) {
UserInfo storage userInfo = users[user];
if (amount > userInfo.stakedAmount) {
>>> revert UnstakingAmountExceedsStakedAmount();
// --SNIP
However, the transaction as a whole does not revert because the Sablier version used (v1.0.2) gracefully handles hook failures
function _cancel(uint256 streamId) internal override {
// --SNIP
// Interactions: if `msg.sender` is the sender and the recipient is a contract, try to invoke the cancel
// hook on the recipient without reverting if the hook is not implemented, and without bubbling up any
// potential revert.
if (msg.sender == sender) {
if (recipient.code.length > 0) {
try ISablierV2LockupRecipient(recipient).onStreamCanceled({
streamId: streamId,
sender: sender,
senderAmount: senderAmount,
recipientAmount: recipientAmount
>>> }) { } catch { }
// --SNIP
As a result, the stream's sender successfully cancels the stream and is refunded, while the staker (recipient) continues earning rewards for the refunded amount indefinitely because his stakes states were not updated.
The following test case demonstrates how canceling streams will always silently revert the unstaking process on the protocol. Copy and paste the following test case into test/unit/stakeVested.t.sol
function test_cancelStreamsNotHandledProperly() public {
// Setting up the contracts
FjordPoints fjordPoints = new FjordPoints();
fjordStaking = new FjordStaking(address(token), address(minter), address(SABLIER), address(this), address(fjordPoints));
token.approve(address(fjordStaking), 100 ether);
// Create the stream
uint amount = 1000 ether;
deal(address(token), address(this), amount);
token.approve(address(SABLIER), amount);
LockupLinear.CreateWithRange memory params;
params.sender = address(this);
params.recipient = alice;
params.totalAmount = uint128(amount);
params.asset = IERC20(address(token));
params.cancelable = true;
params.range = LockupLinear.Range({
start: uint40(vm.getBlockTimestamp()),
cliff: uint40(vm.getBlockTimestamp()),
end: uint40(vm.getBlockTimestamp() + 20 days)
params.broker = Broker(address(0), ud60x18(0));
uint streamID = SABLIER.createWithRange(params);
// Alice stakes her Sablier NFT
SABLIER.approve(address(fjordStaking), streamID);
// The stream is canceled on the same epoch Alice staked
// The sender will withdraw all the NFT amount since it is canceled just after creation
// 3 epochs are passed and rewards are added
_addRewardAndEpochRollover(10 ether, 3);
// Even tho the stream was canceled, alice will continue earning rewards
(,uint256 claimAmount) = fjordStaking.claimReceipts(address(alice));
assertEq(30 ether, claimAmount);
// Another 4 epochs passed and rewards are added
_addRewardAndEpochRollover(10 ether, 4);
// Complete claim request from last one
// Alice will keep earning more rewards
(, claimAmount) = fjordStaking.claimReceipts(address(alice));
assertEq(40 ether, claimAmount);
Note: The contracts were reinitialized at the start of the test case because FjordStakingBase
only mocks calls to the staking contract
To see the silent function revert trace, run the test with forge test -vvvv --mt test_cancelStreamsNotHandledProperly
[45799] FjordStaking::onStreamCanceled(1402, StakeVestedTest: [0x7FA9385bE102ac3EAc297483Dd6233D62b3e1496], 1000000000000000000000 [1e21], 0)
│ │ ├─ [24515] 0xB10daee1FCF62243aE27776D7a92D39dC8740f95::transferFrom(FjordStaking: [0xc7183455a4C133Ae270771860664b6B7ec320bB1], alice: [0x328809Bc894f92807417D2dAD6b7C998c1aFdac6], 1402)
│ │ │ ├─ emit Transfer(from: FjordStaking: [0xc7183455a4C133Ae270771860664b6B7ec320bB1], to: alice: [0x328809Bc894f92807417D2dAD6b7C998c1aFdac6], tokenId: 1402)
│ │ │ └─ ← ()
>>> │ │ ├─ [8365] FjordPoints::onUnstaked(0xB10daee1FCF62243aE27776D7a92D39dC8740f95, 1000000000000000000000 [1e21])
>>> │ │ │ └─ ← UnstakingAmountExceedsStakedAmount()
│ │ └─ ← UnstakingAmountExceedsStakedAmount()
│ ├─ emit CancelLockupStream(streamId: 1402, sender: StakeVestedTest: [0x7FA9385bE102ac3EAc297483Dd6233D62b3e1496], recipient: FjordStaking: [0xc7183455a4C133Ae270771860664b6B7ec320bB1], senderAmount: 1000000000000000000000 [1e21], recipientAmount: 0)
Canceled streams are not handled correctly, allowing stakers to indefinitely earn rewards on refunded assets of canceled Sablier NFTs
Manual Review
Modify the _unstakeVested
function to pass the streamOwner
to the points.onUnstake
instead of msg.sender
function _unstakeVested(address streamOwner, uint256 _streamID, uint256 amount) internal {
// --SNIP
- points.onUnstaked(msg.sender, amount);
+ points.onUnstaked(streamOwner, amount);
emit VestedUnstaked(streamOwner, epoch, amount, _streamID);
The FjordAuction
contract facilitates auctions where users bid using FjordPoints
to acquire auction tokens. If an auction concludes with no bids, the auction tokens are transferred to the owner:
function auctionEnd() external {
// --SNIP
ended = true;
emit AuctionEnded(totalBids, totalTokens);
if (totalBids == 0) {
>>> auctionToken.transfer(owner, totalTokens);
// --SNIP
In the code above, the tokens are transferred to the owner
. However, the issue is that the owner
is set to the FjordAuctionFactory
contract during deployment, as it is the one that creates the auction contracts. The problem is that the FjordAuctionFactory
contract, which receives the tokens, has no mechanism to utilize them because creating a new auction always requires transferring tokens from the factory's owner:
function createAuction(
address auctionToken,
uint256 biddingTime,
uint256 totalTokens,
bytes32 salt
) external onlyOwner {
address auctionAddress = address(
new FjordAuction{ salt: salt }(fjordPoints, auctionToken, biddingTime, totalTokens)
// Transfer the auction tokens from the msg.sender to the new auction contract
>>> IERC20(auctionToken).transferFrom(msg.sender, auctionAddress, totalTokens);
emit AuctionCreated(auctionAddress);
As a result, any auction tokens sent back to the factory contract after an auction ends with no bids become stuck and cannot be reused or recovered.
If an auction concludes with no bids, the auction tokens are permanently stuck in the FjordAuctionFactory
contract. This renders the tokens unusable.
Manual Review
Consider either transferring the auction tokens to the owner wallet instead of the factory, or utilize them in the createAuction
as suggested below:
function createAuction(
address auctionToken,
uint256 biddingTime,
uint256 totalTokens,
bytes32 salt
) external onlyOwner {
address auctionAddress = address(
new FjordAuction{ salt: salt }(fjordPoints, auctionToken, biddingTime, totalTokens)
// Transfer the auction tokens from the msg.sender to the new auction contract
+ uint factoryBalance = IERC20(auctionToken).balanceOf(address(this));
+ if( factoryBalance > 0) {
+ if (factoryBalance >= totalTokens) IERC20(auctionToken).transferFrom(address(this), auctionAddress, totalTokens);
+ else IERC20(auctionToken).transferFrom(msg.sender, auctionAddress, totalTokens - factoryBalance);
+ }else {
+ IERC20(auctionToken).transferFrom(msg.sender, auctionAddress, totalTokens);
+ }
- IERC20(auctionToken).transferFrom(msg.sender, auctionAddress, totalTokens);
emit AuctionCreated(auctionAddress);