In this project a Psoc 6 with a CY8CKIT-028-TFT shield is used to measure the accelerometer values. The data is send and received via UDP with a Beckhoff PLC server. The psoc who is shaken the hardest will win this game.
when the Psoc starts it will send 'A' to the server(or any device you want to connect to the Psoc). when both players are connected the start button can be pressed to start the game. The PLC will then send an 'S' to the Psocs and the psocs will start measuring how much they are being shaken.
The PLC then cyclically sends 'B' to the psoc and the psoc will send its current shake value back. When the PLC decides the winner it will send a 'L' to the loser psoc and a 'W' to the winning psoc and the visualization from the PLC will declare the winner. The button can then be pressed in order to start another game.
I have tried to display the Winner on the psoc screens themselves, but with GUI_init() and any form of delay, the program would stop working for some reason.
Player 1 sends to port 24042
Player 2 sends to port 24043
in Twincat:
change sLocalHost to the ip of the PLC.
optionally: the g_nShakeWin can be changed to set the ammout of shaking that has to has happend to declare the winner.
PS: g_nShake1 and g_nShake2 are the shake values of the Psocs. This can be used to control something like a LED array.
Change WIFI_SSID and WIFI_PASSWORD to the name and password of your wifi network in udp_client.h
Change UDP_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS to the ip of the PLC.
comment out one of the server ports to set the psoc as player one or two.
There always needs to be one player 1 and one player 2, otherwhise the Game will not work correctly.
The sensitivity of how big the accelerometer value needs to be in order to count as a "shake"
Lower value = higher sensitivity, higher value = lower sensitivity.
Github did not want to include the board in lib
so i added a zip of shake_psoc. Just remove the shake_psoc map and unzip the rar file.
The CY8CKIT-028-TFT shield claims to have a BMI160, but in my case the register adresses of the acceleration and gyroscope data where switched arround. Like the adresses of a BMI270.
For this i created a ifdef so in case other people do actually have the BMI160 sensor will be able to use this code.
if you have the BMI160 just comment out the #define bmi160SwitchAdresses 1
If your PLAYER 1/PLAYER 2 values are going up while the psoc is sitting still(you are not shaking it) then you likely do have the BMI160 and you need to comment or remove the #define bmi160SwitchAdresses 1
Since i only have 1 Psoc i used packetsender to send 100(player 2)