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Releases: Breina/ha-artnet-led

v0.1.2: DMX input

25 Feb 15:24
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  • Supports DMX Input when in node_type: artnet-controller mode.
    ** Known issue: output correction is not applied in reverse; HA will not correctly display the color/brightness when receiving such inputs.
    ** Known issue: Updating lots of light entities, many times per second, can bring Home Assistant to its knees.
  • Removed initial_value config option in favour of channel_setup

v0.1.1: E1.31 sACN, KiNET & ArtNetController

20 Feb 20:41
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Upgrade to PyArtNet library 1.0.1

Thanks to @spacemanspiff2007, we now get access to these awesome features!

  • Introduce node_type: You can use sacn, kinet, artnet-direct to choose how your node will communicate.
  • Introduce byte_order: Now, it's always been 'big', but if you notice that your multi-byte channels have been flickering during transitions, you may try to put this on 'small'
  • Better handling of threads


I've merged in the latest work on the new client. Setting node_type to artnet-controller, will activate this. It's tested to do everything that the old client did, in addition to:

  • Scanning the network for ArtNet nodes and controllers.
  • Be discovered by other controllers.
  • Send universe updates to all nodes/controllers that listen to that universe.

In the future, this is also going to enable

  • Receiving universe updates from other controllers
  • Sending arbitrary data to HA using different start codes
  • Sending ArtNet commands to HA: Can be anything, as long as it's within 512 bytes
  • Sending ArtNet triggers: ASCII inputs, macro's, key presses (?), scenes
  • Setting IP addresses of ArtNet nodes, if you really want

Lots of moving parts!

Have a look by enabling the debug logging:

    custom_components.ha-artnet-led: debug

v0.1.0-BETA2: E1.31 sACN, KiNET & ArtNetController

16 Feb 18:08
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Known issues

Upgrade to PyArtNet library 1.0.0

Thanks to @spacemanspiff2007, we now get access to these awseome features!

  • Introduce node_type: You can use sacn, kinet, artnet-direct to choose how your node will communicate.
  • Introduce byte_order: Now, it's always been 'big', but if you notice that your multi-byte channels have been flickering during transitions, you may try to put this on 'small'
  • Better handling of threads


I've merged in the latest work on the new client. Setting node_type to artnet-controller, will activate this. It's tested to do everything that the old client did, in addition to:

  • Scanning the network for ArtNet nodes and controllers.
  • Be discovered by other controllers.
  • Send universe updates to all nodes/controllers that listen to that universe.

In the future, this is also going to enable

  • Receiving universe updates from other controllers
  • Sending arbitrary data to HA using different start codes
  • Sending ArtNet commands to HA: Can be anything, as long as it's within 512 bytes
  • Sending ArtNet triggers: ASCII inputs, macro's, key presses (?), scenes
  • Setting IP addresses of ArtNet nodes, if you really want

Lots of moving parts!

Have a look by enabling the debug logging:

    custom_components.ha-artnet-led: debug

v0.1.0-BETA: E1.31 sACN, KiNET & ArtNetController

15 Feb 11:54
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BETA: Might be unstable

Upgrade to @spacemanspiff2007 PyArtNet library 1.0.0, introducing these new features

  • Introduce node_type: You can use sacn, kinet, artnet-direct to choose how your node will communicate.
  • Introduce byte_order: Now, it's always been 'big', but if you notice that your multi-byte channels have been flickering during transitions, you may try to put this on 'small'
  • Better handling of threads

Known issues

Also I've merged in the latest work on the new client. Setting node_type to artnet-controller, will activate this. Still requires a lot of testing, but here's what it enables:

  • Scanning the network for ArtNet nodes and controllers.
  • Be discovered by other controllers.
  • Send universe updates to all nodes/controllers that listen to that universe.

In the future, this is also going to enable

  • Receiving universe updates from other controllers
  • Sending arbitrary data to HA using different start codes
  • Sending ArtNet commands to HA: Can be anything, as long as it's within 512 bytes
  • Sending ArtNet triggers: ASCII inputs, macro's, key presses (?), scenes
  • Setting IP addresses of ArtNet nodes, if you really want


04 Jan 10:22
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Add the send_partial_universe option so enable sending the full universe, instead of only part of it. This resolves migration-from-jnimmo-issues for some users.


13 Nov 13:17
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Include #18: Add fixed values to the channel_setup, thanks @charliewolf !


11 Oct 07:58
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Clean up logging


10 Oct 15:34
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Fix #13

If you're upgrading from a version earlier than v0.0.4, this will cause it to create new entities for lights, leaving the old ones disabled. In such case, you upgrade to v0.0.9 first, then to v0.0.10. Alternatively, you can manually clean up your entities.


04 Oct 21:44
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Fix #14


24 Sep 17:19
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  • Fix divide by 0 when color values are 0
  • Fix edge case wherein unique_id's are possibly duped, preventing lights being created
  • Set brightness for new lights to max instead of 0