WARNING: This repository has been superceded by the BSNk software, available at https://wiki.bsn-koppelregister.nl/
ABSTRACT This repository contains two projects, the PP-Decrypt library and the PP-Decrypt example package. The goal of these project is to give an example of how the decryption of encrypted identifiers takes place in an polymorphic pseudonym environment.
ABOUT POLYMORPHIC PSEUDONYMISATION Polymorphic pseudonymisation is an encryption technology developed by Eric Verheul to ensure the privacy and security of users in an authentication system. This technology has been incorporated in the Dutch "EID" system. Polymorphic pseudonymisation is based on the El-Ghamal encryption system and split proof evidence. For more information on the El-Ghamal crypto system, please see: ... .
For more information on Polymorphic pseudonymisation pease see: http://www.cs.ru.nl/E.Verheul/papers/PP2/PEKScheme.pdf
INSTALL The library can be installed by compiling the code and adding the resulting JAR file to the JAVA_HOME build path. The example can be runned from the commandline by copiling the code and executing the following command:
Java "example.jar"
CONTRIBUTE You can contribute to this project by forking the repository at: ... and make your contribution to the fork, then open a pull request to initiate a discussion around the contribution.
LICENCE This software is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the EUPL 1.2 licence.
The software in this repository meets the requirement to be REUSE compliant, meaning its licence and copyright is expressed in such a way so that it can be read by both humans and computers alike
For more information, see https://reuse.software
ACTKNOWLEDGEMENTS Special thanks to:
- Logius (For publication of documentation)
- Jacob Middag
- Martijn Kooij
- Eric Verheul
- Ewald Wasscher
For making this repository possible.
CONTACT: Administration of the repo can be contacted via: bram.vanpelt@kpn.com
https://github.com/MartijnKooij/PolymorphicPseudonymisation (Dotnet implementation of this library)