Releases: BradCraftMC/BradCraft
BradCraft - Version 1.2 Alpha 2
Only for Java Edition 1.17+
This is an alpha version. Expect things to be unfinished, and likely some bugs.
1.17 download is in assets, below the changelog
1.16 download will not be available until full release
New build means epic new stuff.
I've got more things to share with you epic gamers. Version 1.2 is gonna be swag, can confirm.
Also new pack name, epic style
OptiFine will be required for maximum effect.
You can get OptiFine here
New Sounds
- Fall Dude sounds have been fully added now
- New Wither Skeleton sounds
OptiFine Additions
- Wither Skeleton is now Bender
- Wither is now King Bender
(not finished, and also looks kinda terrible, but will be done by full release) - Fall Dude remodel
- Green Fall Dude remodel
- Yellow Fall Dude remodel
New Textures
- Taco re-texture
- Taco Shell re-texture
Splash Text
Bradley Richards Pack - Version 1.2 Alpha 1 Fix
Only for Java Edition 1.17+
This is an alpha version. Expect things to be unfinished, and likely some bugs.
1.17 downloads are in assets, below the changelog
1.16 downloads will not be available until full release
Looks like I was dumbass. Accidentally put the added music in the wrong folder directory, so I'm pushing this fix so you can actually listen to some epic tunes.
Nothing much else to say. Expect alpha 2 pretty soon gamers.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the music
Bradley Richards Pack - Version 1.2 Alpha 1
Only for Java Edition 1.17+
This is an alpha version. Expect things to be unfinished, and likely some bugs.
1.17 downloads are in assets, below the changelog
1.16 downloads will not be available until full release
You gamers voted for it, so here it is. Bradley Richards Pack v1.2 Alpha 1. Includes everything announced from Showcase 1-3.
This is a bigger build as this is the first one for 1.2, and as you've seen we have A LOT that has already been changed/added. Expect the next ones to be way smaller in things newly added.
OptiFine will be required for maximum effect.
You can get OptiFine here
*not in non-loud version
^different sound in non-loud version
New Sounds
- Pufferfish now screams when you approach it
- Goats now have a chance to do a Brad scream* (1.17+ only)
- New eating sounds
- New regular damage sounds^
(the classic scream gets removed in the non-loud version with a quieter one) - New drinking sound
- New EXP level up sound^
- New freezing damage sounds (1.17+ only)
- Impostor now plays the Report Body sound from Among Us when it dies
- Fall Dude now has some ambient sounds from Fall Guys (not fully complete)
- Some Minecraft music have been replaced with iconic songs
OptiFine Additions
OptiFine is now implemented into Brad Pack! This means that if you wanna use any of these features listed here, you will need OptiFine. Link to download is here
- Creeper/Impostor has gotten a remodel
- Oak Boat is now an ice bath
Other Additions
- Rotten flesh is now Fall Dude Egg
- OptiFine is now required
Splash Text
- PewDiePie is king
- King Kjellberg
- You can be second to first, but Tater is always first.
- Make sure your extended family is suscribed
- Subscribe to Bradley Richards Vlogs.
- Subscribe to Bradley Richards Vlogs
- Suscribe to Bradley Richards Vlogs.
- Suscribe to Bradley Richards Vlogs
- Racism is cringe, unless it's against the British.
- British "people" are cringe
- Frick the British
- Have you ever seen a British person have normal teeth?
- Brad hates different types of skin
- Bender is too good at Minecraft PvP
- Being vegan is just as bad as being british
- Frick vegans
- Veganism cringe
- Being vegan is worse to animals than just eating meat.
- Gogy is epic
- The Vegan Teacher just wants attention
- Top shelf reveal at 20 million suscribers
- Social security number reveal at 20 billion suscribers
- Frick Lowes
- Lowes cringe
- Lowes is cringe, go to Home Depot instead.
- Lowes is cringe
- Credit to Tater for OptiFine models
- Tater SMP is the best SMP
- Skippy J is epic
- Music By launchpad is epic
- DavPianoMan is epic
- REAL noice potato is epic
- Bender is epic
- Bradley Richards is epic
- Envy Drop is epic, even if he rickrolls
- XD_fellow is epic
- Jess is epic
- Live. Laugh. Love.
- Live Laugh Love.
- Live Laugh Love
- "Live, Laugh, Love." -Jess
- Pill Boy is not epic
- Bored Face is epic
- BarberVillan is epic
- yeeterparker 69 is epic
- Ryan is epic
- Draconiac is epic. Don't mispronounce their name.
- Poop P#@*& S#%
- Down with the no no words.
- Down with the no-no words.
- Down with no-no words.
- Down with no no words.
- The N phrase is different from the N word
- Hypickle can't stop the power of PPS
- You can't stop PPS
- PPS will rise
- PPS is the best movement ever
Bradley Richards Pack Add-Ons - Panoramas
Only for Java Edition 1.17+
Here are some panorama add-on packs! Will be updating this release with more as they get released.
Check assets for them.
Bradley Richards Pack - Version 1.1
Only for Java Edition 1.16.2 - 1.16.5 (scroll down for 1.17 port)
Download here
Download non-loud version here
The most anticipated resource pack update out there. Brad Pack v1.1 adds so much to the point where we may not see any more updates until 1.17.
- Diamond armor has been changed to "Drip Suit" which is the clothes on Brad's skin
- Diamond helmet (Drip Hat) now has an item texture of Brad's iconic hat
- Creeper hissing sound is now Brad saying "I'm about to get sussy"
- Live Laugh Love painting added
(extremely pixelated due to Minecraft paintings being low quality) - New splash text added
(see bottom of changelog for the full list of splashes added) - New drowning damage and fire damage sounds
- Ender Dragon now sings Big Chungus when dying
(credit to Tater for giving me an EPIC sound file for this) - 2 new cave sounds have been added
- Survive The Fall music disc (stal) was changed to Friday Night Funkin - Week 1 Bopeebo
- Raining Tacos music disc (strad) was changed to Friday Night Funkin - Menu (Gettin' Freaky)
- Removed the HD/smooth/32x font
Splash Text
- I'm about to get sussy.
- Bradley Richards Pack is the best resource pack
- PewDiePie is epic.
- PewDiePie is swag.
- Tater is always first, regardless of anything.
- Tater is always first.
- Tater is always first
Bradley Richards Pack - Version 1.0
Only for Java Edition 1.16.2 - 1.16.5
Download here
- Creeper is now Impostor
- Zombie has changed to Fall Dude
- Drowned has changed to Green Fall Dude
- Husk has changed to Yellow Fall Dude
- Most of the Wolf sounds have been changed
- Burp sound has changed to Brad coughing*
- Damage sound has changed to Brad screaming*
- 2 paintings have been changed to various things
- Added new splash text
*Only in the main version. A separate version without these sounds is available here.
Private Ryan, Bender for some of the music disc songs
REAL noice potato (Tater) for making some sprite art for the potatoes