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Repository files navigation


BUG/FEATURE TRACKER/UI KIT We are aiming to eliminate or reduce human errors when inputing git commands by providing the commands ourselves


  • each project have one owner
  • each project have initially three branches called master, develop, and fix
  • each project will have feature branches preceded by feature- and then the name of the feature
  • each project will have fix branches preceded by fix- and then the name of the bug
  • the owner will create a feature/fix document by creating a markdown file
  • markdown files will be named as for the feature and for the fix
  • markdown files will only be included in the branch it belongs
  • feature documents should contain the feature description and specifics
  • fix documents should contain the description of the bug and detailed step by step on how to recreate it
  • the owner can have many contributors
  • each contributorsx can only work on one job at a time either a feature or a fix
  • the owner can also work on the feature/fix he has created

Creating a repository for a project

the owner himself will create the repository for the project with a file initialized

we can create a repository directly from the terminal if we have github API access using curl

$ curl -F 'login=username' -F 'token=API Token' -F name=reponame

initializing a new repo

$ touch 
&& git init 
&& git add
&& git commit -m "first commit" 
&& git remote add origin<reponame>.git 
&& git push -u origin master

The system will show the newly created project repository in the sidebar, Clicking on that repository The system will prompt you with a git command that will be used to create the develop and fix branch on that repository

sample git command

$ git clone 
&& cd CursorCola 
&& git checkout -b develop 
&& touch 
&& git add -A 
&& git commit -m “initial develop commit” 
&& git push origin develop 
&& git checkout master 
&& git checkout -b fix 
&& touch 
&& git add -A 
&& git commit -m “initial fix commit” 
&& git push origin fix 
&& git checkout master

Creating a feature/fix Branch

the owner should create a feature/fix branch in the system with a initialized

sample git command

$ git checkout -b feature-feature 
&& touch 
&& git add -A 
&& git commit -m “initial feature-feature commit” 
&& git push origin feature-feature 
&& git checkout master

Choosing a feature/fix task

the system will create a list of unassigned features/fix for the contributors to choose from. After the contributor chooses a feature/fix he will be given a git command by the system

feature branch

$ git checkout -b feature-feature 
&&  git pull origin feature-feature 

fix branch

$ git checkout -b fix-bug 
&& git pull origin fix-bug

The system updates any feature that has been taken and assign them with the contributor who chose that feature

For Review

a contributor will push to the branch that he's working and tells the system that it is for review, The system will notify the owner of the change and will be given a command to pull that feature from GitHub

feature branch

$ git checkout develop 
&& git checkout -b feature-feature 
&& git pull origin feature-feature

fix branch

$ git checkout fix 
&& git checkout -b fix-bug 
&& git pull origin fix-bug

After testing the feature/fix

the owner simply checks out back to master and tell the system that the feature/fix is good to go

feature branch

$ git checkout master 
&& git branch -D feature-feature

fix branch

$ git checkout master 
&& git branch -D fix-bug

Creating a pull request

When the owner has approved a feature/fix the system will notify the contributor to create a pull request from his working branch to develop/fix

$ rm -rf 
&& git add -A 
&& git push origin feature-feature 
&& git request-pull [-p] <start> <url> [<end>]

Accepting a pull request

the owner can accept the merge and the system will mark the feature-feature/fix-bug as done and deletes that branch

the system will provide a link to the pull request for now

Staying updated with master

All the contributors will be notified of the changes and will be asked to pull from the master branch to be updated

$ git pull origin master


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