- Akita, K., McLean, B., Park, J., & Thompson, A.L. (2024). Iconicity mediates semantic networks of sound symbolism. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 155, 2687–2697. 🧵Summary
- McLean, B., Dunn, M., & Dingemanse, M. (2023). Two measures are better than one: Combining iconicity ratings and guessing experiments for a more nuanced picture of iconicity in the lexicon. Language and Cognition, 1-24. doi:10.1017/langcog.2023.9. 🏆 Best PhD paper at SLE 2021 🧵Summary 📊 Slides
- McLean, B. (2021). Revising an implicational hierarchy for the meanings of ideophones, with special reference to Japonic. Linguistic Typology, 25(3), 507–549. ✨ Shiny App
- Smith, H. A., Giacon, J., & McLean, B. (2017). A community development approach using free online tools for language revival in Australia. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1–20.
- McLean, B., & Dingemanse, M. (in press). A multi-methods toolkit for documentary research on ideophones. In Williams, J.P. (Ed), Capturing Expressivity. Oxford University Press. Preprint at https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/3n85v.
- Akita, K., & McLean, B. (2021). Onsyootyoo-tikaku-no niti/ei-taisyoo: Imi-tizu-ni yoru kentoo [A contrastive study of Japanese and English speakers’ sound-symbolic perception: A semantic-map approach]. In K. Shinohara & R. Uno (Eds.), Zikken-ninti-gengogaku [Progress in experimental cognitive linguistics] (pp. 165–189). Hitsuji Shobo.
- McLean, B. (2022, August). Iconicity in language change. [Babel Linguistic Horizons] 🧵Summary
- McLean, B. (2022, August 22). What’s in a name? On the persistence of motivated form-meaning mappings in lexicons. ✨Invited plenary at Societas Linguistica Europaea 55, Bucharest, Romania.
- McLean, B. (2019, May 3 – 5). The diachronic stability of Japanese ideophones and the iconicity-systematicity relationship. Paper presented at the 12th International Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature, Lund, Sweden.
- McLean, B. (2019). One form, many meanings: Iconicity in phonological and semantic development. Honours thesis, Australian National University
- McLean, B.
. Python Package Index. Available at: https://pypi.org/project/icotools/
- McLean, B. (2019). A Multimedia Encyclopedia of Mundari Expressives
- McLean, B. (2018). Mundari Ideophones. PARADISEC (Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures)
- R Cheatsheet🌐
- Making and running experiments in R Shiny. Summary🧵. Slides 📊. Code 🧑💻.
- Report on Gamilaraay Demonstratives, work with John Giacon.
- Memrise for Indigenous Languages, work with Jane Simpson and the Papulu Apparr-kari Aboriginal Corporation. See also the 📒 handbook and 📊 poster. Example memrise courses include the Warumungu memrise course (now run by Randall Morrison), Warlmanpa picture course, and Gamilaraay word of the day (now run by John Giacon and Hilary Smith).
- A Learner's Guide to Wayilan, with Melissa Kirby.