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The following is a quick example on how to get started with a demo Lattice ice40 stick FPGA and a blinky led algorithm.

Install bmctl CLI

git clone
cd BMBuildkit 
go install ./cmd/bmctl

Build, tag and share your FPGA algorithms

N.B. you need an host with icepack, nextpnr and yosys installed on your host. In alternative you can try with the pre-built steps below.

bmctl build ./ -f BMFile -t <dockerhub USERNAME>/bmtest:built

(alternative) Upload a pre-built firmware

bmctl build ./ -f BMFile.localfirmware -t <dockerhub USERNAME>/bmtest:pre-built

Load the firmware on the board

N.B. you need an host with iceprog installed.

bmctl load <dockerhub USERNAME>/bmtest:pre-built lattice/ice40/yosys

Quick build with ice40 docker

docker run -e MODULE_NAME=blinky -e SYNTH_FILE=blinky.v -v $PWD/examples/blinky:/opt/source -ti dciangot/yosys bash