Hiring process analysis is a crucial function in understanding trends such as the number of rejections, interviews, job types, and vacancies to provide valuable insights for the hiring department. Here, we are going to handle the missing data, outliers and get a statistical summary of clean data to start the analysis. By using visualizations, the hiring department will have meaningful insights to improve its hiring process and make better hiring decisions in future.
They are 708 males more than females currently working in the company. Average salary offered is 49,879 while average salary for people working in the company is 49,593. Irrespective of Gender. Most people are hired for the company have middle range salaries. They are 779 employees with salary between 40100 - 50099. while the least number of hired people is for high salary range which is only 649 people with salary between 90100 – 100099. About 39% of hired candidates are for operations department. While the least hired candidates with 2% are for Human Resource department followed closely by general management department with 3% and finance department with 4%. c9 is the most hired position across all departments with 1240 candidates while n6, m6 are least hired with only 1, 2 candidates respectively.