____ _________________________ ________ ___________
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\ / | \ | | \\ \_\ \ | \ 2018 VERGE/XVG
\___/ /_______ / |____|_ / \______ //_______ /
\/ \/ \/ \/
- PoW (proof of work)
- Algorithms: scrypt, x17, Lyra2rev2, myr-groestl, & blake2s
- Blocktime: 30 seconds
- Total Supply: 16.5 Billion XVG
- No pre-mine
- No ICO
- Blockreward:
- Block 0 to 14,000 : 200,000 coins
- 14,000 to 28,000 : 100,000 coins
- 28,000 to 42,000: 50,000 coins
- 42,000 to 210,000: 25,000 coins
- 210,000 to 378,000: 12,500 coins
- 378,000 to 546,000: 6,250 coins
- 546,000 to 714,000: 3,125 coins
- 714,000 to 2,124,000: 1,560 coins
- 2,124,000 to 4,248,000: 730 coins
- RPC port:
- P2P port:
Binary (pre-compiled) wallets are available on all platforms at https://vergecurrency.com.
Note: Important! Only download pre-compiled wallets from the official Verge website or official Github repos.
Note: For a fresh wallet install you can reduce the blockchain syncing time by downloading a nightly snapshot and following the setup instructions.
Download the pre-compiled software.
In windows file explorer, open
(be sure to change XXX to your windows user) -
Right click and create a new file
Edit the file to have the following contents (be sure to change the password)
rpcuser=vergerpcusername rpcpassword=85CpSuCNvDcYsdQU8w621mkQqJAimSQwCSJL5dPT9wQX rpcport=20102 port=21102 daemon=1 algo=groestl
Save and close the file
Rename the file to
Start the VERGE-qt program.
Open up VERGE-qt console and run
) to verify settings.
Note: You must re-start the wallet after making changes to
Download the pre-compiled software.
Double click the DMG
Drag the Verge-Qt to your Applications folder
Install required
dependency via homebrewxcode-select --install ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" brew doctor brew install boost
Double click the Verge-Qt application to open it.
Go grab a ☕ while it syncs with the blockchain
Note: It may look like it is frozen or hung while it is indexing and syncing the blockchain. It's not. It's chugging away, but currently the UI doesn't give you a lot of feedback on status. We're working to fix that. Syncing takes a while to complete (ie. > 10 minutes or more) so just be patient.
Note: If you want to change your configuration the file is located at
~/Library/Application\ Support\VERGE\VERGE.conf
. This isn't required by default.
Download the pre-compiled software.
Unpack it. The wallet GUI is in
and the daemon in./verge/src
. -
Optional - the binaries to your favorite location. for use by all users, run the following commands:
sudo cp src/VERGEd /usr/bin/ sudo cp src/qt/VERGE-qt /usr/bin/
from wherever you put it. The output from this command will tell you that you need to make aVERGE.conf
file and will suggest some good starting values. -
Open up your new config file that was created in your home directory in your favorite text editor
nano ~/.VERGE/VERGE.conf
Paste the output from the
command into the VERGE.conf like this: (It is recommended to change the password to something unique.)rpcuser=vergerpcusername rpcpassword=85CpSuCNvDcYsdQU8w621mkQqJAimSQwCSJL5dPT9wQX rpcport=20102 port=21102 daemon=1 algo=groestl
Save the file and exit your editor. If using
typectrl + x
on your keyboard and they
and hitting enter. This should have created aVERGE.conf
file with what you just added. -
Start the Verge daemon again
Note: To check the status of how much of the blockchain has been downloaded (aka synced) type
./path/to/VERGEd getinfo
Note: If you see something like 'Killed (program cc1plus)' run
to see the error(s)/problems(s). This is most likely caused by running out of resources. You may need to add some RAM or add some swap space.
You can also check out this Linux Wallet Video Tutorial.
sudo rm -Rf ~/VERGE #(if you already have it)
sudo apt-get -y install git && cd ~ && git clone https://github.com/vergecurrency/VERGE && cd VERGE && sh go.sh
The slightly longer version:
Install the dependencies. Note: If you are on debian, you will also need to
apt-get install libcanberra-gtk-module
.sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install \ libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev build-essential \ libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config libssl-dev libevent-dev \ bsdmainutils git libboost-all-dev libminiupnpc-dev libqt5gui5 \ libqt5core5a libqt5dbus5 libevent-dev qttools5-dev \ qttools5-dev-tools libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libqrencode-dev \ libseccomp-dev libcap-dev
Clone the git repository and compile the daemon and gui wallet:
git clone https://github.com/vergecurrency/verge && cd verge && ./autogen.sh && ./configure && make
Note: If you get a "memory exhausted" error, make a swap file. (https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-add-swap-space-on-ubuntu-16-04)
Note: This has only been confirmed to work on OS X Sierra (10.12) and OS X High Sierra (10.13) with XCode 9.2 and
Apple LLVM version 9.0.0 (clang-900.0.39.2)
Ensure you have mysql and boost installed.
brew install mysql boost
Ensure you have python 2.7 installed and in your path (OS X comes with this by default)
python --version
Export the required environment variables
export VERGE_PLATFORM='mac' export CXX=clang++ export CC=clang
Run your build commands
./building/common.sh ./building/mac/requirements.sh ./building/mac/build.sh
Grab a ☕ and wait it out
Create the
TODO. Take a look as building/windows.
Check out the contrib/readme
for more information.
Instead of joining a mining pool you can use the wallet to mine all by yourself. You need to specify the algorithm (see below) and set the "gen" flag. For instance, in the configuration specify gen=1
To use a specific mining algorithm use the algo
switch in your configuration file (.conf
file) or from the command line (like this --algo=x17
). Here are the possible values:
We believe in keeping Verge free and open. Any donations to help fuel the development effort are greatly appreciated! 😄
- Address for donations in Verge (XVG):
- Address for donations in Bitcoin (BTC):
Special thanks to the following people that have helped make Verge possible. 🙌
Sunerok, CryptoRekt, MKinney, BearSylla, Hypermist, Pallas1, FuzzBawls, BuZz, glodfinch, InfernoMan, AhmedBodi, BitSpill, MentalCollatz, ekryski and the entire #VERGE community!