Disclaimer: This application is currently in Alpha (as of Nov 16, 2020) and is not ready for production. Please use at your own risk as things will change almost daily.
- Our team is developing an interactive map that identifies potential instances of police use of force across the United States of America for Human Rights First, an independent advocacy and action organization. We are also developing additional graphics to track and display police use of force trends.
- An application that takes information from data provided by the data science team collecting relevant incidents and data from Twitter, Reddit, and police agencies to display it on the map.
- This app will display various incidents of police use of force on a map that can be filtered by type of force and location with zipcodes and states.
- a dynamic navigation bar with tabs displaying either the Map, the Graph, or the About page as well as a popup with the Filter form
- Sign in/Sign out options
(not functional)
- Graph:
- timelime view of number of incidents over the course of a year (data dates range)
- ability to filter out data by type of force used
- Filter
(currently applying just for the map)
:- date range implemented
(not functional)
- reset filters
(not functional)
- select state dropdown or search state by typing(selected state can be removed with one click on the x button on the right afterwards): zooms onto the selected state
- search by zip-code (looked up zipcode can be removed with the x button on the right of it afterwards): zooms onto a zipcode location
- filter incidents by type of force
- filter incidents by type of source like Twitter, Reddit, etc
(not functional)
- date range implemented
- Map:
- graphic content warning screen
- Control panel:
- ability to navigate and zoom on to user's location
- zoom in/out the map
- reset bearing to north
- dynamic Hide/Show Map Options menu:
- enable/disable zooming on the map with mouse scroll wheel
- enable/disable fast travel states: turns on a hover option for each screen and zooms onto the highlighted state when clicked
- reset map view to the original view
Mapbox access tokens (checkhttps://docs.mapbox.com/help/how-mapbox-works/access-tokens/
the token can be found on the previous team's deployment info page or recreated on mapbox studio
- Loading Page
- NavBar
- Filter Form
- Map
- Graph
- About
- https://docs.mapbox.com :
- using mapboxgl approach
Chase Goldfeld - Team Project Lead
Kory Hacker - Front End Engineer
Brandon Neil - Front End Engineer
Jason Fadelli - Front End Engineer
Alexander Goncalves - Front End Engineer
Hira Khan - Team Project Lead
Cedric Winbush - Team Project Lead
Virginia Davenport - Back End Engineer
Juan Rivera - Back End Engineer
Barbara Moore - Front End Engineer
Blayze Stone - Front End Engineer
Marta Krawczyk - Front End Engineer
David Cruz - Data Science Engineer
Johann Augustine - Data Science Engineer
Please refer to the highlited parentheses statements throughout this ReadMe for better understanding
- successful connection between Back End and Data Science teams
- successful connection between Back End and Front End teams
- Register/Login functionality added (currenly not functional)
- ability to reset filters
- ability to apply and filter by date range
- ability to filter by source type
- prevent map refresh/reload when filtering data by incident type:
- instead of state or global variables for the filter function, more research can be done on filtering layers inside of map.addLayer() functions using filter functions mapbox has
- setting filters is also an options: https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/map/#map#setfilter
- make filter for functional with the Graph
- add more options to the Graph like filtering by state or zipcode or displaying data based off of date range