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Blobscan infra

This repository contains Infrastructure as Code (IaC) resources to deploy and provision Blobscan.

Uses among other ansible requirements.


  • Terraform for managing infra
  • Ansible for provisioning
  • Grafana Agent for monitoring

Install dependencies



wget -O- | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hashicorp.list
sudo apt update && sudo apt install terraform


sudo apt install ansible

Ansible Playbooks

The following playbooks are provided:

  • blobscan.yml
  • ethereum-node.yml
  • swarm.yml

These are used to provision Blobscan instances, and Ethereum and Swarm nodes.

Provision Ethereum node

cd terraform/ethereum_node
terraform workspace new ethereum-holesky
terraform -var="network=holesky" apply

cd ../../ansible

# 1. add host to ssh-config
# 2. add host to hosts.yml
# 3. in case of a new network, add environments/${network}/

ansible-playbook ethereum-node.yml -i hosts.yml -l ethereum-holesky

Provision Ethereum Swarm node

add host to $HOME/.ssh/config

Host blobscan-swarm
Hostname <SERVER-IP>
Port 22
User root
LocalForward 1633 localhost:1633
LocalForward 1635 localhost:1635

Then install requirements

asdf install
ansible-galaxy install ethersphere.bee
ansible-galaxy collection install grafana.grafana

Edit the hosts file.

And run ansible

cd ansible
ansible-playbook swarm.yml -i hosts.yml -l swarm

Provisioning blobscan

We are going to setup blobscan from scratch, first creating the infrastructure and then provisioning and configuring blobscan on it.

In this case we are setting up a blobscan instance for Goerli Testnet (network="goerli") in production (env="prod").

cd terraform

# adjust your values in terraform.tfvars
cp terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars

# the workspace name will be the instance name too
terraform workspace new blobscan-goerli-prod
export TF_VAR_env=prod
export TF_VAR_network=goerli
terraform plan
terraform apply

Expected output:

google_compute_address.static: Creating...
google_compute_address.static: Creation complete after 3s [id=projects/blobscan-379218/regions/us-central1/addresses/ipv4-address]
google_compute_instance.instance_with_ip: Creating...
google_compute_instance.instance_with_ip: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
google_compute_instance.instance_with_ip: Creation complete after 17s [id=projects/blobscan-379218/zones/us-central1-a/instances/blobscan-staging]

Apply complete! Resources: 2 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


db_host = ""
db_port = 25060
domain_api = ""
domain_web = ""
ip = ""
vm_private_ip = ""

Write down the IP and add it to your ssh config:

Host blobscan-goerli-prod

Log in to Digital Ocean Databases and write down the postgres credentials. Then, create a vault file like ansible/environments/prod/group_vars/vault_goerli.yml (or use it as template) and edit vault_database_url. Enter the vm_private_ip output into environments/goerli/group_vars/all and modify accordingly.

Lastly, provision everything using Ansible:

cd ansible
ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml blobscan.yml -l staging

Note: currently, you must log into your instance and start the docker compose services by yourself.