diff --git a/AmongUsMenu.vcxproj b/AmongUsMenu.vcxproj index 61e2edc8..ce3f2fdf 100644 --- a/AmongUsMenu.vcxproj +++ b/AmongUsMenu.vcxproj @@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ + diff --git a/AmongUsMenu.vcxproj.filters b/AmongUsMenu.vcxproj.filters index fbfb7304..94ee1e9f 100644 --- a/AmongUsMenu.vcxproj.filters +++ b/AmongUsMenu.vcxproj.filters @@ -313,6 +313,9 @@ rpc + + hooks + diff --git a/NatvisFile.natvis b/NatvisFile.natvis index ca85c6f7..5aac2dc5 100644 --- a/NatvisFile.natvis +++ b/NatvisFile.natvis @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ - + diff --git a/appdata/il2cpp-functions.h b/appdata/il2cpp-functions.h index 42ccdef4..6575a2e1 100644 --- a/appdata/il2cpp-functions.h +++ b/appdata/il2cpp-functions.h @@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ DO_APP_FUNC(void, PlayerControl_RpcSyncSettings, (PlayerControl* __this, Byte__A DO_APP_FUNC(void, PlayerControl_RpcPlayAnimation, (PlayerControl* __this, uint8_t animType, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void PlayerControl::RpcPlayAnimation(System.Byte)"); DO_APP_FUNC(void, PlayerControl_CmdReportDeadBody, (PlayerControl* __this, GameData_PlayerInfo* target, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void PlayerControl::CmdReportDeadBody(GameData.PlayerInfo)"); DO_APP_FUNC(void, PlayerControl_CmdCheckMurder, (PlayerControl* __this, PlayerControl* target, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void PlayerControl::CmdCheckMurder(PlayerControl)"); -DO_APP_FUNC(void, PlayerControl_MurderPlayer, (PlayerControl* __this, PlayerControl* target, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void PlayerControl::MurderPlayer(PlayerControl)"); -DO_APP_FUNC(void, PlayerControl_RpcMurderPlayer, (PlayerControl* __this, PlayerControl* target, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void PlayerControl::RpcMurderPlayer(PlayerControl)"); +DO_APP_FUNC(void, PlayerControl_MurderPlayer, (PlayerControl* __this, PlayerControl* target, MurderResultFlags__Enum resultFlags, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void PlayerControl::MurderPlayer(PlayerControl, MurderResultFlags)"); +DO_APP_FUNC(void, PlayerControl_RpcMurderPlayer, (PlayerControl* __this, PlayerControl* target, bool didSucceed, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void PlayerControl::RpcMurderPlayer(PlayerControl, System.Boolean)"); DO_APP_FUNC(void, PlayerControl_ReportDeadBody, (PlayerControl* __this, GameData_PlayerInfo* target, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void PlayerControl::ReportDeadBody(GameData.PlayerInfo)"); DO_APP_FUNC(void, PlayerControl_StartMeeting, (PlayerControl* __this, GameData_PlayerInfo* target, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void PlayerControl::StartMeeting(GameData.PlayerInfo)"); DO_APP_FUNC(void, PlayerControl_RpcSetRole, (PlayerControl* __this, RoleTypes__Enum roleType, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void PlayerControl::RpcSetRole(AmongUs.GameOptions.RoleTypes)"); @@ -117,8 +117,7 @@ DO_APP_FUNC(void, PolusShipStatus_OnEnable, (PolusShipStatus* __this, MethodInfo DO_APP_FUNC(float, ShipStatus_CalculateLightRadius, (ShipStatus* __this, GameData_PlayerInfo* player, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Single ShipStatus::CalculateLightRadius(GameData.PlayerInfo)"); DO_APP_FUNC(void, ShipStatus_OnEnable, (ShipStatus* __this, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void ShipStatus::OnEnable()"); DO_APP_FUNC(void, ShipStatus_RpcCloseDoorsOfType, (ShipStatus* __this, SystemTypes__Enum type, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void ShipStatus::RpcCloseDoorsOfType(SystemTypes)"); -DO_APP_FUNC(void, ShipStatus_RpcRepairSystem, (ShipStatus* __this, SystemTypes__Enum systemType, int32_t amount, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void ShipStatus::RpcRepairSystem(SystemTypes, System.Int32)"); -DO_APP_FUNC(void, ShipStatus_RepairSystem, (ShipStatus* __this, SystemTypes__Enum systemType, PlayerControl* player, uint8_t amount, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void ShipStatus::RepairSystem(SystemTypes, PlayerControl, System.Byte)"); +DO_APP_FUNC(void, ShipStatus_RpcUpdateSystem, (ShipStatus* __this, SystemTypes__Enum systemType, uint8_t amount, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void ShipStatus::RpcUpdateSystem(SystemTypes, System.Byte)"); DO_APP_FUNC(float, StatsManager_get_BanPoints, (StatsManager* __this, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Single StatsManager::get_BanPoints()"); DO_APP_FUNC(int32_t, StatsManager_get_BanMinutesLeft, (StatsManager* __this, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Int32 StatsManager::get_BanMinutesLeft()"); @@ -127,7 +126,7 @@ DO_APP_FUNC(bool, StatsManager_get_AmBanned, (StatsManager* __this, MethodInfo* DO_APP_FUNC(float, Vent_CanUse, (Vent* __this, GameData_PlayerInfo* player, bool* canUse, bool* couldUse, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Single Vent::CanUse(GameData.PlayerInfo, System.Boolean&, System.Boolean&)"); DO_APP_FUNC(float, Vent_get_UsableDistance, (Vent* __this, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Single Vent::get_UsableDistance()"); DO_APP_FUNC(void, Vent_EnterVent, (Vent* __this, PlayerControl* pc, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void Vent::EnterVent(PlayerControl)"); -DO_APP_FUNC(void, Vent_ExitVent, (Vent* __this, PlayerControl* pc, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void Vent::ExitVent(PlayerControl)"); +DO_APP_FUNC(void*, Vent_ExitVent, (Vent* __this, PlayerControl* pc, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Collections.IEnumerator Vent::ExitVent(PlayerControl)"); DO_APP_FUNC(void, HudManager_Update, (HudManager* __this, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void HudManager::Update()"); DO_APP_FUNC(void, HudManager_SetHudActive, (HudManager* __this, bool isActive, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void HudManager::SetHudActive(System.Boolean)"); @@ -146,7 +145,7 @@ DO_APP_FUNC(void, InnerNetClient_FinishRpcImmediately, (InnerNetClient* __this, DO_APP_FUNC(void, MessageExtensions_WriteNetObject, (MessageWriter* self, InnerNetObject* obj, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void InnerNet.MessageExtensions::WriteNetObject(Hazel.MessageWriter, InnerNet.InnerNetObject)"); -DO_APP_FUNC(bool, Constants_ShouldFlipSkeld, (MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Boolean Constants::ShouldFlipSkeld()"); +//DO_APP_FUNC(bool, Constants_ShouldFlipSkeld, (MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Boolean Constants::ShouldFlipSkeld()"); DO_APP_FUNC(void, LobbyBehaviour_Start, (LobbyBehaviour* __this, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void LobbyBehaviour::Start()"); @@ -205,7 +204,7 @@ DO_APP_FUNC(void, InnerNetClient_DisconnectInternal, (InnerNetClient* __this, Di DO_APP_FUNC(void, PlayerPhysics_FixedUpdate, (PlayerPhysics* __this, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void PlayerPhysics::FixedUpdate()"); -DO_APP_FUNC(void, PlayerControl_TurnOnProtection, (PlayerControl* __this, bool visible, int32_t colorId, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void PlayerControl::TurnOnProtection(System.Boolean, System.Int32)"); +DO_APP_FUNC(void, PlayerControl_TurnOnProtection, (PlayerControl* __this, bool visible, int32_t colorId, int32_t guardianPlayerId, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void PlayerControl::TurnOnProtection(System.Boolean, System.Int32, System.Int32)"); DO_APP_FUNC(void, PlayerControl_RemoveProtection, (PlayerControl* __this, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void PlayerControl::RemoveProtection()"); DO_APP_FUNC(bool, Object_1_op_Implicit, (Object_1* exists, MethodInfo* method), "UnityEngine.CoreModule, System.Boolean UnityEngine.Object::op_Implicit(UnityEngine.Object)"); @@ -213,7 +212,7 @@ DO_APP_FUNC(void, PlayerControl_ShowFailedMurder, (PlayerControl* __this, Method DO_APP_FUNC(bool, PlayerControl_get_IsKillTimerEnabled, (PlayerControl* __this, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Boolean PlayerControl::get_IsKillTimerEnabled()"); DO_APP_FUNC(void, ExileController_ReEnableGameplay, (ExileController* __this, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void ExileController::ReEnableGameplay()"); -DO_APP_FUNC(void, SabotageSystemType_ForceSabTime, (SabotageSystemType* __this, float t, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void SabotageSystemType::ForceSabTime(System.Single)"); +DO_APP_FUNC(void, SabotageSystemType_SetInitialSabotageCooldown, (SabotageSystemType* __this, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void SabotageSystemType::SetInitialSabotageCooldown()"); DO_APP_FUNC(PlayerControl*, GameData_PlayerInfo_get_Object, (GameData_PlayerInfo* __this, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, PlayerControl GameData+PlayerInfo::get_Object()"); DO_APP_FUNC(GameData_PlayerOutfit*, GameData_PlayerInfo_get_DefaultOutfit, (GameData_PlayerInfo* __this, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, GameData.PlayerOutfit GameData+PlayerInfo::get_DefaultOutfit()"); @@ -227,7 +226,7 @@ DO_APP_FUNC(void, AchievementManager_1_UnlockAchievement, (AchievementManager_1* // 2022.10.25s DO_APP_FUNC(PlayerData*, DataManager_get_Player, (MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, AmongUs.Data.Player.PlayerData AmongUs.Data.DataManager::get_Player()"); -DO_APP_FUNC(String*, PlayerCustomizationData_get_Name, (PlayerCustomizationData* __this, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.String AmongUs.Data.Player.PlayerCustomizationData::get_Name()"); +//DO_APP_FUNC(String*, PlayerCustomizationData_get_Name, (PlayerCustomizationData* __this, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.String AmongUs.Data.Player.PlayerCustomizationData::get_Name()"); DO_APP_FUNC(void, PlayerCustomizationData_set_Name, (PlayerCustomizationData* __this, String* value, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void AmongUs.Data.Player.PlayerCustomizationData::set_Name(System.String)"); DO_APP_FUNC(bool, PlayerPurchasesData_GetPurchase, (PlayerPurchasesData* __this, String* itemKey, String* bundleKey, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Boolean PlayerPurchasesData::GetPurchase(System.String, System.String)"); DO_APP_FUNC(SettingsData*, DataManager_get_Settings, (MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, AmongUs.Data.Settings.SettingsData AmongUs.Data.DataManager::get_Settings()"); @@ -240,4 +239,9 @@ DO_APP_FUNC(bool, GameOptionsManager_get_HasOptions, (GameOptionsManager* __this DO_APP_FUNC(IGameOptions*, GameOptionsManager_get_CurrentGameOptions, (GameOptionsManager* __this, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, AmongUs.GameOptions.IGameOptions GameOptionsManager::get_CurrentGameOptions()"); DO_APP_FUNC(void, GameOptionsManager_set_CurrentGameOptions, (GameOptionsManager* __this, IGameOptions* value, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void GameOptionsManager::set_CurrentGameOptions(AmongUs.GameOptions.IGameOptions)"); DO_APP_FUNC(GameManager*, GameManager_get_Instance, (MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, GameManager GameManager::get_Instance()"); -DO_APP_FUNC(LogicOptions*, GameManager_get_LogicOptions, (GameManager* __this, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, LogicOptions GameManager::get_LogicOptions()"); \ No newline at end of file +DO_APP_FUNC(LogicOptions*, GameManager_get_LogicOptions, (GameManager* __this, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, LogicOptions GameManager::get_LogicOptions()"); + +// 2023.10.24e +DO_APP_FUNC(void, FungleShipStatus_OnEnable, (FungleShipStatus* __this, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void FungleShipStatus::OnEnable()"); +DO_APP_FUNC(void, MushroomWallDoor_SetDoorway, (MushroomWallDoor* __this, bool open, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void MushroomWallDoor::SetDoorway(System.Boolean)"); +DO_APP_FUNC(void, MushroomDoorSabotageMinigame_Begin, (MushroomDoorSabotageMinigame* __this, PlayerTask* task, MethodInfo* method), "Assembly-CSharp, System.Void MushroomDoorSabotageMinigame::Begin(PlayerTask)"); diff --git a/appdata/il2cpp-types.h b/appdata/il2cpp-types.h index aecd9a48..3456acf2 100644 --- a/appdata/il2cpp-types.h +++ b/appdata/il2cpp-types.h @@ -4378,19 +4378,43 @@ namespace app #pragma region PlayerOutfitType__Enum #if defined(_CPLUSPLUS_) - enum class PlayerOutfitType__Enum : int32_t - { + enum class PlayerOutfitType__Enum : int32_t { Default = 0x00000000, Shapeshifted = 0x00000001, + HorseWrangler = 0x00000002, + MushroomMixup = 0x00000003, }; #else - enum PlayerOutfitType__Enum - { + enum PlayerOutfitType__Enum { PlayerOutfitType__Enum_Default = 0x00000000, PlayerOutfitType__Enum_Shapeshifted = 0x00000001, + PlayerOutfitType__Enum_HorseWrangler = 0x00000002, + PlayerOutfitType__Enum_MushroomMixup = 0x00000003, + }; + +#endif +#pragma endregion + +#pragma region MurderResultFlags__Enum +#if defined(_CPLUSPLUS_) + enum class MurderResultFlags__Enum : int32_t { + NULL_1 = 0x00000000, + Succeeded = 0x00000001, + FailedError = 0x00000002, + FailedProtected = 0x00000004, + DecisionByHost = 0x00000008, }; +#else + enum MurderResultFlags__Enum { + MurderResultFlags__Enum_NULL_1 = 0x00000000, + MurderResultFlags__Enum_Succeeded = 0x00000001, + MurderResultFlags__Enum_FailedError = 0x00000002, + MurderResultFlags__Enum_FailedProtected = 0x00000004, + MurderResultFlags__Enum_DecisionByHost = 0x00000008, +}; + #endif #pragma endregion @@ -4605,32 +4629,28 @@ namespace app }; #pragma endregion -#pragma region PlainDoor__Array - struct PlainDoor__Array - { - struct PlainDoor__Array__Class* klass; - void* monitor; +#pragma region OpenableDoor__Array + struct OpenableDoor__Array { + struct OpenableDoor__Array__Class* klass; + MonitorData* monitor; Il2CppArrayBounds* bounds; il2cpp_array_size_t max_length; - struct PlainDoor* vector[32]; + struct OpenableDoor* vector[32]; }; - struct PlainDoor__Array__VTable - { + struct OpenableDoor__Array__VTable { }; - struct PlainDoor__Array__StaticFields - { + struct OpenableDoor__Array__StaticFields { }; - struct PlainDoor__Array__Class - { + struct OpenableDoor__Array__Class { Il2CppClass_0 _0; Il2CppRuntimeInterfaceOffsetPair* interfaceOffsets; - struct PlainDoor__Array__StaticFields* static_fields; + struct OpenableDoor__Array__StaticFields* static_fields; const Il2CppRGCTXData* rgctx_data; Il2CppClass_1 _1; - struct PlainDoor__Array__VTable vtable; + struct OpenableDoor__Array__VTable vtable; }; #pragma endregion @@ -4662,6 +4682,7 @@ namespace app bool voteComplete; bool resultsShowing; void* PlayerIcon; + int32_t _MaskLayer_k__BackingField; }; struct PlayerVoteArea { @@ -4773,6 +4794,17 @@ namespace app MainHall = 0x2d, Medical = 0x2e, Decontamination3 = 0x2f, + Zipline = 0x30, + MiningPit = 0x31, + FishingDock = 0x32, + RecRoom = 0x33, + Lookout = 0x34, + Beach = 0x35, + Highlands = 0x36, + Jungle = 0x37, + SleepingQuarters = 0x38, + MushroomMixupSabotage = 0x39, + HeliSabotage = 0x3a, }; #else @@ -4825,6 +4857,17 @@ namespace app SystemTypes__Enum_MainHall = 0x2d, SystemTypes__Enum_Medical = 0x2e, SystemTypes__Enum_Decontamination3 = 0x2f, + SystemTypes__Enum_Zipline = 0x30, + SystemTypes__Enum_MiningPit = 0x31, + SystemTypes__Enum_FishingDock = 0x32, + SystemTypes__Enum_RecRoom = 0x33, + SystemTypes__Enum_Lookout = 0x34, + SystemTypes__Enum_Beach = 0x35, + SystemTypes__Enum_Highlands = 0x36, + SystemTypes__Enum_Jungle = 0x37, + SystemTypes__Enum_SleepingQuarters = 0x38, + SystemTypes__Enum_MushroomMixupSabotage = 0x39, + SystemTypes__Enum_HeliSabotage = 0x3a, }; #endif @@ -4908,6 +4951,7 @@ namespace app Ship = 0x00000000, Hq = 0x00000001, Pb = 0x00000002, + Fungle = 0x00000003, }; #else @@ -4916,6 +4960,7 @@ namespace app ShipStatus_MapType__Enum_Ship = 0x00000000, ShipStatus_MapType__Enum_Hq = 0x00000001, ShipStatus_MapType__Enum_Pb = 0x00000002, + ShipStatus_MapType__Enum_Fungle = 0x00000003, }; #endif @@ -4931,6 +4976,7 @@ namespace app void* EmergencyOverlay; void* ReportOverlay; void* MeetingBackground; + void* BrokenEmergencyButton; void* EmergencyButton; struct Vector2 InitialSpawnCenter; struct Vector2 MeetingSpawnCenter; @@ -4938,12 +4984,13 @@ namespace app float SpawnRadius; void* CommonTasks; void* LongTasks; - void* NormalTasks; + void* ShortTasks; struct PlayerTask__Array* SpecialTasks; void* DummyLocations; void* AllCameras; - struct PlainDoor__Array* AllDoors; + struct OpenableDoor__Array* AllDoors; void* AllConsoles; + void* Ladders; struct Dictionary_2_SystemTypes_ISystemType_* Systems; void* SystemNames; void* ExtraTaskNames; @@ -4956,6 +5003,7 @@ namespace app void* WeaponsImage; void* VentMoveSounds; void* VentEnterSound; + void* VentExitSound; void* HatchActive; void* Hatch; void* HatchParticles; @@ -4984,8 +5032,7 @@ namespace app struct ShipStatus__Fields fields; }; - struct ShipStatus__VTable - { + struct ShipStatus__VTable { VirtualInvokeData Equals; VirtualInvokeData Finalize; VirtualInvokeData GetHashCode; @@ -4998,21 +5045,20 @@ namespace app VirtualInvokeData Serialize; VirtualInvokeData Deserialize; VirtualInvokeData OnEnable; - VirtualInvokeData RepairGameOverSystems; + VirtualInvokeData RepairCriticalSabotages; VirtualInvokeData Start; VirtualInvokeData SpawnPlayer; VirtualInvokeData OnMeetingCalled; + VirtualInvokeData StartSFX; VirtualInvokeData PrespawnStep; VirtualInvokeData CalculateLightRadius; }; - struct ShipStatus__StaticFields - { + struct ShipStatus__StaticFields { struct ShipStatus* Instance; }; - struct ShipStatus__Class - { + struct ShipStatus__Class { Il2CppClass_0 _0; Il2CppRuntimeInterfaceOffsetPair* interfaceOffsets; struct ShipStatus__StaticFields* static_fields; @@ -5024,2669 +5070,12 @@ namespace app #pragma region StringNames__Enum -#if defined(_CPLUSPLUS_) - enum class StringNames__Enum : int32_t { - None = 0x00000000, - BackButton = 0x00000001, - AvailableGamesLabel = 0x00000002, - CreateGameButton = 0x00000003, - FindGameButton = 0x00000004, - EnterCode = 0x00000005, - GhostIgnoreTasks = 0x00000006, - GhostDoTasks = 0x00000007, - GhostImpostor = 0x00000008, - ImpostorTask = 0x00000009, - FakeTasks = 0x0000000a, - TaskComplete = 0x0000000b, - ExileTextSP = 0x0000000c, - ExileTextSN = 0x0000000d, - ExileTextPP = 0x0000000e, - ExileTextPN = 0x0000000f, - NoExileSkip = 0x00000010, - NoExileTie = 0x00000011, - ImpostorsRemainS = 0x00000012, - ImpostorsRemainP = 0x00000013, - Hallway = 0x00000014, - Storage = 0x00000015, - Cafeteria = 0x00000016, - Reactor = 0x00000017, - UpperEngine = 0x00000018, - Nav = 0x00000019, - Admin = 0x0000001a, - Electrical = 0x0000001b, - LifeSupp = 0x0000001c, - Shields = 0x0000001d, - MedBay = 0x0000001e, - Security = 0x0000001f, - Weapons = 0x00000020, - LowerEngine = 0x00000021, - Comms = 0x00000022, - Decontamination = 0x00000023, - Launchpad = 0x00000024, - LockerRoom = 0x00000025, - Laboratory = 0x00000026, - Balcony = 0x00000027, - Office = 0x00000028, - Greenhouse = 0x00000029, - DivertPowerTo = 0x0000002a, - AcceptDivertedPower = 0x0000002b, - SubmitScan = 0x0000002c, - PrimeShields = 0x0000002d, - FuelEngines = 0x0000002e, - ChartCourse = 0x0000002f, - StartReactor = 0x00000030, - SwipeCard = 0x00000031, - ClearAsteroids = 0x00000032, - UploadData = 0x00000033, - DownloadData = 0x00000034, - InspectSample = 0x00000035, - EmptyChute = 0x00000036, - EmptyGarbage = 0x00000037, - AlignEngineOutput = 0x00000038, - FixWiring = 0x00000039, - CalibrateDistributor = 0x0000003a, - UnlockManifolds = 0x0000003b, - ResetReactor = 0x0000003c, - FixLights = 0x0000003d, - FixComms = 0x0000003e, - RestoreOxy = 0x0000003f, - CleanO2Filter = 0x00000040, - StabilizeSteering = 0x00000041, - AssembleArtifact = 0x00000042, - SortSamples = 0x00000043, - MeasureWeather = 0x00000044, - EnterIdCode = 0x00000045, - HowToPlayText1 = 0x00000046, - HowToPlayText2 = 0x00000047, - HowToPlayText5 = 0x00000048, - HowToPlayText6 = 0x00000049, - HowToPlayText7 = 0x0000004a, - HowToPlayText81 = 0x0000004b, - HowToPlayText82 = 0x0000004c, - NumImpostorsS = 0x0000004d, - NumImpostorsP = 0x0000004e, - Crewmate = 0x0000004f, - Impostor = 0x00000050, - Victory = 0x00000051, - Defeat = 0x00000052, - CrewmatesDisconnected = 0x00000053, - ImpostorDisconnected = 0x00000054, - HowToPlayText41 = 0x00000055, - HowToPlayText42 = 0x00000056, - HowToPlayText43 = 0x00000057, - HowToPlayText44 = 0x00000058, - HowToPlayTextMap = 0x00000059, - HowToPlayTextCrew1 = 0x0000005a, - HowToPlayTextCrew2 = 0x0000005b, - HowToPlayTextCrew3 = 0x0000005c, - HowToPlayTextCrew4 = 0x0000005d, - HowToPlayTextCrew5 = 0x0000005e, - HowToPlayTextCrew6 = 0x0000005f, - HowToPlayTextImp1 = 0x00000060, - HowToPlayTextImp2 = 0x00000061, - HowToPlayTextImp3 = 0x00000062, - HowToPlayTextImp4 = 0x00000063, - HowToPlayTextImp5 = 0x00000064, - HowToPlayTextImp6 = 0x00000065, - HowToPlayTextImp7 = 0x00000066, - SettingsGeneral = 0x00000067, - SettingsControls = 0x00000068, - SettingsSound = 0x00000069, - SettingsGraphics = 0x0000006a, - SettingsData = 0x0000006b, - SettingsCensorChat = 0x0000006c, - SettingsMusic = 0x0000006d, - SettingsSFX = 0x0000006e, - SettingsOn = 0x0000006f, - SettingsOff = 0x00000070, - SettingsSendTelemetry = 0x00000071, - SettingsControlMode = 0x00000072, - SettingsTouchMode = 0x00000073, - SettingsJoystickMode = 0x00000074, - SettingsKeyboardMode = 0x00000075, - SettingsFullscreen = 0x00000076, - SettingsResolution = 0x00000077, - SettingsApply = 0x00000078, - SettingsPersonalizeAds = 0x00000079, - SettingsLanguage = 0x0000007a, - SettingsJoystickSize = 0x0000007b, - SettingsMouseMode = 0x0000007c, - PlayerColor = 0x0000007d, - PlayerHat = 0x0000007e, - PlayerSkin = 0x0000007f, - PlayerPet = 0x00000080, - GameSettings = 0x00000081, - GameRecommendedSettings = 0x00000082, - GameCustomSettings = 0x00000083, - GameMapName = 0x00000084, - GameNumImpostors = 0x00000085, - GameNumMeetings = 0x00000086, - GameDiscussTime = 0x00000087, - GameVotingTime = 0x00000088, - GamePlayerSpeed = 0x00000089, - GameCrewLight = 0x0000008a, - GameImpostorLight = 0x0000008b, - GameKillCooldown = 0x0000008c, - GameKillDistance = 0x0000008d, - GameCommonTasks = 0x0000008e, - GameLongTasks = 0x0000008f, - GameShortTasks = 0x00000090, - MatchMapName = 0x00000091, - MatchLanguage = 0x00000092, - MatchImpostors = 0x00000093, - MatchMaxPlayers = 0x00000094, - Cancel = 0x00000095, - Confirm = 0x00000096, - Limit = 0x00000097, - RoomCode = 0x00000098, - LeaveGame = 0x00000099, - ReturnToGame = 0x0000009a, - LocalHelp = 0x0000009b, - OnlineHelp = 0x0000009c, - SettingsVSync = 0x0000009d, - EmergencyCount = 0x0000009e, - EmergencyNotReady = 0x0000009f, - EmergencyDuringCrisis = 0x000000a0, - EmergencyRequested = 0x000000a1, - GameEmergencyCooldown = 0x000000a2, - BuyBeverage = 0x000000a3, - WeatherEta = 0x000000a4, - WeatherComplete = 0x000000a5, - ProcessData = 0x000000a6, - RunDiagnostics = 0x000000a7, - WaterPlants = 0x000000a8, - PickAnomaly = 0x000000a9, - WaterPlantsGetCan = 0x000000aa, - AuthOfficeOkay = 0x000000ab, - AuthCommsOkay = 0x000000ac, - AuthOfficeActive = 0x000000ad, - AuthCommsActive = 0x000000ae, - AuthOfficeNotActive = 0x000000af, - AuthCommsNotActive = 0x000000b0, - SecLogEntry = 0x000000b1, - EnterName = 0x000000b2, - SwipeCardPleaseSwipe = 0x000000b3, - SwipeCardBadRead = 0x000000b4, - SwipeCardTooFast = 0x000000b5, - SwipeCardTooSlow = 0x000000b6, - SwipeCardAccepted = 0x000000b7, - ReactorHoldToStop = 0x000000b8, - ReactorWaiting = 0x000000b9, - ReactorNominal = 0x000000ba, - MeetingWhoIsTitle = 0x000000bb, - MeetingVotingBegins = 0x000000bc, - MeetingVotingEnds = 0x000000bd, - MeetingVotingResults = 0x000000be, - MeetingProceeds = 0x000000bf, - MeetingHasVoted = 0x000000c0, - DataPolicyTitle = 0x000000c1, - DataPolicyText = 0x000000c2, - DataPolicyWhat = 0x000000c3, - AdPolicyTitle = 0x000000c4, - AdPolicyText = 0x000000c5, - Accept = 0x000000c6, - RemoveAds = 0x000000c7, - SwipeCardPleaseInsert = 0x000000c8, - LogNorth = 0x000000c9, - LogSouthEast = 0x000000ca, - LogSouthWest = 0x000000cb, - SettingShort = 0x000000cc, - SettingMedium = 0x000000cd, - SettingLong = 0x000000ce, - SamplesPress = 0x000000cf, - SamplesAdding = 0x000000d0, - SamplesSelect = 0x000000d1, - SamplesThanks = 0x000000d2, - SamplesComplete = 0x000000d3, - AstDestroyed = 0x000000d4, - TaskTestTitle = 0x000000d5, - BeginDiagnostics = 0x000000d6, - UserLeftGame = 0x000000d7, - GameStarting = 0x000000d8, - Tasks = 0x000000d9, - StatsTitle = 0x000000da, - StatsBodiesReported = 0x000000db, - StatsEmergenciesCalled = 0x000000dc, - StatsTasksCompleted = 0x000000dd, - StatsAllTasksCompleted = 0x000000de, - StatsSabotagesFixed = 0x000000df, - StatsImpostorKills = 0x000000e0, - StatsTimesMurdered = 0x000000e1, - StatsTimesEjected = 0x000000e2, - StatsCrewmateStreak = 0x000000e3, - StatsGamesImpostor = 0x000000e4, - StatsGamesCrewmate = 0x000000e5, - StatsGamesStarted = 0x000000e6, - StatsGamesFinished = 0x000000e7, - StatsImpostorVoteWins = 0x000000e8, - StatsImpostorKillsWins = 0x000000e9, - StatsImpostorSabotageWins = 0x000000ea, - StatsCrewmateVoteWins = 0x000000eb, - StatsCrewmateTaskWins = 0x000000ec, - MedscanRequested = 0x000000ed, - MedscanWaitingFor = 0x000000ee, - MedscanCompleted = 0x000000ef, - MedscanCompleteIn = 0x000000f0, - MonitorOxygen = 0x000000f1, - StoreArtifacts = 0x000000f2, - FillCanisters = 0x000000f3, - FixWeatherNode = 0x000000f4, - InsertKeys = 0x000000f5, - ResetSeismic = 0x000000f6, - SeismicHoldToStop = 0x000000f7, - SeismicNominal = 0x000000f8, - ScanBoardingPass = 0x000000f9, - OpenWaterways = 0x000000fa, - ReplaceWaterJug = 0x000000fb, - RepairDrill = 0x000000fc, - AlignTelescope = 0x000000fd, - RecordTemperature = 0x000000fe, - RebootWifi = 0x000000ff, - WifiRebootRequired = 0x00000100, - WifiPleasePowerOn = 0x00000101, - WifiPleaseWait = 0x00000102, - WifiPleaseReturnIn = 0x00000103, - WifiRebootComplete = 0x00000104, - Outside = 0x00000105, - GameSecondsAbbrev = 0x00000106, - Engines = 0x00000107, - Dropship = 0x00000108, - Decontamination2 = 0x00000109, - Specimens = 0x0000010a, - BoilerRoom = 0x0000010b, - GameOverImpostorDead = 0x0000010c, - GameOverImpostorKills = 0x0000010d, - GameOverTaskWin = 0x0000010e, - GameOverSabotage = 0x0000010f, - GameConfirmImpostor = 0x00000110, - GameVisualTasks = 0x00000111, - ExileTextNonConfirm = 0x00000112, - GameAnonymousVotes = 0x00000113, - GameTaskBarMode = 0x00000114, - SettingNormalTaskMode = 0x00000115, - SettingMeetingTaskMode = 0x00000116, - SettingInvisibleTaskMode = 0x00000117, - PlainYes = 0x00000118, - PlainNo = 0x00000119, - PrivacyPolicyTitle = 0x0000011a, - PrivacyPolicyText = 0x0000011b, - ManageDataButton = 0x0000011c, - UnderstandButton = 0x0000011d, - HowToPlayText2Switch = 0x0000011e, - ChatRateLimit = 0x0000011f, - TotalTasksCompleted = 0x00000120, - ServerNA = 0x00000121, - ServerEU = 0x00000122, - ServerAS = 0x00000123, - ServerSA = 0x00000124, - LangEnglish = 0x00000125, - LangFrench = 0x00000126, - LangItalian = 0x00000127, - LangGerman = 0x00000128, - LangSpanish = 0x00000129, - LangSpanishLATAM = 0x0000012a, - LangBrazPort = 0x0000012b, - LangPort = 0x0000012c, - LangRussian = 0x0000012d, - LangJapanese = 0x0000012e, - LangKorean = 0x0000012f, - LangDutch = 0x00000130, - LangFilipino = 0x00000131, - PlayerName = 0x00000132, - MyTablet = 0x00000133, - Download = 0x00000134, - DownloadComplete = 0x00000135, - DownloadTestEstTimeS = 0x00000136, - DownloadTestEstTimeMS = 0x00000137, - DownloadTestEstTimeHMS = 0x00000138, - DownloadTestEstTimeDHMS = 0x00000139, - Upload = 0x0000013a, - Headquarters = 0x0000013b, - GrabCoffee = 0x0000013c, - TakeBreak = 0x0000013d, - DontNeedWait = 0x0000013e, - DoSomethingElse = 0x0000013f, - NodeTB = 0x00000140, - NodeIRO = 0x00000141, - NodeGI = 0x00000142, - NodePD = 0x00000143, - NodeCA = 0x00000144, - NodeMLG = 0x00000145, - Vending = 0x00000146, - OtherLanguage = 0x00000147, - ImposterAmtAny = 0x00000148, - VitalsORGN = 0x00000149, - VitalsBLUE = 0x0000014a, - VitalsRED = 0x0000014b, - VitalsBRWN = 0x0000014c, - VitalsGRN = 0x0000014d, - VitalsPINK = 0x0000014e, - VitalsWHTE = 0x0000014f, - VitalsYLOW = 0x00000150, - VitalsBLAK = 0x00000151, - VitalsPURP = 0x00000152, - VitalsCYAN = 0x00000153, - VitalsLIME = 0x00000154, - VitalsOK = 0x00000155, - VitalsDEAD = 0x00000156, - VitalsDC = 0x00000157, - ColorOrange = 0x00000158, - ColorBlue = 0x00000159, - ColorRed = 0x0000015a, - ColorBrown = 0x0000015b, - ColorGreen = 0x0000015c, - ColorPink = 0x0000015d, - ColorWhite = 0x0000015e, - ColorYellow = 0x0000015f, - ColorBlack = 0x00000160, - ColorPurple = 0x00000161, - ColorCyan = 0x00000162, - ColorLime = 0x00000163, - MedID = 0x00000164, - MedC = 0x00000165, - MedHT = 0x00000166, - MedBT = 0x00000167, - MedWT = 0x00000168, - MedETA = 0x00000169, - MedHello = 0x0000016a, - PetFailFetchData = 0x0000016b, - BadResult = 0x0000016c, - More = 0x0000016d, - Processing = 0x0000016e, - ExitGame = 0x0000016f, - WaitingForHost = 0x00000170, - LeftGameError = 0x00000171, - PlayerWasBannedBy = 0x00000172, - PlayerWasKickedBy = 0x00000173, - CamEast = 0x00000174, - CamCentral = 0x00000175, - CamNortheast = 0x00000176, - CamSouth = 0x00000177, - CamSouthwest = 0x00000178, - CamNorthwest = 0x00000179, - LoadingFailed = 0x0000017a, - LobbySizeWarning = 0x0000017b, - Okay = 0x0000017c, - OkayDontShow = 0x0000017d, - Nevermind = 0x0000017e, - Dummy = 0x0000017f, - Bad = 0x00000180, - Status = 0x00000181, - Fine = 0x00000182, - OK = 0x00000183, - PetTryOn = 0x00000184, - SecondsAbbv = 0x00000185, - SecurityLogsSystem = 0x00000186, - SecurityCamsSystem = 0x00000187, - AdminMapSystem = 0x00000188, - VitalsSystem = 0x00000189, - BanButton = 0x0000018a, - KickButton = 0x0000018b, - ReportButton = 0x0000018c, - ReportConfirmation = 0x0000018d, - ReportBadName = 0x0000018e, - ReportBadChat = 0x0000018f, - ReportHacking = 0x00000190, - ReportHarassment = 0x00000191, - ReportWhy = 0x00000192, - Visor = 0x00000193, - NamePlate = 0x00000194, - Visors = 0x00000195, - NamePlates = 0x00000196, - Cosmicube = 0x00000197, - Cosmicubes = 0x00000198, - Activate = 0x00000199, - Deactivate = 0x0000019a, - Owned = 0x0000019b, - Purchase = 0x0000019c, - CosmicubeProgression = 0x0000019d, - ViewCube = 0x0000019e, - ConfirmPurchaseHeader = 0x0000019f, - ConfirmPurchaseText = 0x000001a0, - DeactivateCube = 0x000001a1, - ActivateCube = 0x000001a2, - Bundles = 0x000001a3, - Stars = 0x000001a4, - PurchasingLabel = 0x000001a5, - MouseMovement = 0x000001a6, - KeyboardOptions = 0x000001a7, - RemapBindings = 0x000001a8, - KeyboardBindingsHeader = 0x000001a9, - ExitButton = 0x000001aa, - PolishRuby = 0x000001f4, - ResetBreakers = 0x000001f5, - Decontaminate = 0x000001f6, - MakeBurger = 0x000001f7, - UnlockSafe = 0x000001f8, - SortRecords = 0x000001f9, - PutAwayPistols = 0x000001fa, - FixShower = 0x000001fb, - CleanToilet = 0x000001fc, - DressMannequin = 0x000001fd, - PickUpTowels = 0x000001fe, - RewindTapes = 0x000001ff, - StartFans = 0x00000200, - DevelopPhotos = 0x00000201, - GetBiggolSword = 0x00000202, - PutAwayRifles = 0x00000203, - StopCharles = 0x00000204, - AuthLeftOkay = 0x00000205, - AuthRightOkay = 0x00000206, - AuthLeftActive = 0x00000207, - AuthRightActive = 0x00000208, - AuthLeftNotActive = 0x00000209, - AuthRightNotActive = 0x0000020a, - VaultRoom = 0x00000226, - Cockpit = 0x00000227, - Armory = 0x00000228, - Kitchen = 0x00000229, - ViewingDeck = 0x0000022a, - HallOfPortraits = 0x0000022b, - Medical = 0x0000022c, - CargoBay = 0x0000022d, - Ventilation = 0x0000022e, - Showers = 0x0000022f, - Engine = 0x00000230, - Brig = 0x00000231, - MeetingRoom = 0x00000232, - Records = 0x00000233, - Lounge = 0x00000234, - GapRoom = 0x00000235, - MainHall = 0x00000236, - RevealCode = 0x00000237, - DirtyHeader = 0x00000238, - ErrorServerOverload = 0x000002bc, - ErrorIntentionalLeaving = 0x000002bd, - ErrorFocusLost = 0x000002be, - ErrorBanned = 0x000002bf, - ErrorKicked = 0x000002c0, - ErrorBannedNoCode = 0x000002c1, - ErrorKickedNoCode = 0x000002c2, - ErrorHacking = 0x000002c3, - ErrorFullGame = 0x000002c4, - ErrorStartedGame = 0x000002c5, - ErrorNotFoundGame = 0x000002c6, - ErrorInactivity = 0x000002c7, - ErrorGenericOnlineDisconnect = 0x000002c8, - ErrorGenericLocalDisconnect = 0x000002c9, - ErrorInvalidName = 0x000002ca, - ErrorUnknown = 0x000002cb, - ErrorIncorrectVersion = 0x000002cc, - ErrorNotAuthenticated = 0x000002cd, - ErrorInternalServer = 0x000002ce, - ErrorPlatformLock = 0x000002cf, - ErrorLobbyInactivity = 0x000002d0, - ErrorMatchmakerInactivity = 0x000002d1, - ErrorInvalidGameOptions = 0x000002d2, - ErrorNoServersAvailable = 0x000002d3, - ErrorQuickmatchDisabled = 0x000002d4, - ErrorTooManyGames = 0x000002d5, - ErrorDuplicateConnection = 0x000002d6, - ErrorTooManyRequests = 0x000002d7, - ErrorSanction = 0x000002d8, - VentDirection = 0x000003e8, - VentMove = 0x000003e9, - MenuNavigate = 0x000003ea, - NoTranslation = 0x000003eb, - NsoError = 0x000003ec, - RolesSettings = 0x000005dc, - ScientistRole = 0x000005dd, - EngineerRole = 0x000005de, - GuardianAngelRole = 0x000005df, - ShapeshifterRole = 0x000005e0, - ScientistBlurb = 0x000005e1, - EngineerBlurb = 0x000005e2, - GuardianAngelBlurb = 0x000005e3, - ShapeshifterBlurb = 0x000005e4, - CrewmateBlurb = 0x000005e5, - ImpostorBlurb = 0x000005e6, - YourRoleIs = 0x000005e7, - ShapeshiftAbility = 0x000005e8, - VentAbility = 0x000005e9, - VitalsAbility = 0x000005ea, - ProtectAbility = 0x000005eb, - ShapeshiftAbilityUndo = 0x000005ec, - RoleChanceAndQuantity = 0x000005ed, - ProtectedRecently = 0x000005ee, - ShapeshifterDuration = 0x000005ef, - ShapeshifterCooldown = 0x000005f0, - ShapeshifterLeaveSkin = 0x000005f1, - ScientistCooldown = 0x000005f2, - GuardianAngelCooldown = 0x000005f3, - EngineerCooldown = 0x000005f4, - ScientistBlurbMed = 0x000005f5, - ScientistBlurbLong = 0x000005f6, - EngineerBlurbMed = 0x000005f7, - EngineerBlurbLong = 0x000005f8, - GuardianAngelBlurbMed = 0x000005f9, - GuardianAngelBlurbLong = 0x000005fa, - ShapeshifterBlurbMed = 0x000005fb, - ShapeshifterBlurbLong = 0x000005fc, - RoleHint = 0x000005fd, - EngineerInVentCooldown = 0x000005fe, - ScientistBatteryCharge = 0x000005ff, - GuardianAngelDuration = 0x00000600, - GuardianAngelImpostorSeeProtect = 0x00000601, - StatsRoleWins = 0x00000602, - StatsEngineerVents = 0x00000603, - StatsScientistChargesGained = 0x00000604, - StatsGuardianAngelCrewmatesProtected = 0x00000605, - StatsShapeshifterShiftedKills = 0x00000606, - CrewmateGhostRole = 0x00000607, - ImpostorGhostRole = 0x00000608, - HauntAbilityName = 0x00000609, - SeekButton = 0x0000060a, - SanctionDuration = 0x000006a4, - SanctionPermanent = 0x000006a5, - SanctionConduct = 0x000006a6, - SanctionImpersonationCeleb = 0x000006a7, - SanctionSpamming = 0x000006a8, - SanctionInappropriateNameUnsportsmanlike = 0x000006a9, - SanctionUnsportsmanlikeConduct = 0x000006aa, - SanctionImpersonationDevelopers = 0x000006ab, - SanctionInappropriateChatPersonalInfo = 0x000006ac, - SanctionInappropriateNameDerogatory = 0x000006ad, - SanctionInappropriateNameNsfw = 0x000006ae, - SanctionBullying = 0x000006af, - SanctionCheatingHacking = 0x000006b0, - SanctionInappropriateChatDating = 0x000006b1, - SanctionWeaponizingRules = 0x000006b2, - SanctionRepeatOffender3 = 0x000006b3, - SanctionSexualMisconduct = 0x000006b4, - SanctionDoxing = 0x000006b5, - SanctionIllegalActivity = 0x000006b6, - SanctionHarassment = 0x000006b7, - SanctionSelfHarmPromotion = 0x000006b8, - SanctionRepeatOffender10 = 0x000006b9, - SanctionUnknown = 0x000006ba, - ScreenShakeOption = 0x0000076c, - FeaturedItems = 0x0000076d, - FeaturedBundles = 0x0000076e, - FeaturedCubes = 0x0000076f, - BugReportPopUpAttachScreenshotDesc = 0x00000770, - UserIdTokenError = 0x00000771, - NewGameMode = 0x00000772, - NewModeInfo = 0x00000773, - HideSeekHowToPlayTitleOne = 0x00000774, - HideSeekHowToPlayCaptionOne = 0x00000775, - HideSeekHowToPlayCaptionTwo = 0x00000776, - HideSeekHowToPlayCaptionThree = 0x00000777, - HideSeekHowToPlayPageOne = 0x00000778, - HideSeekHowToPlayImpostorOne = 0x00000779, - HideSeekHowToPlaySubtextOne = 0x0000077a, - HideSeekHowToPlayCrewmateInfoOne = 0x0000077b, - HideSeekHowToPlayCrewmateInfoTwo = 0x0000077c, - HideSeekHowToPlayImpostorInfoOne = 0x0000077d, - HideSeekHowToPlayFlashlightDefault = 0x0000077e, - HideSeekHowToPlayFinalHide = 0x0000077f, - HideSeekHowToPlayFlashlightMobile = 0x00000780, - HideSeekHowToPlayFlashlightSwitch = 0x00000781, - HideSeekHowToPlayFlashlightConsoles = 0x00000782, - HideSeekHowToPlayFlashlightPlayStation = 0x00000783, - QCInputSelf = 0x00000785, - QCInputFavorite = 0x00000786, - QCCrewMyself = 0x0000079e, - QCTagSelf = 0x0000079f, - QCTagFavorites = 0x000007a0, - QCBuilderHeader = 0x000007a1, - QCRemarks = 0x000007a2, - QCCrewDead = 0x000007a3, - QCSelfVoted = 0x000007a4, - QCSelfReportedBody = 0x000007a5, - QCSelfCams = 0x000007a6, - QCCrewReportedBody = 0x000007a7, - QCCrewCams = 0x000007a8, - QCSelfWasProtected = 0x000007a9, - QCCrewWasProtected = 0x000007aa, - QCSelfWasntMe = 0x000007ab, - QCWhoWasAt = 0x000007ac, - QCSelfDoingTask = 0x000007ad, - QCWhoIsRole = 0x000007ae, - QCSelfFixedSystem = 0x000007af, - QCCrewFixedSystem = 0x000007b0, - QCSelfAccAtLocation = 0x000007b1, - QCSelfDidTaskAtLocation = 0x000007b2, - QCCrewDidTaskAtLocation = 0x000007b3, - QCSelfSawCrewVentAtLocation = 0x000007b4, - QCSelfDidntVent = 0x000007b5, - QCFollowMe = 0x000007b6, - QCItsNotMe = 0x000007b7, - QCSelfDoneWithTasks = 0x000007b8, - QCGhostsDoYourTasks = 0x000007b9, - QCSelfNotTheImpostor = 0x000007ba, - QCHello = 0x000007bb, - QCThanks = 0x000007bc, - QCSorry = 0x000007bd, - QCGG = 0x000007be, - QCBye = 0x000007bf, - QCWhereWasTheBody = 0x000007c0, - QCSelfReady = 0x000007c1, - QCSelfWasRole = 0x000007c2, - QCWhoWasRole = 0x000007c3, - QCCoolOutfitCrew = 0x000007c4, - QCLocationLaptop = 0x000007d0, - QCLocationSkeld = 0x000007d1, - QCLocationMira = 0x000007d2, - QCLocationPolus = 0x000007d3, - QCSystemsStart = 0x000007d4, - QCSystemsKick = 0x000007d5, - QCCrewI = 0x000007d6, - QCCrewMe = 0x000007d7, - QCCrewNoOne = 0x000007d8, - QCAccAKilledB = 0x000007d9, - QCAccAKilledBNeg = 0x000007da, - QCAccAIsSuspicious = 0x000007db, - QCAccAIsSuspiciousNeg = 0x000007dc, - QCAccASawBVent = 0x000007dd, - QCAccASawBVentNeg = 0x000007de, - QCAccAWasChasingB = 0x000007df, - QCAccAWasChasingBNeg = 0x000007e0, - QCAccAIsLying = 0x000007e1, - QCAccAIsLyingNeg = 0x000007e2, - QCAccVoteA = 0x000007e3, - QCAccVoteANeg = 0x000007e4, - QCAccADidntReport = 0x000007e5, - QCResYes = 0x000007e6, - QCResNo = 0x000007e7, - QCResDontKnow = 0x000007e8, - QCResDontKnowNeg = 0x000007e9, - QCResAWas = 0x000007ea, - QCResAWasNeg = 0x000007eb, - QCResADid = 0x000007ec, - QCResADidNeg = 0x000007ed, - QCResVote = 0x000007ee, - QCResVoteNeg = 0x000007ef, - QCResAWasAtB = 0x000007f0, - QCResAWasAtBNeg = 0x000007f1, - QCResRip = 0x000007f2, - QCResRipNeg = 0x000007f3, - QCResLies = 0x000007f4, - QCResLiesNeg = 0x000007f5, - QCQstWhere = 0x000007f6, - QCQstWho = 0x000007f7, - QCQstWhoWasWith = 0x000007f8, - QCQstWhatWasADoing = 0x000007f9, - QCQstWhoFixedA = 0x000007fa, - QCQstWhereWasA = 0x000007fb, - QCQstBodyOrMeeting = 0x000007fc, - QCStaASawB = 0x000007fd, - QCStaAWasWithB = 0x000007fe, - QCStaADidB = 0x000007ff, - QCStaASelfReported = 0x00000800, - QCStaDoubleKill = 0x00000801, - QCStaWasSelfReport = 0x00000802, - QCStaPleaseDoTasks = 0x00000803, - QCStaBodyWasInA = 0x00000804, - QCStaACalledMeeting = 0x00000805, - QCLocation = 0x00000806, - QCSystems = 0x00000807, - QCCrew = 0x00000808, - QCAccusation = 0x00000809, - QCResponse = 0x0000080a, - QCQuestion = 0x0000080b, - QCStatements = 0x0000080c, - ANY = 0x0000080d, - ChatType = 0x0000080e, - QuickChatOnly = 0x0000080f, - FreeChatOnly = 0x00000810, - FreeOrQuickChat = 0x00000811, - DateOfBirth = 0x00000812, - DateOfBirthEnter = 0x00000813, - Month = 0x00000814, - Day = 0x00000815, - Year = 0x00000816, - January = 0x00000817, - February = 0x00000818, - March = 0x00000819, - April = 0x0000081a, - May = 0x0000081b, - June = 0x0000081c, - July = 0x0000081d, - August = 0x0000081e, - September = 0x0000081f, - October = 0x00000820, - November = 0x00000821, - December = 0x00000822, - Submit = 0x00000823, - QCMore = 0x00000824, - Success = 0x00000825, - Failed = 0x00000826, - ErrorCreate = 0x00000827, - SuccessCreate = 0x00000828, - Close = 0x00000829, - ErrorLogIn = 0x0000082a, - SuccessLogIn = 0x0000082b, - AccountInfo = 0x0000082c, - Account = 0x0000082d, - UserName = 0x0000082e, - Height = 0x0000082f, - Weight = 0x00000830, - SignIn = 0x00000831, - CreateAccount = 0x00000832, - RequestPermission = 0x00000833, - RandomizeName = 0x00000834, - AccountLinking = 0x00000835, - ChangeName = 0x00000836, - LogOut = 0x00000837, - GuardianWait = 0x00000838, - EmailEdit = 0x00000839, - EmailResend = 0x0000083a, - GuestContinue = 0x0000083b, - GuardianEmailSent = 0x0000083c, - GuardianCheckEmail = 0x0000083d, - EditName = 0x0000083e, - Name = 0x0000083f, - CreateAccountQuestion = 0x00000840, - DoYouWantCreate = 0x00000841, - PermissionRequired = 0x00000842, - NeedPermissionText = 0x00000843, - GuardianEmailTitle = 0x00000844, - Send = 0x00000845, - NewEmail = 0x00000846, - ConfirmEmail = 0x00000847, - EditEmail = 0x00000848, - Loading = 0x00000849, - Welcome = 0x0000084a, - DLLNotFoundAccountError = 0x0000084b, - ContinueOffline = 0x0000084c, - CreateTryAgain = 0x0000084d, - WantToLogIn = 0x0000084e, - GoOffline = 0x0000084f, - PlayAsGuest = 0x00000850, - LogInTitle = 0x00000851, - LogInInfoText = 0x00000852, - ShowAccountSupportID5 = 0x00000853, - ShowAccountSupportID4 = 0x00000854, - ShowAccountSupportID3 = 0x00000855, - ShowAccountSupportID2 = 0x00000856, - ShowAccountSupportID1 = 0x00000857, - YouAreNotOnline = 0x00000858, - SaveGameOutOfSpaceMessage = 0x00000859, - SaveGameOutOfSpaceConfirm = 0x0000085a, - SaveGameOutOfSpaceCancel = 0x0000085b, - EngagementScreen = 0x0000085c, - EngagementScreenSignIn = 0x0000085d, - FollowUs = 0x0000085e, - ColorMaroon = 0x0000085f, - ColorRose = 0x00000860, - ColorBanana = 0x00000861, - ColorGray = 0x00000862, - ColorTan = 0x00000863, - ColorSunset = 0x00000864, - QuickChatInstructionsStart = 0x00000865, - QuickChatInstructionsChild = 0x00000866, - QuickChatInstructionsGuest = 0x00000867, - QuickChatInstructionsFull = 0x00000868, - SwitchEShopBrowseAll = 0x00000869, - ColorCoral = 0x0000086a, - GuardianEmail = 0x0000086b, - LocalButton = 0x0000086c, - OnlineButton = 0x0000086d, - HowToPlayButton = 0x0000086e, - FreePlayButton = 0x0000086f, - PublicHeader = 0x00000870, - PrivateHeader = 0x00000871, - HostHeader = 0x00000872, - EmergencyMeeting = 0x00000873, - BodyReported = 0x00000874, - PlayAgain = 0x00000875, - QuitLabel = 0x00000876, - DownloadLabel = 0x00000877, - UploadLabel = 0x00000878, - TimeRemaining = 0x00000879, - AnnouncementLabel = 0x0000087a, - StartLabel = 0x0000087b, - UseLabel = 0x0000087c, - KillLabel = 0x0000087d, - SabotageLabel = 0x0000087e, - VentLabel = 0x0000087f, - OptionsLabel = 0x00000880, - ReportLabel = 0x00000881, - CO2Label = 0x00000882, - NutriLabel = 0x00000883, - RADLabel = 0x00000884, - WaterLabel = 0x00000885, - DiscussLabel = 0x00000886, - DeadLabel = 0x00000887, - SkippedVoting = 0x00000888, - ProceedLabel = 0x00000889, - HolidayHatLabel = 0x0000088a, - HatLabel = 0x0000088b, - PetLabel = 0x0000088c, - SkinLabel = 0x0000088d, - DoorlogLabel = 0x0000088e, - VitalsLabel = 0x0000088f, - InsufficientStorageError = 0x00000890, - NetworkError = 0x00000891, - OtherDownloadError = 0x00000892, - DownloadingLabel = 0x00000893, - DownloadSizeLabel = 0x00000894, - SkipVoteLabel = 0x00000895, - LogInInfoTextSwitch = 0x00000896, - WeatherDataDownload = 0x00000897, - BeginLabel = 0x00000898, - QuietLabel = 0x00000899, - LogLabel = 0x0000089a, - ReadingLabel = 0x0000089b, - UploadingLabel = 0x0000089c, - ConnectionLabel = 0x0000089d, - GoodLabel = 0x0000089e, - PoorLabel = 0x0000089f, - NoneLabel = 0x000008a0, - ProgressLabel = 0x000008a1, - PerfectLabel = 0x000008a2, - NoDeadBodiesFound = 0x000008a3, - AirshipBundle = 0x000008a4, - PolusBundle = 0x000008a5, - PolusSkinBundle = 0x000008a6, - MiraBundle = 0x000008a7, - MiraSkinBundle = 0x000008a8, - PetAlien2 = 0x000008a9, - PetAlien1 = 0x000008aa, - PetAnimal = 0x000008ab, - PetCrewmate = 0x000008ac, - PetStickmin = 0x000008ad, - PrisonerSkin = 0x000008ae, - Cyborg_RHM = 0x000008af, - CCC_Officer = 0x000008b0, - VentCleaning = 0x000008b1, - CleanUp = 0x000008b2, - ControllerDisconnectedMessage = 0x000008b3, - TermsOfUseTitle = 0x000008b4, - PPAndToUTitle = 0x000008b5, - ComePlayDiscord = 0x000008b6, - SupportEmail = 0x000008b7, - SupportIDLabel = 0x000008b8, - pk05_davehat = 0x000008b9, - pk05_Ellie = 0x000008ba, - pk05_Svenhat = 0x000008bb, - pk05_Burthat = 0x000008bc, - pk05_Ellryhat = 0x000008bd, - pk05_monocles = 0x000008be, - pk05_cheesetoppat = 0x000008bf, - pk05_Macbethhat = 0x000008c0, - pk05_HenryToppat = 0x000008c1, - pk05_EllieToppat = 0x000008c2, - pk05_GeoffreyToppat = 0x000008c3, - InviteFriends = 0x000008c4, - Continue = 0x000008c5, - GameComplete = 0x000008c6, - XpGained = 0x000008c7, - PodsEarned = 0x000008c8, - CosmicubeNodeUnlocked = 0x000008c9, - LevelShorthand = 0x000008ca, - PrestigeLevelShorthand = 0x000008cb, - MaxLevel = 0x000008cc, - EquipLabel = 0x000008cd, - XpGainedValue = 0x000008ce, - PSNErrorSessionFailed = 0x000008cf, - PSNErrorSessionJoinFailed = 0x000008d0, - PSNErrorSessionGetInfoFailed = 0x000008d1, - PSNErrorPSNConnectionLost = 0x000008d2, - PSNErrorUserSignedOut = 0x000008d3, - CrossPlayTitle = 0x000008d4, - CrossPlayAllPlatforms = 0x000008d5, - CrossPlaySamePlatform = 0x000008d6, - QuickChat = 0x000008d7, - TimeOutText = 0x000008d8, - RetryText = 0x000008d9, - PlayerLevel = 0x000008da, - PlayerXp = 0x000008db, - PlayerLevelExtremeShorthand = 0x000008dc, - Max = 0x000008dd, - Wardrobe = 0x000008de, - CopiedText = 0x000008df, - LinkAccount = 0x000008e0, - CreateNewAccount = 0x000008e1, - LinkExistingAccount = 0x000008e2, - LinkAccountExplanation = 0x000008e3, - LinkAccountCode = 0x000008e4, - ErrorLink = 0x000008e5, - UnlinkAccount = 0x000008e6, - ConfirmUnlinkAccount = 0x000008e7, - UnlinkAccountExplain = 0x000008e8, - UnlinkAccountExplainConfirm = 0x000008e9, - UnlinkError = 0x000008ea, - UnlinkSuccess = 0x000008eb, - ConfirmLinkExistingAccount = 0x000008ec, - LinkExistingAccountExplain = 0x000008ed, - LinkExistingAccountExplainConfirm = 0x000008ee, - ResetAccount = 0x000008ef, - CrossPlayEnabledWarning = 0x000008f0, - StoreComingSoon = 0x000008f1, - Locked = 0x000008f2, - FailPurchase = 0x000008f3, - FailPurchaseUnknown = 0x000008f4, - FailPurchaseAlreadyOwn = 0x000008f5, - FailPurchaseCurrency = 0x000008f6, - FailPurchaseCubeOwn = 0x000008f7, - ErrorPlatformParentalControlsBlock = 0x000008f8, - Crewmates = 0x000008f9, - Colors = 0x000008fa, - Active = 0x000008fb, - Equipped = 0x000008fc, - QCLocationAirship = 0x000008fd, - XboxShopBrowseAll = 0x000008fe, - PSShopBrowseAll = 0x000008ff, - SteamNotInitialized = 0x00000900, - LoggedInErrorStarPurchase = 0x00000901, - StarDisclaimer = 0x00000902, - HowToPlayText_Consoles = 0x00000903, - ErrorQuickChatMode = 0x00000904, - ErrorLobbyUsersBlocked = 0x00000905, - ItchNoStars = 0x00000906, - CheckingPurchasesLabel = 0x00000907, - RedeemPurchasedItemsTitle = 0x00000908, - RedeemPurcahsedItemsExplain = 0x00000909, - RedeemProceed = 0x0000090a, - RedeemNotYet = 0x0000090b, - AccountIDDisplay = 0x0000090c, - RedeemNever = 0x0000090d, - AvailableFor = 0x0000090e, - GuestProgressionWarning = 0x0000090f, - ErrorSelfPlatformLock = 0x00000910, - ErrorCrossPlat = 0x00000911, - SettingsStreamerMode = 0x00000912, - RoomCodeInfo = 0x00000913, - AbbreviatedDay = 0x00000914, - AbbreviatedHour = 0x00000915, - AbbreviatedMinute = 0x00000916, - AbbreviatedSecond = 0x00000917, - StreamingTwitch = 0x00000918, - MaxVentUses = 0x00000a8c, - MaxTimeInVent = 0x00000a8d, - MinCrewmatesForVitals = 0x00000a8e, - EscapeTime = 0x00000a8f, - AllTasksComplete = 0x00000a90, - EscapePrompt = 0x00000a91, - CrewmateFlashlightSize = 0x00000a92, - ImpostorFlashlightSize = 0x00000a93, - CrewmateLeadTime = 0x00000a94, - CrewmadeHideBlurb = 0x00000a95, - ImpostorKillBlurb = 0x00000a96, - HideCountdown = 0x00000a97, - ScaryMusicDistance = 0x00000a98, - ShortTaskTimeValue = 0x00000a99, - LongTaskTimeValue = 0x00000a9a, - CommonTaskTimeValue = 0x00000a9b, - UseFlashlight = 0x00000a9c, - FinalEscapeTime = 0x00000a9d, - VeryScaryMusicDistance = 0x00000a9e, - SeekerFinalSpeed = 0x00000a9f, - SeekerFinalVents = 0x00000aa0, - SeekerFinalMap = 0x00000aa1, - CrewmateVentCooldown = 0x00000aa2, - SeekerPings = 0x00000aa3, - MaxPingTime = 0x00000aa4, - ShowPingTime = 0x00000aa5, - MinPingTime = 0x00000aa6, - ShowCrewmateNames = 0x00000aa7, - ShowImpostorNames = 0x00000aa8, - HideActionButton = 0x00000aa9, - RuleOneCrewmates = 0x00000aaa, - RuleTwoCrewmates = 0x00000aab, - RuleThreeCrewmates = 0x00000aac, - RuleOneImpostor = 0x00000aad, - RuleTwoImpostor = 0x00000aae, - RuleThreeImpostor = 0x00000aaf, - RuleOneCrewmatesTitle = 0x00000ab0, - RuleTwoCrewmatesTitle = 0x00000ab1, - RuleThreeCrewmatesTitle = 0x00000ab2, - RuleOneImpostorTitle = 0x00000ab3, - RuleTwoImpostorTitle = 0x00000ab4, - RoundRobin = 0x00000ab5, - OptionUnavailablePublicLobby = 0x00000ab6, - StatsHidenSeekGamesCrewmateSurvived = 0x00000ab7, - StatsHidenSeekTimesVented = 0x00000ab8, - StatsTimesPettedPet = 0x00000ab9, - StatsImpostorKills_HideAndSeek = 0x00000aba, - StatsFastestCrewmateWin_HideAndSeek = 0x00000abb, - StatsFastestImpostorWin_HideAndSeek = 0x00000abc, - StatsHideAndSeekImpostorVictory = 0x00000abd, - StatsHideAndSeekCrewmateVictory = 0x00000abe, - AmongUsFriends = 0x00000af0, - FriendsGuestWarning = 0x00000af1, - PlatformFriends = 0x00000af2, - BlockedPlayers = 0x00000af3, - RecentPlayers = 0x00000af4, - LobbyLabel = 0x00000af5, - FriendCodeExplanation = 0x00000af6, - FriendCodeSuccess = 0x00000af7, - FriendRequestReceived = 0x00000af8, - FriendRequestSent = 0x00000af9, - GameLobbyInviteSent = 0x00000afa, - GameLobbyInviteReceived = 0x00000afb, - BlockPlayerConfirm = 0x00000afc, - RemoveFriendConfirm = 0x00000afd, - InviteToLobbyConfirm = 0x00000afe, - FriendCodeLabel = 0x00000aff, - FriendCodeCreationTitle = 0x00000b00, - FriendRequestSentFailed = 0x00000b01, - ErrorBadUsername = 0x00000b02, - ErrorUserNotFound = 0x00000b03, - ErrorThisIsYou = 0x00000b04, - ErrorFriendRequestExists = 0x00000b05, - ErrorAlreadyFriends = 0x00000b06, - GameLobbyInviteSentFailed = 0x00000b07, - BlockedPlayerFailed = 0x00000b08, - BlockedPlayer = 0x00000b09, - AlreadyBlocked = 0x00000b0a, - FriendList = 0x00000b0b, - NoNewRequests = 0x00000b0c, - AddFriendPrompt = 0x00000b0d, - NewRequests = 0x00000b0e, - Requests = 0x00000b0f, - AddFriend = 0x00000b10, - StreamWarning = 0x00000b11, - FriendsListPermissionsWarning = 0x00000b12, - AddFriendConfirm = 0x00000b13, - UnfriendConfirm = 0x00000b14, - UnblockConfirm = 0x00000b15, - SettingsEnableFriendInvites = 0x00000b16, - ErrorCrossPlatformCommunication = 0x00000b17, - ErrorPlatformFriends = 0x00000b18, - ErrorPlayerBlockedYou = 0x00000b19, - ErrorRecipientMaxFriendRequests = 0x00000b1a, - ErrorSenderMaxFriendRequests = 0x00000b1b, - ErrorMaxFriends = 0x00000b1c, - ErrorRecipientMaxFriends = 0x00000b1d, - ParentPortalButton = 0x00000b1e, - FriendsListEmailSent = 0x00000b1f, - AndroidAssetBundleWarning = 0x00000b20, - FreeChatLinkWarning = 0x00000b21, - FriendListUnavailable = 0x00000b22, - SignInIssueTitle = 0x00000b23, - SignInIssueText = 0x00000b24, - Ghost = 0x00000b25, - CurrentlyHaunting = 0x00000b26, - RestorePurchases = 0x00000b27, - QCAccIsRole = 0x00000bb8, - QCAccIsRoleNeg = 0x00000bb9, - QCAccShapeshited = 0x00000bba, - QCStaShapeshifterSkin = 0x00000bbb, - QCResIsBeingFramed = 0x00000bbc, - QCResIsRoleMaybe = 0x00000bbd, - QCResCloseTo = 0x00000bbe, - QCResProtected = 0x00000bbf, - QCRoles = 0x00000bc0, - ErrorFailedToCreateGame = 0x00000bc1, - ErrorFailedToJoinCreatedGame = 0x00000bc2, - ErrorDisconnectBeforeJoining = 0x00000bc3, - ErrorDisconnectPacket = 0x00000bc4, - PSEULA_SIEA = 0x00000bc5, - PSEULA_SIEE = 0x00000bc6, - ShowAccountID = 0x00000bc7, - HideAccountID = 0x00000bc8, - HiddenAccountID = 0x00000bc9, - ErrorLobbyFailedGettingBlockedUsers = 0x00000bca, - SteamOverlayDisabled = 0x00000bcb, - QCOnlyInfo = 0x00000bcc, - FreeChatInfo = 0x00000bcd, - FreeChatWarning = 0x00000bce, - TryAgain = 0x00000bcf, - TempDisabled = 0x00000bd0, - TempDisabledLinkExplain = 0x00000bd1, - RedeemPopup = 0x00000bd2, - RedeemButton = 0x00000bd3, - Decontamination3 = 0x00000bd4, - MergeGuestAccountText = 0x00000bd5, - MergeGuestAccountTitle = 0x00000bd6, - ErrorCommunications = 0x00000bd7, - ManageAccountTitle = 0x00000bd8, - ManageAccountText = 0x00000bd9, - Email = 0x00000bda, - BugReportPopUpSubmittedText = 0x00000bdb, - BugReportPopUpCategoryLabel = 0x00000bdc, - BugReportPopUpDescriptionLabel = 0x00000bdd, - BugReportPopUpTitle = 0x00000bde, - BugReportCategoryServerIssues = 0x00000bdf, - BugReportCategoryGameplayIssue = 0x00000be0, - BugReportCategoryAccountManagement = 0x00000be1, - BugReportCategoryBilling = 0x00000be2, - BugReportCategoryGeneral = 0x00000be3, - BugReportIssueButton = 0x00000be4, - BugReportPopUpSubmissionFailedText = 0x00000be5, - BugReportPopUpAttachScreenshotLabel = 0x00000be6, - QCQstWhy = 0x00000bea, - QCTagAccuse = 0x00000beb, - QCTagDefend = 0x00000bec, - QCTagQuestion = 0x00000bed, - QCTagLobby = 0x00000bee, - QCTagImpostor = 0x00000bef, - QCTagMeeting = 0x00000bf0, - QCTagHiding = 0x00000bf1, - QCTagFlashlight = 0x00000bf2, - QCTagRoles = 0x00000bf3, - QCInputRole = 0x00000bf4, - QCTagTasks = 0x00000bf5, - QCInputTask = 0x00000bf6, - QCTagSabotages = 0x00000bf7, - QCInputSabotages = 0x00000bf8, - QCTagRemarks = 0x00000bf9, - QCInputRemark = 0x00000bfa, - QCInputAccusation = 0x00000bfb, - QCInputDefense = 0x00000bfc, - QCTagQuestionSingular = 0x00000bfd, - QCResAgree = 0x00000bfe, - QCResDisagree = 0x00000bff, - QCResNice = 0x00000c00, - QCResUhOh = 0x00000c01, - QCResOops = 0x00000c02, - QCResExclamationMarks = 0x00000c03, - QCResQuestionMarks = 0x00000c04, - QCBuildingPlaceholder = 0x00000c05, - QCTagQuickRemarks = 0x00000c06, - Undo = 0x00000c17, - Clear = 0x00000c18, - DivertPower = 0x00000c19, - ResetReactorName = 0x00000c1a, - RestoreOxyName = 0x00000c1b, - QCAccADidntReport_QCCrewMe = 0x00000c1c, - QCStaACalledMeeting_QCCrewMe = 0x00000c1d, - QCAccAIsLyingNeg_QCCrewMe = 0x00000c1e, - QCResADid_QCCrewMe = 0x00000c1f, - QCResADidNeg_QCCrewMe = 0x00000c20, - QCResAWas_QCCrewMe = 0x00000c21, - QCResAWasNeg_QCCrewMe = 0x00000c22, - QCResIsBeingFramed_QCCrewMe = 0x00000c23, - QCAccAKilledBNeg_QCCrewMe_ANY = 0x00000c24, - QCStaAWasWithB_QCCrewMe_ANY = 0x00000c25, - QCStaAWasWithB_ANY_QCCrewMe = 0x00000c26, - QCResCloseTo_QCCrewMe_ANY = 0x00000c27, - QCAccAWasChasingB_QCCrewMe_ANY = 0x00000c28, - QCAccAWasChasingBNeg_QCCrewMe_ANY = 0x00000c29, - QCAccAWasChasingB_ANY_QCCrewMe = 0x00000c2a, - QCAccAWasChasingBNeg_ANY_QCCrewMe = 0x00000c2b, - QCStaASawB_QCCrewMe_ANY = 0x00000c2c, - QCAccASawBVent_QCCrewMe_ANY = 0x00000c2d, - QCAccASawBVentNeg_QCCrewMe_ANY = 0x00000c2e, - QCAccASawBVentNeg_ANY_QCCrewMe = 0x00000c2f, - QCResAWasAtB_QCCrewMe_ANY = 0x00000c30, - QCResAWasAtBNeg_QCCrewMe_ANY = 0x00000c31, - QCStaADidB_QCCrewMe_ANY = 0x00000c32, - QCAccIsRole_QCCrewMe_ANY = 0x00000c33, - QCAccIsRoleNeg_QCCrewMe_ANY = 0x00000c34, - QCResProtected_ANY_QCCrewMe = 0x00000c35, - QCCrewSomeone = 0x00000c36, - QCResUrWelcome = 0x00000c37, - QCResNp = 0x00000c38, - QCResYikes = 0x00000c39, - QCResRipCrew = 0x00000c3a, - QCResYeetCrew = 0x00000c3b, - QCSelfWasOnVitals = 0x00000c3c, - QCSawDeadCrewOnVitals = 0x00000c3d, - QCSelfSawTwoCrew = 0x00000c3e, - QCCrewShapeshifted = 0x00000c3f, - QCSelfSawCrewDoVisualTask = 0x00000c40, - QCSelfWasOnDoorlogs = 0x00000c41, - QCSelfWasOnAdmin = 0x00000c42, - QCSelfAmVotingCrew = 0x00000c43, - QCCrewWasPretendingTasks = 0x00000c44, - QCCrewWasPretendingSabotage = 0x00000c45, - QCLobbyMoreImpostors = 0x00000c46, - QCLobbyLessImpostors = 0x00000c47, - QCLobbyConfirmEjects = 0x00000c48, - QCLobbyMoreEmergencyMeetings = 0x00000c49, - QCLobbyLessEmergencyMeetings = 0x00000c4a, - QCLobbyAnonymousVotes = 0x00000c4b, - QCLobbyMoreEmergencyCooldownTime = 0x00000c4c, - QCLobbyLessEmergencyCooldownTime = 0x00000c4d, - QCLobbyMoreDiscussionTime = 0x00000c4e, - QCLobbyLessDiscussionTime = 0x00000c4f, - QCLobbyMoreVotingTime = 0x00000c50, - QCLobbyLessVotingTime = 0x00000c51, - QCLobbyFasterPlayerSpeed = 0x00000c52, - QCLobbySlowerPlayerSpeed = 0x00000c53, - QCLobbyTaskBarUpdates = 0x00000c54, - QCLobbyVisualTasks = 0x00000c55, - QCLobbyMoreCrewmateVision = 0x00000c56, - QCLobbyLessCrewmateVision = 0x00000c57, - QCLobbyMoreImpostorVision = 0x00000c58, - QCLobbyLessImpostorVision = 0x00000c59, - QCLobbyMoreKillCooldownTime = 0x00000c5a, - QCLobbyLessKillCooldownTime = 0x00000c5b, - QCLobbyLongerKillDistance = 0x00000c5c, - QCLobbyShorderKillDistance = 0x00000c5d, - QCLobbyMoreCommonTasks = 0x00000c5e, - QCLobbyLessCommonTasks = 0x00000c5f, - QCLobbyMoreLongTasks = 0x00000c60, - QCLobbyLessLongTasks = 0x00000c61, - QCLobbyMoreShortTasks = 0x00000c62, - QCLobbyLessShortTasks = 0x00000c63, - QCLobbyRoleScientists = 0x00000c64, - QCLobbyRoleGuardianAngels = 0x00000c65, - QCLobbyRoleEngineers = 0x00000c66, - QCLobbyRoleShapeshifters = 0x00000c67, - QCLobbyRoleNone = 0x00000c68, - QCResLess = 0x00000c69, - QCResMore = 0x00000c6a, - QCResNone = 0x00000c6b, - QCLobbyHNSMoreHideTime = 0x00000c6c, - QCLobbyHNSLessHideTime = 0x00000c6d, - QCLobbyHNSMoreFinalHideTime = 0x00000c6e, - QCLobbyHNSLessFinalHideTime = 0x00000c6f, - QCLobbyHNSFlashlightMode = 0x00000c70, - QCLobbyHNSMoreCrewmateFlashlightSize = 0x00000c71, - QCLobbyHNSLessCrewmateFlashlightSize = 0x00000c72, - QCLobbyHNSMoreImpostorFlashlightSize = 0x00000c73, - QCLobbyHNSLessImpostorFlashlightSize = 0x00000c74, - QCLobbyHNSShowNames = 0x00000c75, - QCLobbyHNSMoreVents = 0x00000c76, - QCLobbyHNSLessVents = 0x00000c77, - QCLobbyHNSMoreTimeInVent = 0x00000c78, - QCLobbyHNSLessTimeInVent = 0x00000c79, - QCLobbyHNSMoreFinalHideImpostorSpeed = 0x00000c7a, - QCLobbyHNSLessFinalHideImpostorSpeed = 0x00000c7b, - QCLobbyHNSFinalHideSeekMap = 0x00000c7c, - QCLobbyHNSFinalHidePings = 0x00000c7d, - QCLobbyHNSMorePingInterval = 0x00000c7e, - QCLobbyHNSLessPingInterval = 0x00000c7f, - SettingsColorblind = 0x00000c80, - SettingsHelp = 0x00000c81, - SecLogEntryColorblind = 0x00000c82, - DeleteAccount = 0x00000c83, - DoNotDeleteAccount = 0x00000c84, - AccountDeleteHelp = 0x00000c85, - AccountUnDeleteHelp = 0x00000c86, - ConfirmDelete = 0x00000c87, - ConfirmDeleteAccounts = 0x00000c88, - ConfirmDeleteAccountsEmpty = 0x00000c89, - AccountRequestDelete = 0x00000c8a, - HasBeenKilled = 0x00000c8b, - ScrollList = 0x00000ce4, - ScrollNews = 0x00000ce5, - AmongUsAnnouncements = 0x00000ce6, - AnnouncementErrorSubtitle = 0x00000ce7, - AnnouncementErrorText = 0x00000ce8, - ReadMoreLabel = 0x00000ce9, - ReturnToList = 0x00000cea, - NavigateLinks = 0x00000ceb, - AgeVerificationTitle = 0x00000cec, - AgeVerificationInfoTitle = 0x00000ced, - AgeVerificationInfo = 0x00000cee, - AgeVerificationMoreInfo = 0x00000cef, - EditLabel = 0x00000cf0, - VerifyAgeText = 0x00000cf1, - PlayLabel = 0x00000cf2, - SettingsLabel = 0x00000cf3, - NewsLabel = 0x00000cf4, - AccountLabel = 0x00000cf5, - CreditsLabel = 0x00000cf6, - ShopLabel = 0x00000cf7, - InventoryLabel = 0x00000cf8, - StatsLabel = 0x00000cf9, - FriendsLabel = 0x00000cfa, - GameType = 0x00000dac, - GameTypeError = 0x00000dad, - GameTypeClassic = 0x00000dae, - GameTypeHideAndSeek = 0x00000daf, - PetAction = 0x00000db0, - CreateLabel = 0x00000db1, - TagFiltersTitle = 0x00000db2, - TagFiltersHelpFindGame = 0x00000db3, - TagFiltersHelpCreate = 0x00000db4, - TagsFilteredSingular = 0x00000db5, - TagsFilteredPlural = 0x00000db6, - TagsAppliedSingular = 0x00000db7, - TagsAppliedPlural = 0x00000db8, - DefaultFilterTag_FirstTime = 0x00000db9, - DefaultFilterTag_Casual = 0x00000dba, - DefaultFilterTag_Serious = 0x00000dbb, - DefaultFilterTag_Expert = 0x00000dbc, - HttpErrorContextNone = 0x00000dbd, - HttpErrorContextAuthenticate = 0x00000dbe, - HttpErrorContextRequestGameCode = 0x00000dbf, - HttpErrorContextFindHostServer = 0x00000dc0, - HttpErrorContextRequestGamesList = 0x00000dc1, - HttpErrorUnknown = 0x00000dc2, - HttpErrorBadRequest = 0x00000dc3, - HttpErrorUnauthorized = 0x00000dc4, - HttpErrorForbidden = 0x00000dc5, - HttpErrorNotFound = 0x00000dc6, - HttpErrorMethodNotAllowed = 0x00000dc7, - HttpErrorRequestTimeout = 0x00000dc8, - HttpErrorTooManyRequests = 0x00000dc9, - HttpErrorInternalServerError = 0x00000dca, - HttpErrorBadGateway = 0x00000dcb, - HttpErrorServiceUnavailable = 0x00000dcc, - HttpErrorGatewayTimeout = 0x00000dcd, - }; - -#else - enum StringNames__Enum { - StringNames__Enum_None = 0x00000000, - StringNames__Enum_BackButton = 0x00000001, - StringNames__Enum_AvailableGamesLabel = 0x00000002, - StringNames__Enum_CreateGameButton = 0x00000003, - StringNames__Enum_FindGameButton = 0x00000004, - StringNames__Enum_EnterCode = 0x00000005, - StringNames__Enum_GhostIgnoreTasks = 0x00000006, - StringNames__Enum_GhostDoTasks = 0x00000007, - StringNames__Enum_GhostImpostor = 0x00000008, - StringNames__Enum_ImpostorTask = 0x00000009, - StringNames__Enum_FakeTasks = 0x0000000a, - StringNames__Enum_TaskComplete = 0x0000000b, - StringNames__Enum_ExileTextSP = 0x0000000c, - StringNames__Enum_ExileTextSN = 0x0000000d, - StringNames__Enum_ExileTextPP = 0x0000000e, - StringNames__Enum_ExileTextPN = 0x0000000f, - StringNames__Enum_NoExileSkip = 0x00000010, - StringNames__Enum_NoExileTie = 0x00000011, - StringNames__Enum_ImpostorsRemainS = 0x00000012, - StringNames__Enum_ImpostorsRemainP = 0x00000013, - StringNames__Enum_Hallway = 0x00000014, - StringNames__Enum_Storage = 0x00000015, - StringNames__Enum_Cafeteria = 0x00000016, - StringNames__Enum_Reactor = 0x00000017, - StringNames__Enum_UpperEngine = 0x00000018, - StringNames__Enum_Nav = 0x00000019, - StringNames__Enum_Admin = 0x0000001a, - StringNames__Enum_Electrical = 0x0000001b, - StringNames__Enum_LifeSupp = 0x0000001c, - StringNames__Enum_Shields = 0x0000001d, - StringNames__Enum_MedBay = 0x0000001e, - StringNames__Enum_Security = 0x0000001f, - StringNames__Enum_Weapons = 0x00000020, - StringNames__Enum_LowerEngine = 0x00000021, - StringNames__Enum_Comms = 0x00000022, - StringNames__Enum_Decontamination = 0x00000023, - StringNames__Enum_Launchpad = 0x00000024, - StringNames__Enum_LockerRoom = 0x00000025, - StringNames__Enum_Laboratory = 0x00000026, - StringNames__Enum_Balcony = 0x00000027, - StringNames__Enum_Office = 0x00000028, - StringNames__Enum_Greenhouse = 0x00000029, - StringNames__Enum_DivertPowerTo = 0x0000002a, - StringNames__Enum_AcceptDivertedPower = 0x0000002b, - StringNames__Enum_SubmitScan = 0x0000002c, - StringNames__Enum_PrimeShields = 0x0000002d, - StringNames__Enum_FuelEngines = 0x0000002e, - StringNames__Enum_ChartCourse = 0x0000002f, - StringNames__Enum_StartReactor = 0x00000030, - StringNames__Enum_SwipeCard = 0x00000031, - StringNames__Enum_ClearAsteroids = 0x00000032, - StringNames__Enum_UploadData = 0x00000033, - StringNames__Enum_DownloadData = 0x00000034, - StringNames__Enum_InspectSample = 0x00000035, - StringNames__Enum_EmptyChute = 0x00000036, - StringNames__Enum_EmptyGarbage = 0x00000037, - StringNames__Enum_AlignEngineOutput = 0x00000038, - StringNames__Enum_FixWiring = 0x00000039, - StringNames__Enum_CalibrateDistributor = 0x0000003a, - StringNames__Enum_UnlockManifolds = 0x0000003b, - StringNames__Enum_ResetReactor = 0x0000003c, - StringNames__Enum_FixLights = 0x0000003d, - StringNames__Enum_FixComms = 0x0000003e, - StringNames__Enum_RestoreOxy = 0x0000003f, - StringNames__Enum_CleanO2Filter = 0x00000040, - StringNames__Enum_StabilizeSteering = 0x00000041, - StringNames__Enum_AssembleArtifact = 0x00000042, - StringNames__Enum_SortSamples = 0x00000043, - StringNames__Enum_MeasureWeather = 0x00000044, - StringNames__Enum_EnterIdCode = 0x00000045, - StringNames__Enum_HowToPlayText1 = 0x00000046, - StringNames__Enum_HowToPlayText2 = 0x00000047, - StringNames__Enum_HowToPlayText5 = 0x00000048, - StringNames__Enum_HowToPlayText6 = 0x00000049, - StringNames__Enum_HowToPlayText7 = 0x0000004a, - StringNames__Enum_HowToPlayText81 = 0x0000004b, - StringNames__Enum_HowToPlayText82 = 0x0000004c, - StringNames__Enum_NumImpostorsS = 0x0000004d, - StringNames__Enum_NumImpostorsP = 0x0000004e, - StringNames__Enum_Crewmate = 0x0000004f, - StringNames__Enum_Impostor = 0x00000050, - StringNames__Enum_Victory = 0x00000051, - StringNames__Enum_Defeat = 0x00000052, - StringNames__Enum_CrewmatesDisconnected = 0x00000053, - StringNames__Enum_ImpostorDisconnected = 0x00000054, - StringNames__Enum_HowToPlayText41 = 0x00000055, - StringNames__Enum_HowToPlayText42 = 0x00000056, - StringNames__Enum_HowToPlayText43 = 0x00000057, - StringNames__Enum_HowToPlayText44 = 0x00000058, - StringNames__Enum_HowToPlayTextMap = 0x00000059, - StringNames__Enum_HowToPlayTextCrew1 = 0x0000005a, - StringNames__Enum_HowToPlayTextCrew2 = 0x0000005b, - StringNames__Enum_HowToPlayTextCrew3 = 0x0000005c, - StringNames__Enum_HowToPlayTextCrew4 = 0x0000005d, - StringNames__Enum_HowToPlayTextCrew5 = 0x0000005e, - StringNames__Enum_HowToPlayTextCrew6 = 0x0000005f, - StringNames__Enum_HowToPlayTextImp1 = 0x00000060, - StringNames__Enum_HowToPlayTextImp2 = 0x00000061, - StringNames__Enum_HowToPlayTextImp3 = 0x00000062, - StringNames__Enum_HowToPlayTextImp4 = 0x00000063, - StringNames__Enum_HowToPlayTextImp5 = 0x00000064, - StringNames__Enum_HowToPlayTextImp6 = 0x00000065, - StringNames__Enum_HowToPlayTextImp7 = 0x00000066, - StringNames__Enum_SettingsGeneral = 0x00000067, - StringNames__Enum_SettingsControls = 0x00000068, - StringNames__Enum_SettingsSound = 0x00000069, - StringNames__Enum_SettingsGraphics = 0x0000006a, - StringNames__Enum_SettingsData = 0x0000006b, - StringNames__Enum_SettingsCensorChat = 0x0000006c, - StringNames__Enum_SettingsMusic = 0x0000006d, - StringNames__Enum_SettingsSFX = 0x0000006e, - StringNames__Enum_SettingsOn = 0x0000006f, - StringNames__Enum_SettingsOff = 0x00000070, - StringNames__Enum_SettingsSendTelemetry = 0x00000071, - StringNames__Enum_SettingsControlMode = 0x00000072, - StringNames__Enum_SettingsTouchMode = 0x00000073, - StringNames__Enum_SettingsJoystickMode = 0x00000074, - StringNames__Enum_SettingsKeyboardMode = 0x00000075, - StringNames__Enum_SettingsFullscreen = 0x00000076, - StringNames__Enum_SettingsResolution = 0x00000077, - StringNames__Enum_SettingsApply = 0x00000078, - StringNames__Enum_SettingsPersonalizeAds = 0x00000079, - StringNames__Enum_SettingsLanguage = 0x0000007a, - StringNames__Enum_SettingsJoystickSize = 0x0000007b, - StringNames__Enum_SettingsMouseMode = 0x0000007c, - StringNames__Enum_PlayerColor = 0x0000007d, - StringNames__Enum_PlayerHat = 0x0000007e, - StringNames__Enum_PlayerSkin = 0x0000007f, - StringNames__Enum_PlayerPet = 0x00000080, - StringNames__Enum_GameSettings = 0x00000081, - StringNames__Enum_GameRecommendedSettings = 0x00000082, - StringNames__Enum_GameCustomSettings = 0x00000083, - StringNames__Enum_GameMapName = 0x00000084, - StringNames__Enum_GameNumImpostors = 0x00000085, - StringNames__Enum_GameNumMeetings = 0x00000086, - StringNames__Enum_GameDiscussTime = 0x00000087, - StringNames__Enum_GameVotingTime = 0x00000088, - StringNames__Enum_GamePlayerSpeed = 0x00000089, - StringNames__Enum_GameCrewLight = 0x0000008a, - StringNames__Enum_GameImpostorLight = 0x0000008b, - StringNames__Enum_GameKillCooldown = 0x0000008c, - StringNames__Enum_GameKillDistance = 0x0000008d, - StringNames__Enum_GameCommonTasks = 0x0000008e, - StringNames__Enum_GameLongTasks = 0x0000008f, - StringNames__Enum_GameShortTasks = 0x00000090, - StringNames__Enum_MatchMapName = 0x00000091, - StringNames__Enum_MatchLanguage = 0x00000092, - StringNames__Enum_MatchImpostors = 0x00000093, - StringNames__Enum_MatchMaxPlayers = 0x00000094, - StringNames__Enum_Cancel = 0x00000095, - StringNames__Enum_Confirm = 0x00000096, - StringNames__Enum_Limit = 0x00000097, - StringNames__Enum_RoomCode = 0x00000098, - StringNames__Enum_LeaveGame = 0x00000099, - StringNames__Enum_ReturnToGame = 0x0000009a, - StringNames__Enum_LocalHelp = 0x0000009b, - StringNames__Enum_OnlineHelp = 0x0000009c, - StringNames__Enum_SettingsVSync = 0x0000009d, - StringNames__Enum_EmergencyCount = 0x0000009e, - StringNames__Enum_EmergencyNotReady = 0x0000009f, - StringNames__Enum_EmergencyDuringCrisis = 0x000000a0, - StringNames__Enum_EmergencyRequested = 0x000000a1, - StringNames__Enum_GameEmergencyCooldown = 0x000000a2, - StringNames__Enum_BuyBeverage = 0x000000a3, - StringNames__Enum_WeatherEta = 0x000000a4, - StringNames__Enum_WeatherComplete = 0x000000a5, - StringNames__Enum_ProcessData = 0x000000a6, - StringNames__Enum_RunDiagnostics = 0x000000a7, - StringNames__Enum_WaterPlants = 0x000000a8, - StringNames__Enum_PickAnomaly = 0x000000a9, - StringNames__Enum_WaterPlantsGetCan = 0x000000aa, - StringNames__Enum_AuthOfficeOkay = 0x000000ab, - StringNames__Enum_AuthCommsOkay = 0x000000ac, - StringNames__Enum_AuthOfficeActive = 0x000000ad, - StringNames__Enum_AuthCommsActive = 0x000000ae, - StringNames__Enum_AuthOfficeNotActive = 0x000000af, - StringNames__Enum_AuthCommsNotActive = 0x000000b0, - StringNames__Enum_SecLogEntry = 0x000000b1, - StringNames__Enum_EnterName = 0x000000b2, - StringNames__Enum_SwipeCardPleaseSwipe = 0x000000b3, - StringNames__Enum_SwipeCardBadRead = 0x000000b4, - StringNames__Enum_SwipeCardTooFast = 0x000000b5, - StringNames__Enum_SwipeCardTooSlow = 0x000000b6, - StringNames__Enum_SwipeCardAccepted = 0x000000b7, - StringNames__Enum_ReactorHoldToStop = 0x000000b8, - StringNames__Enum_ReactorWaiting = 0x000000b9, - StringNames__Enum_ReactorNominal = 0x000000ba, - StringNames__Enum_MeetingWhoIsTitle = 0x000000bb, - StringNames__Enum_MeetingVotingBegins = 0x000000bc, - StringNames__Enum_MeetingVotingEnds = 0x000000bd, - StringNames__Enum_MeetingVotingResults = 0x000000be, - StringNames__Enum_MeetingProceeds = 0x000000bf, - StringNames__Enum_MeetingHasVoted = 0x000000c0, - StringNames__Enum_DataPolicyTitle = 0x000000c1, - StringNames__Enum_DataPolicyText = 0x000000c2, - StringNames__Enum_DataPolicyWhat = 0x000000c3, - StringNames__Enum_AdPolicyTitle = 0x000000c4, - StringNames__Enum_AdPolicyText = 0x000000c5, - StringNames__Enum_Accept = 0x000000c6, - StringNames__Enum_RemoveAds = 0x000000c7, - StringNames__Enum_SwipeCardPleaseInsert = 0x000000c8, - StringNames__Enum_LogNorth = 0x000000c9, - StringNames__Enum_LogSouthEast = 0x000000ca, - StringNames__Enum_LogSouthWest = 0x000000cb, - StringNames__Enum_SettingShort = 0x000000cc, - StringNames__Enum_SettingMedium = 0x000000cd, - StringNames__Enum_SettingLong = 0x000000ce, - StringNames__Enum_SamplesPress = 0x000000cf, - StringNames__Enum_SamplesAdding = 0x000000d0, - StringNames__Enum_SamplesSelect = 0x000000d1, - StringNames__Enum_SamplesThanks = 0x000000d2, - StringNames__Enum_SamplesComplete = 0x000000d3, - StringNames__Enum_AstDestroyed = 0x000000d4, - StringNames__Enum_TaskTestTitle = 0x000000d5, - StringNames__Enum_BeginDiagnostics = 0x000000d6, - StringNames__Enum_UserLeftGame = 0x000000d7, - StringNames__Enum_GameStarting = 0x000000d8, - StringNames__Enum_Tasks = 0x000000d9, - StringNames__Enum_StatsTitle = 0x000000da, - StringNames__Enum_StatsBodiesReported = 0x000000db, - StringNames__Enum_StatsEmergenciesCalled = 0x000000dc, - StringNames__Enum_StatsTasksCompleted = 0x000000dd, - StringNames__Enum_StatsAllTasksCompleted = 0x000000de, - StringNames__Enum_StatsSabotagesFixed = 0x000000df, - StringNames__Enum_StatsImpostorKills = 0x000000e0, - StringNames__Enum_StatsTimesMurdered = 0x000000e1, - StringNames__Enum_StatsTimesEjected = 0x000000e2, - StringNames__Enum_StatsCrewmateStreak = 0x000000e3, - StringNames__Enum_StatsGamesImpostor = 0x000000e4, - StringNames__Enum_StatsGamesCrewmate = 0x000000e5, - StringNames__Enum_StatsGamesStarted = 0x000000e6, - StringNames__Enum_StatsGamesFinished = 0x000000e7, - StringNames__Enum_StatsImpostorVoteWins = 0x000000e8, - StringNames__Enum_StatsImpostorKillsWins = 0x000000e9, - StringNames__Enum_StatsImpostorSabotageWins = 0x000000ea, - StringNames__Enum_StatsCrewmateVoteWins = 0x000000eb, - StringNames__Enum_StatsCrewmateTaskWins = 0x000000ec, - StringNames__Enum_MedscanRequested = 0x000000ed, - StringNames__Enum_MedscanWaitingFor = 0x000000ee, - StringNames__Enum_MedscanCompleted = 0x000000ef, - StringNames__Enum_MedscanCompleteIn = 0x000000f0, - StringNames__Enum_MonitorOxygen = 0x000000f1, - StringNames__Enum_StoreArtifacts = 0x000000f2, - StringNames__Enum_FillCanisters = 0x000000f3, - StringNames__Enum_FixWeatherNode = 0x000000f4, - StringNames__Enum_InsertKeys = 0x000000f5, - StringNames__Enum_ResetSeismic = 0x000000f6, - StringNames__Enum_SeismicHoldToStop = 0x000000f7, - StringNames__Enum_SeismicNominal = 0x000000f8, - StringNames__Enum_ScanBoardingPass = 0x000000f9, - StringNames__Enum_OpenWaterways = 0x000000fa, - StringNames__Enum_ReplaceWaterJug = 0x000000fb, - StringNames__Enum_RepairDrill = 0x000000fc, - StringNames__Enum_AlignTelescope = 0x000000fd, - StringNames__Enum_RecordTemperature = 0x000000fe, - StringNames__Enum_RebootWifi = 0x000000ff, - StringNames__Enum_WifiRebootRequired = 0x00000100, - StringNames__Enum_WifiPleasePowerOn = 0x00000101, - StringNames__Enum_WifiPleaseWait = 0x00000102, - StringNames__Enum_WifiPleaseReturnIn = 0x00000103, - StringNames__Enum_WifiRebootComplete = 0x00000104, - StringNames__Enum_Outside = 0x00000105, - StringNames__Enum_GameSecondsAbbrev = 0x00000106, - StringNames__Enum_Engines = 0x00000107, - StringNames__Enum_Dropship = 0x00000108, - StringNames__Enum_Decontamination2 = 0x00000109, - StringNames__Enum_Specimens = 0x0000010a, - StringNames__Enum_BoilerRoom = 0x0000010b, - StringNames__Enum_GameOverImpostorDead = 0x0000010c, - StringNames__Enum_GameOverImpostorKills = 0x0000010d, - StringNames__Enum_GameOverTaskWin = 0x0000010e, - StringNames__Enum_GameOverSabotage = 0x0000010f, - StringNames__Enum_GameConfirmImpostor = 0x00000110, - StringNames__Enum_GameVisualTasks = 0x00000111, - StringNames__Enum_ExileTextNonConfirm = 0x00000112, - StringNames__Enum_GameAnonymousVotes = 0x00000113, - StringNames__Enum_GameTaskBarMode = 0x00000114, - StringNames__Enum_SettingNormalTaskMode = 0x00000115, - StringNames__Enum_SettingMeetingTaskMode = 0x00000116, - StringNames__Enum_SettingInvisibleTaskMode = 0x00000117, - StringNames__Enum_PlainYes = 0x00000118, - StringNames__Enum_PlainNo = 0x00000119, - StringNames__Enum_PrivacyPolicyTitle = 0x0000011a, - StringNames__Enum_PrivacyPolicyText = 0x0000011b, - StringNames__Enum_ManageDataButton = 0x0000011c, - StringNames__Enum_UnderstandButton = 0x0000011d, - StringNames__Enum_HowToPlayText2Switch = 0x0000011e, - StringNames__Enum_ChatRateLimit = 0x0000011f, - StringNames__Enum_TotalTasksCompleted = 0x00000120, - StringNames__Enum_ServerNA = 0x00000121, - StringNames__Enum_ServerEU = 0x00000122, - StringNames__Enum_ServerAS = 0x00000123, - StringNames__Enum_ServerSA = 0x00000124, - StringNames__Enum_LangEnglish = 0x00000125, - StringNames__Enum_LangFrench = 0x00000126, - StringNames__Enum_LangItalian = 0x00000127, - StringNames__Enum_LangGerman = 0x00000128, - StringNames__Enum_LangSpanish = 0x00000129, - StringNames__Enum_LangSpanishLATAM = 0x0000012a, - StringNames__Enum_LangBrazPort = 0x0000012b, - StringNames__Enum_LangPort = 0x0000012c, - StringNames__Enum_LangRussian = 0x0000012d, - StringNames__Enum_LangJapanese = 0x0000012e, - StringNames__Enum_LangKorean = 0x0000012f, - StringNames__Enum_LangDutch = 0x00000130, - StringNames__Enum_LangFilipino = 0x00000131, - StringNames__Enum_PlayerName = 0x00000132, - StringNames__Enum_MyTablet = 0x00000133, - StringNames__Enum_Download = 0x00000134, - StringNames__Enum_DownloadComplete = 0x00000135, - StringNames__Enum_DownloadTestEstTimeS = 0x00000136, - StringNames__Enum_DownloadTestEstTimeMS = 0x00000137, - StringNames__Enum_DownloadTestEstTimeHMS = 0x00000138, - StringNames__Enum_DownloadTestEstTimeDHMS = 0x00000139, - StringNames__Enum_Upload = 0x0000013a, - StringNames__Enum_Headquarters = 0x0000013b, - StringNames__Enum_GrabCoffee = 0x0000013c, - StringNames__Enum_TakeBreak = 0x0000013d, - StringNames__Enum_DontNeedWait = 0x0000013e, - StringNames__Enum_DoSomethingElse = 0x0000013f, - StringNames__Enum_NodeTB = 0x00000140, - StringNames__Enum_NodeIRO = 0x00000141, - StringNames__Enum_NodeGI = 0x00000142, - StringNames__Enum_NodePD = 0x00000143, - StringNames__Enum_NodeCA = 0x00000144, - StringNames__Enum_NodeMLG = 0x00000145, - StringNames__Enum_Vending = 0x00000146, - StringNames__Enum_OtherLanguage = 0x00000147, - StringNames__Enum_ImposterAmtAny = 0x00000148, - StringNames__Enum_VitalsORGN = 0x00000149, - StringNames__Enum_VitalsBLUE = 0x0000014a, - StringNames__Enum_VitalsRED = 0x0000014b, - StringNames__Enum_VitalsBRWN = 0x0000014c, - StringNames__Enum_VitalsGRN = 0x0000014d, - StringNames__Enum_VitalsPINK = 0x0000014e, - StringNames__Enum_VitalsWHTE = 0x0000014f, - StringNames__Enum_VitalsYLOW = 0x00000150, - StringNames__Enum_VitalsBLAK = 0x00000151, - StringNames__Enum_VitalsPURP = 0x00000152, - StringNames__Enum_VitalsCYAN = 0x00000153, - StringNames__Enum_VitalsLIME = 0x00000154, - StringNames__Enum_VitalsOK = 0x00000155, - StringNames__Enum_VitalsDEAD = 0x00000156, - StringNames__Enum_VitalsDC = 0x00000157, - StringNames__Enum_ColorOrange = 0x00000158, - StringNames__Enum_ColorBlue = 0x00000159, - StringNames__Enum_ColorRed = 0x0000015a, - StringNames__Enum_ColorBrown = 0x0000015b, - StringNames__Enum_ColorGreen = 0x0000015c, - StringNames__Enum_ColorPink = 0x0000015d, - StringNames__Enum_ColorWhite = 0x0000015e, - StringNames__Enum_ColorYellow = 0x0000015f, - StringNames__Enum_ColorBlack = 0x00000160, - StringNames__Enum_ColorPurple = 0x00000161, - StringNames__Enum_ColorCyan = 0x00000162, - StringNames__Enum_ColorLime = 0x00000163, - StringNames__Enum_MedID = 0x00000164, - StringNames__Enum_MedC = 0x00000165, - StringNames__Enum_MedHT = 0x00000166, - StringNames__Enum_MedBT = 0x00000167, - StringNames__Enum_MedWT = 0x00000168, - StringNames__Enum_MedETA = 0x00000169, - StringNames__Enum_MedHello = 0x0000016a, - StringNames__Enum_PetFailFetchData = 0x0000016b, - StringNames__Enum_BadResult = 0x0000016c, - StringNames__Enum_More = 0x0000016d, - StringNames__Enum_Processing = 0x0000016e, - StringNames__Enum_ExitGame = 0x0000016f, - StringNames__Enum_WaitingForHost = 0x00000170, - StringNames__Enum_LeftGameError = 0x00000171, - StringNames__Enum_PlayerWasBannedBy = 0x00000172, - StringNames__Enum_PlayerWasKickedBy = 0x00000173, - StringNames__Enum_CamEast = 0x00000174, - StringNames__Enum_CamCentral = 0x00000175, - StringNames__Enum_CamNortheast = 0x00000176, - StringNames__Enum_CamSouth = 0x00000177, - StringNames__Enum_CamSouthwest = 0x00000178, - StringNames__Enum_CamNorthwest = 0x00000179, - StringNames__Enum_LoadingFailed = 0x0000017a, - StringNames__Enum_LobbySizeWarning = 0x0000017b, - StringNames__Enum_Okay = 0x0000017c, - StringNames__Enum_OkayDontShow = 0x0000017d, - StringNames__Enum_Nevermind = 0x0000017e, - StringNames__Enum_Dummy = 0x0000017f, - StringNames__Enum_Bad = 0x00000180, - StringNames__Enum_Status = 0x00000181, - StringNames__Enum_Fine = 0x00000182, - StringNames__Enum_OK = 0x00000183, - StringNames__Enum_PetTryOn = 0x00000184, - StringNames__Enum_SecondsAbbv = 0x00000185, - StringNames__Enum_SecurityLogsSystem = 0x00000186, - StringNames__Enum_SecurityCamsSystem = 0x00000187, - StringNames__Enum_AdminMapSystem = 0x00000188, - StringNames__Enum_VitalsSystem = 0x00000189, - StringNames__Enum_BanButton = 0x0000018a, - StringNames__Enum_KickButton = 0x0000018b, - StringNames__Enum_ReportButton = 0x0000018c, - StringNames__Enum_ReportConfirmation = 0x0000018d, - StringNames__Enum_ReportBadName = 0x0000018e, - StringNames__Enum_ReportBadChat = 0x0000018f, - StringNames__Enum_ReportHacking = 0x00000190, - StringNames__Enum_ReportHarassment = 0x00000191, - StringNames__Enum_ReportWhy = 0x00000192, - StringNames__Enum_Visor = 0x00000193, - StringNames__Enum_NamePlate = 0x00000194, - StringNames__Enum_Visors = 0x00000195, - StringNames__Enum_NamePlates = 0x00000196, - StringNames__Enum_Cosmicube = 0x00000197, - StringNames__Enum_Cosmicubes = 0x00000198, - StringNames__Enum_Activate = 0x00000199, - StringNames__Enum_Deactivate = 0x0000019a, - StringNames__Enum_Owned = 0x0000019b, - StringNames__Enum_Purchase = 0x0000019c, - StringNames__Enum_CosmicubeProgression = 0x0000019d, - StringNames__Enum_ViewCube = 0x0000019e, - StringNames__Enum_ConfirmPurchaseHeader = 0x0000019f, - StringNames__Enum_ConfirmPurchaseText = 0x000001a0, - StringNames__Enum_DeactivateCube = 0x000001a1, - StringNames__Enum_ActivateCube = 0x000001a2, - StringNames__Enum_Bundles = 0x000001a3, - StringNames__Enum_Stars = 0x000001a4, - StringNames__Enum_PurchasingLabel = 0x000001a5, - StringNames__Enum_MouseMovement = 0x000001a6, - StringNames__Enum_KeyboardOptions = 0x000001a7, - StringNames__Enum_RemapBindings = 0x000001a8, - StringNames__Enum_KeyboardBindingsHeader = 0x000001a9, - StringNames__Enum_ExitButton = 0x000001aa, - StringNames__Enum_PolishRuby = 0x000001f4, - StringNames__Enum_ResetBreakers = 0x000001f5, - StringNames__Enum_Decontaminate = 0x000001f6, - StringNames__Enum_MakeBurger = 0x000001f7, - StringNames__Enum_UnlockSafe = 0x000001f8, - StringNames__Enum_SortRecords = 0x000001f9, - StringNames__Enum_PutAwayPistols = 0x000001fa, - StringNames__Enum_FixShower = 0x000001fb, - StringNames__Enum_CleanToilet = 0x000001fc, - StringNames__Enum_DressMannequin = 0x000001fd, - StringNames__Enum_PickUpTowels = 0x000001fe, - StringNames__Enum_RewindTapes = 0x000001ff, - StringNames__Enum_StartFans = 0x00000200, - StringNames__Enum_DevelopPhotos = 0x00000201, - StringNames__Enum_GetBiggolSword = 0x00000202, - StringNames__Enum_PutAwayRifles = 0x00000203, - StringNames__Enum_StopCharles = 0x00000204, - StringNames__Enum_AuthLeftOkay = 0x00000205, - StringNames__Enum_AuthRightOkay = 0x00000206, - StringNames__Enum_AuthLeftActive = 0x00000207, - StringNames__Enum_AuthRightActive = 0x00000208, - StringNames__Enum_AuthLeftNotActive = 0x00000209, - StringNames__Enum_AuthRightNotActive = 0x0000020a, - StringNames__Enum_VaultRoom = 0x00000226, - StringNames__Enum_Cockpit = 0x00000227, - StringNames__Enum_Armory = 0x00000228, - StringNames__Enum_Kitchen = 0x00000229, - StringNames__Enum_ViewingDeck = 0x0000022a, - StringNames__Enum_HallOfPortraits = 0x0000022b, - StringNames__Enum_Medical = 0x0000022c, - StringNames__Enum_CargoBay = 0x0000022d, - StringNames__Enum_Ventilation = 0x0000022e, - StringNames__Enum_Showers = 0x0000022f, - StringNames__Enum_Engine = 0x00000230, - StringNames__Enum_Brig = 0x00000231, - StringNames__Enum_MeetingRoom = 0x00000232, - StringNames__Enum_Records = 0x00000233, - StringNames__Enum_Lounge = 0x00000234, - StringNames__Enum_GapRoom = 0x00000235, - StringNames__Enum_MainHall = 0x00000236, - StringNames__Enum_RevealCode = 0x00000237, - StringNames__Enum_DirtyHeader = 0x00000238, - StringNames__Enum_ErrorServerOverload = 0x000002bc, - StringNames__Enum_ErrorIntentionalLeaving = 0x000002bd, - StringNames__Enum_ErrorFocusLost = 0x000002be, - StringNames__Enum_ErrorBanned = 0x000002bf, - StringNames__Enum_ErrorKicked = 0x000002c0, - StringNames__Enum_ErrorBannedNoCode = 0x000002c1, - StringNames__Enum_ErrorKickedNoCode = 0x000002c2, - StringNames__Enum_ErrorHacking = 0x000002c3, - StringNames__Enum_ErrorFullGame = 0x000002c4, - StringNames__Enum_ErrorStartedGame = 0x000002c5, - 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0x000005ea, - StringNames__Enum_ProtectAbility = 0x000005eb, - StringNames__Enum_ShapeshiftAbilityUndo = 0x000005ec, - StringNames__Enum_RoleChanceAndQuantity = 0x000005ed, - StringNames__Enum_ProtectedRecently = 0x000005ee, - StringNames__Enum_ShapeshifterDuration = 0x000005ef, - StringNames__Enum_ShapeshifterCooldown = 0x000005f0, - StringNames__Enum_ShapeshifterLeaveSkin = 0x000005f1, - StringNames__Enum_ScientistCooldown = 0x000005f2, - StringNames__Enum_GuardianAngelCooldown = 0x000005f3, - StringNames__Enum_EngineerCooldown = 0x000005f4, - StringNames__Enum_ScientistBlurbMed = 0x000005f5, - StringNames__Enum_ScientistBlurbLong = 0x000005f6, - StringNames__Enum_EngineerBlurbMed = 0x000005f7, - StringNames__Enum_EngineerBlurbLong = 0x000005f8, - StringNames__Enum_GuardianAngelBlurbMed = 0x000005f9, - StringNames__Enum_GuardianAngelBlurbLong = 0x000005fa, - StringNames__Enum_ShapeshifterBlurbMed = 0x000005fb, - StringNames__Enum_ShapeshifterBlurbLong = 0x000005fc, - 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StringNames__Enum_QCLobbyHNSShowNames = 0x00000c75, - StringNames__Enum_QCLobbyHNSMoreVents = 0x00000c76, - StringNames__Enum_QCLobbyHNSLessVents = 0x00000c77, - StringNames__Enum_QCLobbyHNSMoreTimeInVent = 0x00000c78, - StringNames__Enum_QCLobbyHNSLessTimeInVent = 0x00000c79, - StringNames__Enum_QCLobbyHNSMoreFinalHideImpostorSpeed = 0x00000c7a, - StringNames__Enum_QCLobbyHNSLessFinalHideImpostorSpeed = 0x00000c7b, - StringNames__Enum_QCLobbyHNSFinalHideSeekMap = 0x00000c7c, - StringNames__Enum_QCLobbyHNSFinalHidePings = 0x00000c7d, - StringNames__Enum_QCLobbyHNSMorePingInterval = 0x00000c7e, - StringNames__Enum_QCLobbyHNSLessPingInterval = 0x00000c7f, - StringNames__Enum_SettingsColorblind = 0x00000c80, - StringNames__Enum_SettingsHelp = 0x00000c81, - StringNames__Enum_SecLogEntryColorblind = 0x00000c82, - StringNames__Enum_DeleteAccount = 0x00000c83, - StringNames__Enum_DoNotDeleteAccount = 0x00000c84, - StringNames__Enum_AccountDeleteHelp = 0x00000c85, - StringNames__Enum_AccountUnDeleteHelp = 0x00000c86, - StringNames__Enum_ConfirmDelete = 0x00000c87, - StringNames__Enum_ConfirmDeleteAccounts = 0x00000c88, - StringNames__Enum_ConfirmDeleteAccountsEmpty = 0x00000c89, - StringNames__Enum_AccountRequestDelete = 0x00000c8a, - StringNames__Enum_HasBeenKilled = 0x00000c8b, - StringNames__Enum_ScrollList = 0x00000ce4, - StringNames__Enum_ScrollNews = 0x00000ce5, - StringNames__Enum_AmongUsAnnouncements = 0x00000ce6, - StringNames__Enum_AnnouncementErrorSubtitle = 0x00000ce7, - StringNames__Enum_AnnouncementErrorText = 0x00000ce8, - StringNames__Enum_ReadMoreLabel = 0x00000ce9, - StringNames__Enum_ReturnToList = 0x00000cea, - StringNames__Enum_NavigateLinks = 0x00000ceb, - StringNames__Enum_AgeVerificationTitle = 0x00000cec, - StringNames__Enum_AgeVerificationInfoTitle = 0x00000ced, - StringNames__Enum_AgeVerificationInfo = 0x00000cee, - StringNames__Enum_AgeVerificationMoreInfo = 0x00000cef, - StringNames__Enum_EditLabel = 0x00000cf0, - StringNames__Enum_VerifyAgeText = 0x00000cf1, - StringNames__Enum_PlayLabel = 0x00000cf2, - StringNames__Enum_SettingsLabel = 0x00000cf3, - StringNames__Enum_NewsLabel = 0x00000cf4, - StringNames__Enum_AccountLabel = 0x00000cf5, - StringNames__Enum_CreditsLabel = 0x00000cf6, - StringNames__Enum_ShopLabel = 0x00000cf7, - StringNames__Enum_InventoryLabel = 0x00000cf8, - StringNames__Enum_StatsLabel = 0x00000cf9, - StringNames__Enum_FriendsLabel = 0x00000cfa, - StringNames__Enum_GameType = 0x00000dac, - StringNames__Enum_GameTypeError = 0x00000dad, - StringNames__Enum_GameTypeClassic = 0x00000dae, - StringNames__Enum_GameTypeHideAndSeek = 0x00000daf, - StringNames__Enum_PetAction = 0x00000db0, - StringNames__Enum_CreateLabel = 0x00000db1, - StringNames__Enum_TagFiltersTitle = 0x00000db2, - StringNames__Enum_TagFiltersHelpFindGame = 0x00000db3, - StringNames__Enum_TagFiltersHelpCreate = 0x00000db4, - StringNames__Enum_TagsFilteredSingular = 0x00000db5, - StringNames__Enum_TagsFilteredPlural = 0x00000db6, - StringNames__Enum_TagsAppliedSingular = 0x00000db7, - StringNames__Enum_TagsAppliedPlural = 0x00000db8, - StringNames__Enum_DefaultFilterTag_FirstTime = 0x00000db9, - StringNames__Enum_DefaultFilterTag_Casual = 0x00000dba, - StringNames__Enum_DefaultFilterTag_Serious = 0x00000dbb, - StringNames__Enum_DefaultFilterTag_Expert = 0x00000dbc, - StringNames__Enum_HttpErrorContextNone = 0x00000dbd, - StringNames__Enum_HttpErrorContextAuthenticate = 0x00000dbe, - StringNames__Enum_HttpErrorContextRequestGameCode = 0x00000dbf, - StringNames__Enum_HttpErrorContextFindHostServer = 0x00000dc0, - StringNames__Enum_HttpErrorContextRequestGamesList = 0x00000dc1, - StringNames__Enum_HttpErrorUnknown = 0x00000dc2, - StringNames__Enum_HttpErrorBadRequest = 0x00000dc3, - StringNames__Enum_HttpErrorUnauthorized = 0x00000dc4, - StringNames__Enum_HttpErrorForbidden = 0x00000dc5, - StringNames__Enum_HttpErrorNotFound = 0x00000dc6, - StringNames__Enum_HttpErrorMethodNotAllowed = 0x00000dc7, - StringNames__Enum_HttpErrorRequestTimeout = 0x00000dc8, - StringNames__Enum_HttpErrorTooManyRequests = 0x00000dc9, - StringNames__Enum_HttpErrorInternalServerError = 0x00000dca, - StringNames__Enum_HttpErrorBadGateway = 0x00000dcb, - StringNames__Enum_HttpErrorServiceUnavailable = 0x00000dcc, - StringNames__Enum_HttpErrorGatewayTimeout = 0x00000dcd, - }; - -#endif + typedef int32_t StringNames__Enum; #pragma endregion #pragma region SwitchSystem - struct __declspec(align(4)) SwitchSystem__Fields - { + struct __declspec(align(4)) SwitchSystem__Fields { float DetoriorationTime; uint8_t Value; float timer; @@ -7695,34 +5084,29 @@ namespace app bool _IsDirty_k__BackingField; }; - struct SwitchSystem - { + struct SwitchSystem { struct SwitchSystem__Class* klass; - void* monitor; + MonitorData* monitor; struct SwitchSystem__Fields fields; }; - struct SwitchSystem__VTable - { + struct SwitchSystem__VTable { VirtualInvokeData Equals; VirtualInvokeData Finalize; VirtualInvokeData GetHashCode; VirtualInvokeData ToString; VirtualInvokeData get_IsDirty; - VirtualInvokeData Detoriorate; - VirtualInvokeData RepairDamage; + VirtualInvokeData Deteriorate; VirtualInvokeData UpdateSystem; VirtualInvokeData Serialize; VirtualInvokeData Deserialize; VirtualInvokeData get_IsActive; }; - struct SwitchSystem__StaticFields - { + struct SwitchSystem__StaticFields { }; - struct SwitchSystem__Class - { + struct SwitchSystem__Class { Il2CppClass_0 _0; Il2CppRuntimeInterfaceOffsetPair* interfaceOffsets; struct SwitchSystem__StaticFields* static_fields; @@ -8041,7 +5425,6 @@ namespace app #pragma region AirshipStatus struct AirshipStatus__Fields { struct ShipStatus__Fields _; - void* Ladders; void* SpawnInGame; struct MovingPlatformBehaviour* GapPlatform; void* ShowerParticles; @@ -8049,15 +5432,13 @@ namespace app struct GameObject* outOfOrderPlat; }; - struct AirshipStatus - { + struct AirshipStatus { struct AirshipStatus__Class* klass; - void* monitor; + MonitorData* monitor; struct AirshipStatus__Fields fields; }; - struct AirshipStatus__VTable - { + struct AirshipStatus__VTable { VirtualInvokeData Equals; VirtualInvokeData Finalize; VirtualInvokeData GetHashCode; @@ -8070,20 +5451,19 @@ namespace app VirtualInvokeData Serialize; VirtualInvokeData Deserialize; VirtualInvokeData OnEnable; - VirtualInvokeData RepairGameOverSystems; + VirtualInvokeData RepairCriticalSabotages; VirtualInvokeData Start; VirtualInvokeData SpawnPlayer; VirtualInvokeData OnMeetingCalled; + VirtualInvokeData StartSFX; VirtualInvokeData PrespawnStep; VirtualInvokeData CalculateLightRadius; }; - struct AirshipStatus__StaticFields - { + struct AirshipStatus__StaticFields { }; - struct AirshipStatus__Class - { + struct AirshipStatus__Class { Il2CppClass_0 _0; Il2CppRuntimeInterfaceOffsetPair* interfaceOffsets; struct AirshipStatus__StaticFields* static_fields; @@ -8544,8 +5924,7 @@ namespace app VirtualInvokeData GetHashCode; VirtualInvokeData ToString; VirtualInvokeData get_IsDirty; - VirtualInvokeData Detoriorate; - VirtualInvokeData RepairDamage; + VirtualInvokeData Deteriorate; VirtualInvokeData UpdateSystem; VirtualInvokeData Serialize; VirtualInvokeData Deserialize; @@ -8624,7 +6003,10 @@ namespace app void* OpenSound; void* CloseSound; void* inputHandler; + bool multistageMinigameChecked; + void* multistageMinigameParent; void* logger; + float timeOpened; }; struct Minigame @@ -8640,6 +6022,7 @@ namespace app VirtualInvokeData Finalize; VirtualInvokeData GetHashCode; VirtualInvokeData ToString; + VirtualInvokeData get_SkipMultistageOverlayMenuSetup; VirtualInvokeData Begin; VirtualInvokeData Close; VirtualInvokeData CoAnimateOpen; @@ -8684,8 +6067,7 @@ namespace app #endif - struct DoorCardSwipeGame__Fields - { + struct DoorCardSwipeGame__Fields { struct Minigame__Fields _; struct Color gray; struct Color green; @@ -8710,22 +6092,21 @@ namespace app bool moving; struct Vector2 prevStickInput; bool hadPrev; - struct PlainDoor* MyDoor; + struct OpenableDoor* MyDoor; }; - struct DoorCardSwipeGame - { + struct DoorCardSwipeGame { struct DoorCardSwipeGame__Class* klass; - void* monitor; + MonitorData* monitor; struct DoorCardSwipeGame__Fields fields; }; - struct DoorCardSwipeGame__VTable - { + struct DoorCardSwipeGame__VTable { VirtualInvokeData Equals; VirtualInvokeData Finalize; VirtualInvokeData GetHashCode; VirtualInvokeData ToString; + VirtualInvokeData get_SkipMultistageOverlayMenuSetup; VirtualInvokeData Begin; VirtualInvokeData Close; VirtualInvokeData CoAnimateOpen; @@ -8733,12 +6114,10 @@ namespace app VirtualInvokeData SetDoor; }; - struct DoorCardSwipeGame__StaticFields - { + struct DoorCardSwipeGame__StaticFields { }; - struct DoorCardSwipeGame__Class - { + struct DoorCardSwipeGame__Class { Il2CppClass_0 _0; Il2CppRuntimeInterfaceOffsetPair* interfaceOffsets; struct DoorCardSwipeGame__StaticFields* static_fields; @@ -8815,6 +6194,26 @@ namespace app StopCharles = 0x0000003b, VentCleaning = 0x0000003c, None = 0x0000003d, + BuildSandcastle = 0x0000003e, + CatchFish = 0x0000003f, + CollectShells = 0x00000040, + LiftWeights = 0x00000041, + RoastMarshmallow = 0x00000042, + TestFrisbee = 0x00000043, + CollectSamples = 0x00000044, + CollectVegetables = 0x00000045, + HoistSupplies = 0x00000046, + MineOres = 0x00000047, + PolishGem = 0x00000048, + ReplaceParts = 0x00000049, + HelpCritter = 0x0000004a, + CrankGenerator = 0x0000004b, + FixAntenna = 0x0000004c, + TuneRadio = 0x0000004d, + MushroomMixupSabotage = 0x0000004e, + ExtractFuel = 0x0000004f, + MonitorMushroom = 0x00000050, + PlayVideogame = 0x00000051, }; #else @@ -8882,6 +6281,26 @@ namespace app TaskTypes__Enum_StopCharles = 0x0000003b, TaskTypes__Enum_VentCleaning = 0x0000003c, TaskTypes__Enum_None = 0x0000003d, + TaskTypes__Enum_BuildSandcastle = 0x0000003e, + TaskTypes__Enum_CatchFish = 0x0000003f, + TaskTypes__Enum_CollectShells = 0x00000040, + TaskTypes__Enum_LiftWeights = 0x00000041, + TaskTypes__Enum_RoastMarshmallow = 0x00000042, + TaskTypes__Enum_TestFrisbee = 0x00000043, + TaskTypes__Enum_CollectSamples = 0x00000044, + TaskTypes__Enum_CollectVegetables = 0x00000045, + TaskTypes__Enum_HoistSupplies = 0x00000046, + TaskTypes__Enum_MineOres = 0x00000047, + TaskTypes__Enum_PolishGem = 0x00000048, + TaskTypes__Enum_ReplaceParts = 0x00000049, + TaskTypes__Enum_HelpCritter = 0x0000004a, + TaskTypes__Enum_CrankGenerator = 0x0000004b, + TaskTypes__Enum_FixAntenna = 0x0000004c, + TaskTypes__Enum_TuneRadio = 0x0000004d, + TaskTypes__Enum_MushroomMixupSabotage = 0x0000004e, + TaskTypes__Enum_ExtractFuel = 0x0000004f, + TaskTypes__Enum_MonitorMushroom = 0x00000050, + TaskTypes__Enum_PlayVideogame = 0x00000051, }; #endif @@ -9425,6 +6844,7 @@ namespace app #endif struct PlayerMaterial_Properties { + bool IsLocalPlayer; #if defined(_CPLUSPLUS_) PlayerMaterial_MaskType__Enum MaskType; #else @@ -9439,6 +6859,7 @@ namespace app struct SkinLayer__Fields { struct MonoBehaviour__Fields _; + int32_t JUMP_ZIPLINE_FRAME_STOP; struct SpriteRenderer* layer; void* animator; void* skin; @@ -9576,6 +6997,7 @@ namespace app bool visible; bool isNameVisible; bool lockVisible; + bool localPlayer; }; struct CosmeticsLayer__VTable { @@ -9628,8 +7050,10 @@ namespace app bool onLadder; bool protectedByGuardianThisRound; bool shapeshifting; + bool waitingForShapeshiftResponse; + bool isKilling; struct GameData_PlayerInfo* _cachedData; - bool protectedByGuardian; + int32_t protectedByGuardianId; float flashlightAngle; int32_t shapeshiftTargetPlayerId; void* FootSteps; @@ -9650,9 +7074,11 @@ namespace app bool isDummy; bool notRealPlayer; void* logger; + void* visibilityItems; void* hitBuffer; void* closest; bool isNew; + void* rigidbody2D; void* cache; void* itemsInRange; void* newItemsInRange; @@ -9851,6 +7277,7 @@ namespace app void* consoleUIObjects; struct GameObject* menuNavigationPrompts; struct GameObject* GameLoadAnimation; + void* LobbyTimerExtensionUI; float consoleUIHorizontalShift; struct GameObject* playerListPrompt; void* AlertFlash; @@ -10066,8 +7493,7 @@ namespace app #endif - struct MeetingHud__Fields - { + struct MeetingHud__Fields { struct InnerNetObject__Fields _; struct SpriteRenderer* BlackBackground; void* OuterMasks; @@ -10109,15 +7535,13 @@ namespace app void* ControllerSelectable; }; - struct MeetingHud - { + struct MeetingHud { struct MeetingHud__Class* klass; - void* monitor; + MonitorData* monitor; struct MeetingHud__Fields fields; }; - struct MeetingHud__VTable - { + struct MeetingHud__VTable { VirtualInvokeData Equals; VirtualInvokeData Finalize; VirtualInvokeData GetHashCode; @@ -10133,13 +7557,11 @@ namespace app VirtualInvokeData HandleDisconnect_1; }; - struct MeetingHud__StaticFields - { + struct MeetingHud__StaticFields { struct MeetingHud* Instance; }; - struct MeetingHud__Class - { + struct MeetingHud__Class { Il2CppClass_0 _0; Il2CppRuntimeInterfaceOffsetPair* interfaceOffsets; struct MeetingHud__StaticFields* static_fields; @@ -10150,29 +7572,37 @@ namespace app #pragma endregion #pragma region CustomNetworkTransform + struct Nullable_1_UnityEngine_Vector2_ { + struct Vector2 value; + bool has_value; + }; + struct CustomNetworkTransform__Fields { struct InnerNetObject__Fields _; - float sendInterval; - float snapThreshold; - float interpolateMovement; struct PlayerControl* myPlayer; void* body; - struct Vector2 targetSyncPosition; - struct Vector2 targetSyncVelocity; + void* sendQueue; + void* incomingPosQueue; + float rubberbandModifier; + float idealSpeed; + bool isPaused; uint16_t lastSequenceId; - struct Vector2 prevPosSent; - struct Vector2 prevVelSent; + struct Vector2 lastPosition; + struct Vector2 lastPosSent; + struct Nullable_1_UnityEngine_Vector2_ tempSnapPosition; + void* debugPopPositions; + void* debugTargetPositions; + void* debugTruePositions; + void* debugNetLogger; }; - struct CustomNetworkTransform - { + struct CustomNetworkTransform { struct CustomNetworkTransform__Class* klass; - void* monitor; + MonitorData* monitor; struct CustomNetworkTransform__Fields fields; }; - struct CustomNetworkTransform__VTable - { + struct CustomNetworkTransform__VTable { VirtualInvokeData Equals; VirtualInvokeData Finalize; VirtualInvokeData GetHashCode; @@ -10186,12 +7616,10 @@ namespace app VirtualInvokeData Deserialize; }; - struct CustomNetworkTransform__StaticFields - { + struct CustomNetworkTransform__StaticFields { }; - struct CustomNetworkTransform__Class - { + struct CustomNetworkTransform__Class { Il2CppClass_0 _0; Il2CppRuntimeInterfaceOffsetPair* interfaceOffsets; struct CustomNetworkTransform__StaticFields* static_fields; @@ -10216,6 +7644,7 @@ namespace app struct GameObject* mainMenuUI; struct GameObject* rightPanelMask; struct SpriteRenderer* screenTint; + void* freePlayButton; void* playButton; void* inventoryButton; void* shopButton; @@ -10310,6 +7739,7 @@ namespace app PlatformUserBlock = 0x000000d4, PlatformFailedToGetUserBlock = 0x000000d5, ServerNotFound = 0x000000d6, + ClientTimeout = 0x000000d7, Unknown = 0x000000ff, }; @@ -10357,6 +7787,7 @@ namespace app DisconnectReasons__Enum_PlatformUserBlock = 0x000000d4, DisconnectReasons__Enum_PlatformFailedToGetUserBlock = 0x000000d5, DisconnectReasons__Enum_ServerNotFound = 0x000000d6, + DisconnectReasons__Enum_ClientTimeout = 0x000000d7, DisconnectReasons__Enum_Unknown = 0x000000ff, }; @@ -10491,15 +7922,13 @@ namespace app bool appPaused; }; - struct InnerNetClient - { + struct InnerNetClient { struct InnerNetClient__Class* klass; - void* monitor; + MonitorData* monitor; struct InnerNetClient__Fields fields; }; - struct InnerNetClient__VTable - { + struct InnerNetClient__VTable { VirtualInvokeData Equals; VirtualInvokeData Finalize; VirtualInvokeData GetHashCode; @@ -10522,14 +7951,12 @@ namespace app VirtualInvokeData __unknown_11; }; - struct InnerNetClient__StaticFields - { - void* disconnectReasons; + struct InnerNetClient__StaticFields { + void* DontBotherLoggingTheseDisconnectReasons; int32_t SecondsSuspendedBeforeDisconnect; }; - struct InnerNetClient__Class - { + struct InnerNetClient__Class { Il2CppClass_0 _0; Il2CppRuntimeInterfaceOffsetPair* interfaceOffsets; struct InnerNetClient__StaticFields* static_fields; @@ -10797,22 +8224,22 @@ namespace app #pragma endregion #pragma region LobbyBehaviour - struct LobbyBehaviour__Fields - { + struct LobbyBehaviour__Fields { struct InnerNetObject__Fields _; void* SpawnSound; void* SpawnInClip; void* SpawnPositions; void* DropShipSound; void* AllRooms; + void* logger; float lastFriendsCheckTime; float optionsTimer; + int32_t currentExtensionId; }; - struct LobbyBehaviour - { + struct LobbyBehaviour { struct LobbyBehaviour__Class* klass; - void* monitor; + MonitorData* monitor; struct LobbyBehaviour__Fields fields; }; @@ -10848,23 +8275,21 @@ namespace app #pragma endregion #pragma region NoShadowBehaviour - struct NoShadowBehaviour__Fields - { + struct NoShadowBehaviour__Fields { struct MonoBehaviour__Fields _; struct Renderer* rend; bool didHit; struct Renderer* shadowChild; - void* hitOverride; + struct Collider2D* hitOverride; void* bc; bool isBox; bool verticalBox; void* boxCheckPoints; }; - struct NoShadowBehaviour - { + struct NoShadowBehaviour { struct NoShadowBehaviour__Class* klass; - void* monitor; + MonitorData* monitor; struct NoShadowBehaviour__Fields fields; }; @@ -10892,20 +8317,17 @@ namespace app #pragma endregion #pragma region PolusShipStatus - struct PolusShipStatus__Fields - { + struct PolusShipStatus__Fields { struct ShipStatus__Fields _; }; - struct PolusShipStatus - { + struct PolusShipStatus { struct PolusShipStatus__Class* klass; - void* monitor; + MonitorData* monitor; struct PolusShipStatus__Fields fields; }; - struct PolusShipStatus__VTable - { + struct PolusShipStatus__VTable { VirtualInvokeData Equals; VirtualInvokeData Finalize; VirtualInvokeData GetHashCode; @@ -10918,20 +8340,19 @@ namespace app VirtualInvokeData Serialize; VirtualInvokeData Deserialize; VirtualInvokeData OnEnable; - VirtualInvokeData RepairGameOverSystems; + VirtualInvokeData RepairCriticalSabotages; VirtualInvokeData Start; VirtualInvokeData SpawnPlayer; VirtualInvokeData OnMeetingCalled; + VirtualInvokeData StartSFX; VirtualInvokeData PrespawnStep; VirtualInvokeData CalculateLightRadius; }; - struct PolusShipStatus__StaticFields - { + struct PolusShipStatus__StaticFields { }; - struct PolusShipStatus__Class - { + struct PolusShipStatus__Class { Il2CppClass_0 _0; Il2CppRuntimeInterfaceOffsetPair* interfaceOffsets; struct PolusShipStatus__StaticFields* static_fields; @@ -10941,28 +8362,43 @@ namespace app }; #pragma endregion +#pragma region FungleShipStatus + struct FungleShipStatus__Fields { + struct ShipStatus__Fields _; + void* sporeMushrooms; + void* specialSabotage; + void* startAMBSounds; + void* _Zipline_k__BackingField; + struct Vector2 _LastBinocularPos_k__BackingField; + }; + + struct FungleShipStatus { + Il2CppClass* klass; + MonitorData* monitor; + struct FungleShipStatus__Fields fields; + }; +#pragma endregion + #pragma region DoorBreakerGame - struct DoorBreakerGame__Fields - { + struct DoorBreakerGame__Fields { struct Minigame__Fields _; - struct PlainDoor* MyDoor; - void* Buttons; + struct OpenableDoor* MyDoor; + struct SpriteRenderer__Array* Buttons; void* FlipSound; }; - struct DoorBreakerGame - { + struct DoorBreakerGame { struct DoorBreakerGame__Class* klass; - void* monitor; + MonitorData* monitor; struct DoorBreakerGame__Fields fields; }; - struct DoorBreakerGame__VTable - { + struct DoorBreakerGame__VTable { VirtualInvokeData Equals; VirtualInvokeData Finalize; VirtualInvokeData GetHashCode; VirtualInvokeData ToString; + VirtualInvokeData get_SkipMultistageOverlayMenuSetup; VirtualInvokeData Begin; VirtualInvokeData Close; VirtualInvokeData CoAnimateOpen; @@ -10970,12 +8406,10 @@ namespace app VirtualInvokeData SetDoor; }; - struct DoorBreakerGame__StaticFields - { + struct DoorBreakerGame__StaticFields { }; - struct DoorBreakerGame__Class - { + struct DoorBreakerGame__Class { Il2CppClass_0 _0; Il2CppRuntimeInterfaceOffsetPair* interfaceOffsets; struct DoorBreakerGame__StaticFields* static_fields; @@ -10985,6 +8419,27 @@ namespace app }; #pragma endregion +#pragma region MushroomDoorSabotageMinigame + struct MushroomDoorSabotageMinigame__Fields { + struct Minigame__Fields _; + void* mushroomInvisibleSeconds; + void* mushroomVisibleSeconds; + struct TextMeshPro* counterText; + void* spawnPoints; + void* mushroomVariants; + struct OpenableDoor* myDoor; + int32_t mushroomWhackCount; + void* spawnPointBag; + void* mushrooms; + }; + + struct MushroomDoorSabotageMinigame { + Il2CppClass* klass; + MonitorData* monitor; + struct MushroomDoorSabotageMinigame__Fields fields; + }; +#pragma endregion + #pragma region SabotageTask struct SabotageTask__Fields { @@ -10999,6 +8454,7 @@ namespace app void* monitor; struct SabotageTask__Fields fields; }; + struct SabotageTask__VTable { VirtualInvokeData Equals; @@ -11083,7 +8539,7 @@ namespace app uint8_t ParentId; struct Collider2D* myCollider; struct SpriteRenderer* bloodSplatter; - struct SpriteRenderer* bodyRenderer; + struct SpriteRenderer__Array* bodyRenderers; }; struct DeadBody @@ -11521,6 +8977,7 @@ namespace app void* walkClip; void* petClip; bool beingPet; + bool manualMoving; }; struct PetBehaviour { @@ -12304,14 +9761,24 @@ namespace app struct MonoBehaviour__Fields _; }; - struct PlainDoor__Fields { + struct OpenableDoor__Fields { struct SomeKindaDoor__Fields _; + int32_t Id; #if defined(_CPLUSPLUS_) SystemTypes__Enum Room; #else uint8_t Room; #endif - int32_t Id; + }; + + struct OpenableDoor { + Il2CppClass* klass; + MonitorData* monitor; + struct OpenableDoor__Fields fields; + }; + + struct PlainDoor__Fields { + struct OpenableDoor__Fields _; bool Open; void* myCollider; struct Collider2D* shadowCollider; @@ -12323,37 +9790,26 @@ namespace app float size; }; - struct PlainDoor - { - struct PlainDoor__Class* klass; - void* monitor; + struct PlainDoor { + Il2CppClass* klass; + MonitorData* monitor; struct PlainDoor__Fields fields; }; - struct PlainDoor__VTable - { - VirtualInvokeData Equals; - VirtualInvokeData Finalize; - VirtualInvokeData GetHashCode; - VirtualInvokeData ToString; - VirtualInvokeData SetDoorway; - VirtualInvokeData Serialize; - VirtualInvokeData Deserialize; - VirtualInvokeData DoUpdate; - }; - - struct PlainDoor__StaticFields - { + struct MushroomWallDoor__Fields { + struct OpenableDoor__Fields _; + void* wallCollider; + struct Collider2D* shadowColl; + void* mushrooms; + void* openSound; + void* closeSound; + bool open; }; - struct PlainDoor__Class - { - Il2CppClass_0 _0; - Il2CppRuntimeInterfaceOffsetPair* interfaceOffsets; - struct PlainDoor__StaticFields* static_fields; - const Il2CppRGCTXData* rgctx_data; - Il2CppClass_1 _1; - struct PlainDoor__VTable vtable; + struct MushroomWallDoor { + Il2CppClass* klass; + MonitorData* monitor; + struct MushroomWallDoor__Fields fields; }; #pragma endregion @@ -12379,9 +9835,11 @@ namespace app VirtualInvokeData GetHashCode; VirtualInvokeData ToString; VirtualInvokeData SetDoorway; + VirtualInvokeData get_IsOpen; VirtualInvokeData Serialize; VirtualInvokeData Deserialize; VirtualInvokeData DoUpdate; + VirtualInvokeData Start; }; struct AutoOpenDoor__StaticFields @@ -12414,6 +9872,10 @@ namespace app float spreadAmount; float spreadShift; struct SpriteRenderer* myRend; + void* myAnim; + int32_t numFramesUntilPlayerDisappearsOnEnter; + int32_t numFramesUntilPlayerReappearsOnExit; + struct GameObject* additionalExitAnimation; }; struct Vent @@ -12595,6 +10057,18 @@ namespace app float TaskTimer; struct Byte__Array* Data; void* Arrow; + bool useMultipleText; + int32_t maxNumStepsStage1; +#if defined(_CPLUSPLUS_) + StringNames__Enum textStage1; +#else + int32_t textStage1; +#endif +#if defined(_CPLUSPLUS_) + StringNames__Enum textStage2; +#else + int32_t textStage2; +#endif bool arrowSuspended; }; @@ -12619,7 +10093,7 @@ namespace app VirtualInvokeData Complete; VirtualInvokeData AppendTaskText; VirtualInvokeData GetMinigamePrefab; - VirtualInvokeData UpdateArrow; + VirtualInvokeData UpdateArrowAndLocation; VirtualInvokeData FixedUpdate; }; @@ -12774,6 +10248,7 @@ namespace app float cooldownSecondsRemaining; float inVentTimeRemaining; int32_t usesRemaining; + bool isExitVentQueued; }; struct EngineerRole diff --git a/events/_events.h b/events/_events.h index a23fd298..bc4125fa 100644 --- a/events/_events.h +++ b/events/_events.h @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ struct EVENT_PLAYER { isAngel = (playerInfo->fields.Role) ? playerInfo->fields.Role->fields.Role == RoleTypes__Enum::GuardianAngel : false; if (auto object = GameData_PlayerInfo_get_Object(playerInfo, nullptr)) - isProtected = object->fields.protectedByGuardian; + isProtected = object->fields.protectedByGuardianId >= 0; else isProtected = false; } diff --git a/gui/gui-helpers.cpp b/gui/gui-helpers.cpp index 38792118..e3b7ad65 100644 --- a/gui/gui-helpers.cpp +++ b/gui/gui-helpers.cpp @@ -133,7 +133,11 @@ bool CustomListBoxPlayerSelectionMultiple(const char* label, std::arrayfields.Disconnected) // maybe make that an option for replays ? (parameter based on "state.showDisconnected" related data) + auto playerSelection = PlayerSelection(playerData); + const auto& player = playerSelection.validate(); + if (!player.has_value()) + continue; + if (player.is_Disconnected()) // maybe make that an option for replays ? (parameter based on "state.showDisconnected" related data) continue; app::GameData_PlayerOutfit* outfit = GetPlayerOutfit(playerData); @@ -149,7 +153,7 @@ bool CustomListBoxPlayerSelectionMultiple(const char* label, std::arraystatic_fields->ImpostorRed); - else if (PlayerSelection(playerData).is_LocalPlayer() || std::count(State.aumUsers.begin(), State.aumUsers.end(), playerData->fields.PlayerId)) + else if (player.is_LocalPlayer() || std::count(State.aumUsers.begin(), State.aumUsers.end(), playerData->fields.PlayerId)) nameColor = AmongUsColorToImVec4(Palette__TypeInfo->static_fields->Orange); if (playerData->fields.IsDead) diff --git a/gui/tabs/doors_tab.cpp b/gui/tabs/doors_tab.cpp index aa58e10a..43068f3e 100644 --- a/gui/tabs/doors_tab.cpp +++ b/gui/tabs/doors_tab.cpp @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ #include "state.hpp" #include "utility.h" +using namespace std::string_view_literals; + namespace DoorsTab { void Render() { GameOptions options; @@ -13,10 +15,23 @@ namespace DoorsTab { if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Doors")) { ImGui::BeginChild("doors#list", ImVec2(200, 0) * State.dpiScale, true); bool shouldEndListBox = ImGui::ListBoxHeader("###doors#list", ImVec2(200, 150) * State.dpiScale); - for (size_t i = 0; i < State.mapDoors.size(); i++) { - auto systemType = State.mapDoors[i]; - if (systemType == SystemTypes__Enum::Decontamination || systemType == SystemTypes__Enum::Decontamination2) continue; - auto plainDoor = GetPlainDoorByRoom(systemType); + for (auto systemType : State.mapDoors) { + if (systemType == SystemTypes__Enum::Decontamination + || systemType == SystemTypes__Enum::Decontamination2 + || systemType == SystemTypes__Enum::Decontamination3) { + continue; + } + bool isOpen; + auto openableDoor = GetOpenableDoorByRoom(systemType); + if ("PlainDoor"sv == openableDoor->klass->parent->name + || "PlainDoor"sv == openableDoor->klass->name) { + isOpen = reinterpret_cast(openableDoor)->fields.Open; + } else if ("MushroomWallDoor"sv == openableDoor->klass->name) { + isOpen = reinterpret_cast(openableDoor)->fields.open; + } + else { + continue; + } if (!(std::find(State.pinnedDoors.begin(), State.pinnedDoors.end(), systemType) == State.pinnedDoors.end())) { ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, { 0.9f, 0.1f, 0.25f, 1.f }); @@ -24,7 +39,7 @@ namespace DoorsTab { State.selectedDoor = systemType; ImGui::PopStyleColor(1); } - else if (!plainDoor->fields.Open) + else if (!isOpen) { ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, { 0.85f, 0.2f, 0.5f, 1.f }); if (ImGui::Selectable(TranslateSystemTypes(systemType), State.selectedDoor == systemType)) @@ -71,7 +86,9 @@ namespace DoorsTab { { if (std::find(State.pinnedDoors.begin(), State.pinnedDoors.end(), door) == State.pinnedDoors.end()) { - if(door != SystemTypes__Enum::Decontamination && door != SystemTypes__Enum::Decontamination2) + if(door != SystemTypes__Enum::Decontamination + && door != SystemTypes__Enum::Decontamination2 + && door != SystemTypes__Enum::Decontamination3) State.rpcQueue.push(new RpcCloseDoorsOfType(door, true)); } } @@ -82,8 +99,6 @@ namespace DoorsTab { } ImGui::NewLine(); if (State.selectedDoor != SystemTypes__Enum::Hallway) { - auto plainDoor = GetPlainDoorByRoom(State.selectedDoor); - if (ImGui::Button("Close Door")) { State.rpcQueue.push(new RpcCloseDoorsOfType(State.selectedDoor, false)); } @@ -99,7 +114,8 @@ namespace DoorsTab { } } } - if (State.mapType == Settings::MapType::Pb || State.mapType == Settings::MapType::Airship) + if (State.mapType == Settings::MapType::Pb || State.mapType == Settings::MapType::Airship + || State.mapType == Settings::MapType::Fungle) { ImGui::Dummy(ImVec2(4, 4) * State.dpiScale); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Auto Open Doors", &State.AutoOpenDoors)) { diff --git a/gui/tabs/host_tab.cpp b/gui/tabs/host_tab.cpp index ccacc15f..a014f125 100644 --- a/gui/tabs/host_tab.cpp +++ b/gui/tabs/host_tab.cpp @@ -85,17 +85,23 @@ namespace HostTab { // AU v2022.8.24 has been able to change maps in lobby. State.mapHostChoice = options.GetByte(app::ByteOptionNames__Enum::MapId); - State.mapHostChoice = std::clamp(State.mapHostChoice, 0, 4); + if (State.mapHostChoice > 3) + State.mapHostChoice--; + State.mapHostChoice = std::clamp(State.mapHostChoice, 0, (int)MAP_NAMES.size()-1); if (CustomListBoxInt("Map", &State.mapHostChoice, MAP_NAMES, 75 * State.dpiScale)) { if (!IsInGame()) { - if (State.mapHostChoice == 3) { + // disable flip + /*if (State.mapHostChoice == 3) { options.SetByte(app::ByteOptionNames__Enum::MapId, 0); State.FlipSkeld = true; } else { options.SetByte(app::ByteOptionNames__Enum::MapId, State.mapHostChoice); State.FlipSkeld = false; - } + }*/ + auto id = State.mapHostChoice; + if (id >= 3) id++; + options.SetByte(app::ByteOptionNames__Enum::MapId, id); } } ImGui::Dummy(ImVec2(7, 7) * State.dpiScale); diff --git a/gui/tabs/host_tab.h b/gui/tabs/host_tab.h index 4ccb4d5c..f297b407 100644 --- a/gui/tabs/host_tab.h +++ b/gui/tabs/host_tab.h @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ #include "utility.h" namespace HostTab { - const std::vector MAP_NAMES = { "The Skeld", "Mira HQ", "Polus", "Dleks", "Airship" }; + const std::vector MAP_NAMES = { "The Skeld", "Mira HQ", "Polus", /*"Dleks",*/ "Airship", "The Fungle" }; const std::vector IMPOSTOR_AMOUNTS = { "1", "2", "3" }; const std::vector ROLE_NAMES = { "Random", "Crewmate", "Scientist", "Engineer", "Imposter", "Shapeshifter" }; void Render(); diff --git a/gui/tabs/players_tab.cpp b/gui/tabs/players_tab.cpp index b4353e86..d6eb4f77 100644 --- a/gui/tabs/players_tab.cpp +++ b/gui/tabs/players_tab.cpp @@ -18,7 +18,10 @@ namespace PlayersTab { bool shouldEndListBox = ImGui::ListBoxHeader("###players#list", ImVec2(200, 150) * State.dpiScale); auto localData = GetPlayerData(*Game::pLocalPlayer); for (auto playerData : GetAllPlayerData()) { - if (playerData->fields.Disconnected) + const auto& player = PlayerSelection(playerData).validate(); + if (!player.has_value()) + continue; + if (player.is_Disconnected()) continue; app::GameData_PlayerOutfit* outfit = GetPlayerOutfit(playerData); @@ -26,9 +29,9 @@ namespace PlayersTab { std::string playerName = convert_from_string(GameData_PlayerOutfit_get_PlayerName(outfit, nullptr)); ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_ItemSpacing, ImVec2(0, 0) * State.dpiScale); ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2(0, 0) * State.dpiScale); - if (ImGui::Selectable(std::string("##" + playerName).c_str(), selectedPlayer.equals(playerData))) { - State.selectedPlayer = PlayerSelection(playerData); - selectedPlayer = State.selectedPlayer.validate(); + if (ImGui::Selectable(std::string("##" + playerName).c_str(), selectedPlayer.equals(player))) { + State.selectedPlayer = player; + selectedPlayer = player; } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::ColorButton(std::string("##" + playerName + "_ColorButton").c_str(), AmongUsColorToImVec4(GetPlayerColor(outfit->fields.ColorId)), ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoBorder | ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoTooltip); @@ -46,7 +49,7 @@ namespace PlayersTab { } else if(PlayerIsImpostor(localData) && PlayerIsImpostor(playerData)) nameColor = AmongUsColorToImVec4(Palette__TypeInfo->static_fields->ImpostorRed); - else if (PlayerSelection(playerData).is_LocalPlayer() || std::count(State.aumUsers.begin(), State.aumUsers.end(), playerData->fields.PlayerId)) + else if (player.is_LocalPlayer() || std::count(State.aumUsers.begin(), State.aumUsers.end(), playerData->fields.PlayerId)) nameColor = AmongUsColorToImVec4(Palette__TypeInfo->static_fields->Orange); if (playerData->fields.IsDead) @@ -77,7 +80,7 @@ namespace PlayersTab { GameOptions options; if (IsInGame() && options.GetGameMode() != GameModes__Enum::HideNSeek && !GetPlayerData(*Game::pLocalPlayer)->fields.IsDead) { //Player selection doesn't matter if (ImGui::Button("Call Meeting")) { - State.rpcQueue.push(new RpcReportPlayer(PlayerSelection())); + State.rpcQueue.push(new RpcReportPlayer({})); } } if (State.activeImpersonation) @@ -100,6 +103,8 @@ namespace PlayersTab { queue->push(new RpcSetName(State.originalName)); State.activeImpersonation = false; } + if (IsInLobby()) + ResetOriginalAppearance(); } } if (selectedPlayer.has_value()) @@ -107,21 +112,21 @@ namespace PlayersTab { if (IsInGame() && !GetPlayerData(*Game::pLocalPlayer)->fields.IsDead && selectedPlayer.get_PlayerData()->fields.IsDead) { ImGui::NewLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Report Body")) { - State.rpcQueue.push(new RpcReportPlayer(State.selectedPlayer)); + State.rpcQueue.push(new RpcReportPlayer(selectedPlayer)); } } ImGui::NewLine(); if (IsInGame() && !selectedPlayer.is_Disconnected() && !selectedPlayer.is_LocalPlayer()) { - if (State.playerToFollow.equals(State.selectedPlayer)) { + if (State.playerToFollow.equals(selectedPlayer)) { if (ImGui::Button("Stop Spectating")) { - State.playerToFollow = PlayerSelection(); + State.playerToFollow.reset(); } } else { if (ImGui::Button("Spectate")) { State.FreeCam = false; - State.playerToFollow = State.selectedPlayer; + State.playerToFollow = selectedPlayer; } } } @@ -136,7 +141,7 @@ namespace PlayersTab { } else if(!selectedPlayer.is_LocalPlayer()) { if ((IsInMultiplayerGame() || IsInLobby()) && ImGui::Button("Steal Name")) { - ImpersonateName(State.selectedPlayer); + ImpersonateName(selectedPlayer.get_PlayerData()); } } if ((IsInGame() || IsInLobby())) { @@ -155,8 +160,12 @@ namespace PlayersTab { if (IsInGame()) queue = &State.rpcQueue; - else if (IsInLobby()) + else if (IsInLobby()) { queue = &State.lobbyRpcQueue; + if (State.originalColor == Game::NoColorId) { + SaveOriginalAppearance(); + } + } if (queue != nullptr) { if (IsHost()) @@ -168,7 +177,7 @@ namespace PlayersTab { queue->push(new RpcSetVisor(visorId)); queue->push(new RpcSetHat(hatId)); queue->push(new RpcSetNamePlate(namePlateId)); - ImpersonateName(State.selectedPlayer); + ImpersonateName(selectedPlayer.get_PlayerData()); State.activeImpersonation = true; } } @@ -181,12 +190,12 @@ namespace PlayersTab { && !selectedPlayer.get_PlayerControl()->fields.inVent && !selectedPlayer.get_PlayerControl()->fields.inMovingPlat && !GetPlayerData(*Game::pLocalPlayer)->fields.IsDead && ((*Game::pLocalPlayer)->fields.killTimer <= 0.0f) - && !selectedPlayer.get_PlayerControl()->fields.protectedByGuardian) + && selectedPlayer.get_PlayerControl()->fields.protectedByGuardianId <= -1) { if (ImGui::Button("Kill Player")) { previousPlayerPosition = GetTrueAdjustedPosition(*Game::pLocalPlayer); - State.rpcQueue.push(new CmdCheckMurder(State.selectedPlayer)); + State.rpcQueue.push(new CmdCheckMurder(selectedPlayer)); framesPassed = 40; } } diff --git a/gui/tabs/sabotage_tab.cpp b/gui/tabs/sabotage_tab.cpp index bd2b2d6c..82f73e62 100644 --- a/gui/tabs/sabotage_tab.cpp +++ b/gui/tabs/sabotage_tab.cpp @@ -20,10 +20,16 @@ namespace SabotageTab { State.Save(); } ImGui::NewLine(); - if (ImGui::Button("Sabotage Lights")) { + if (State.mapType == Settings::MapType::Fungle) { + if (ImGui::Button("Sabotage Mushroom Mixup")) { + State.rpcQueue.push(new RpcRepairSystem(SystemTypes__Enum::Sabotage, SystemTypes__Enum::MushroomMixupSabotage)); + } + } + else if (ImGui::Button("Sabotage Lights")) { State.rpcQueue.push(new RpcRepairSystem(SystemTypes__Enum::Sabotage, SystemTypes__Enum::Electrical)); } - if (State.mapType == Settings::MapType::Ship || State.mapType == Settings::MapType::Hq) { + if (State.mapType == Settings::MapType::Ship || State.mapType == Settings::MapType::Hq + || State.mapType == Settings::MapType::Fungle) { if (ImGui::Button("Sabotage Reactor")) { State.rpcQueue.push(new RpcRepairSystem(SystemTypes__Enum::Sabotage, SystemTypes__Enum::Reactor)); } diff --git a/gui/tabs/settings_tab.cpp b/gui/tabs/settings_tab.cpp index 494cd234..da0cc785 100644 --- a/gui/tabs/settings_tab.cpp +++ b/gui/tabs/settings_tab.cpp @@ -62,6 +62,9 @@ namespace SettingsTab { State.userName = std::string(*nameBuffer); } } + if (State.userName.empty()) { + State.userName = GetPlayerName(); + } ImGui::Dummy(ImVec2(7, 7) * State.dpiScale); ImGui::Separator(); diff --git a/hooks/DirectX.cpp b/hooks/DirectX.cpp index 060ba7ff..653f0253 100644 --- a/hooks/DirectX.cpp +++ b/hooks/DirectX.cpp @@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ bool ImGuiInitialization(IDXGISwapChain* pSwapChain) { maps.push_back({ D3D11Image(Resource(IDB_PNG2), pDevice), 115.F, 240.F, 9.25F }); maps.push_back({ D3D11Image(Resource(IDB_PNG3), pDevice), 8.F, 21.F, 10.F }); maps.push_back({ D3D11Image(Resource(IDB_PNG4), pDevice), 162.F, 107.F, 6.F }); + maps.push_back({ D3D11Image(Resource(IDB_PNG15), pDevice), 237.F, 140.F, 8.5F }); icons.insert({ ICON_TYPES::VENT_IN, { D3D11Image(Resource(IDB_PNG5), pDevice), 0.02f }}); icons.insert({ ICON_TYPES::VENT_OUT, { D3D11Image(Resource(IDB_PNG6), pDevice), 0.02f }}); diff --git a/hooks/Dleks.cpp b/hooks/Dleks.cpp index 0dc2d809..7a11b303 100644 --- a/hooks/Dleks.cpp +++ b/hooks/Dleks.cpp @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ #include "_hooks.h" #include "state.hpp" +/* bool dConstants_ShouldFlipSkeld(MethodInfo* method) { bool orig_return = Constants_ShouldFlipSkeld(method); if (State.FlipSkeld) { @@ -12,4 +13,4 @@ bool dConstants_ShouldFlipSkeld(MethodInfo* method) { State.FlipSkeld = true; } return orig_return; -} \ No newline at end of file +}*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/hooks/Doors.cpp b/hooks/Doors.cpp index 8178cc3c..e13efc7d 100644 --- a/hooks/Doors.cpp +++ b/hooks/Doors.cpp @@ -4,15 +4,22 @@ #include "_rpc.h" void dPlainDoor_SetDoorway(PlainDoor* __this, bool open, MethodInfo* method) { - if (open && (std::find(State.pinnedDoors.begin(), State.pinnedDoors.end(), __this->fields.Room) != State.pinnedDoors.end())) { - State.rpcQueue.push(new RpcCloseDoorsOfType(__this->fields.Room, false)); + if (open && (std::find(State.pinnedDoors.begin(), State.pinnedDoors.end(), __this->fields._.Room) != State.pinnedDoors.end())) { + State.rpcQueue.push(new RpcCloseDoorsOfType(__this->fields._.Room, false)); } app::PlainDoor_SetDoorway(__this, open, method); } -bool dAutoOpenDoor_DoUpdate(AutoOpenDoor* __this, float dt, MethodInfo* method) { - if ((std::find(State.pinnedDoors.begin(), State.pinnedDoors.end(), __this->fields._.Room) != State.pinnedDoors.end()) && __this->fields.ClosedTimer < 1.5f) { +void dMushroomWallDoor_SetDoorway(MushroomWallDoor* __this, bool open, MethodInfo* method) { + if (open && (std::find(State.pinnedDoors.begin(), State.pinnedDoors.end(), __this->fields._.Room) != State.pinnedDoors.end())) { State.rpcQueue.push(new RpcCloseDoorsOfType(__this->fields._.Room, false)); } + app::MushroomWallDoor_SetDoorway(__this, open, method); +} + +bool dAutoOpenDoor_DoUpdate(AutoOpenDoor* __this, float dt, MethodInfo* method) { + if ((std::find(State.pinnedDoors.begin(), State.pinnedDoors.end(), __this->fields._._.Room) != State.pinnedDoors.end()) && __this->fields.ClosedTimer < 1.5f) { + State.rpcQueue.push(new RpcCloseDoorsOfType(__this->fields._._.Room, false)); + } return app::AutoOpenDoor_DoUpdate(__this, dt, method); } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/hooks/FungleShipStatus.cpp b/hooks/FungleShipStatus.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b5e1cc20 --- /dev/null +++ b/hooks/FungleShipStatus.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +#include "pch-il2cpp.h" +#include "_hooks.h" +#include "state.hpp" +#include "logger.h" +#include "utility.h" +#include "replay.hpp" +#include "profiler.h" + +void dFungleShipStatus_OnEnable(FungleShipStatus* __this, MethodInfo* method) +{ + FungleShipStatus_OnEnable(__this, method); + + Replay::Reset(); + + State.MatchStart = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); + State.MatchCurrent = State.MatchStart; + + State.selectedDoor = SystemTypes__Enum::Hallway; + State.mapDoors.clear(); + State.pinnedDoors.clear(); + + il2cpp::Array allDoors = __this->fields._.AllDoors; + + for (auto door : allDoors) { + if (std::find(State.mapDoors.begin(), State.mapDoors.end(), door->fields.Room) == State.mapDoors.end()) + State.mapDoors.push_back(door->fields.Room); + } + + std::sort(State.mapDoors.begin(), State.mapDoors.end()); + + State.mapType = Settings::MapType::Fungle; + + State.userName = GetPlayerName(); + ResetOriginalAppearance(); +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/hooks/PlainDoor.cpp b/hooks/PlainDoor.cpp index 05616326..07572bf6 100644 --- a/hooks/PlainDoor.cpp +++ b/hooks/PlainDoor.cpp @@ -3,12 +3,38 @@ #include "state.hpp" #include +using namespace std::string_view_literals; + +static bool OpenDoor(OpenableDoor* door) { + if ("PlainDoor"sv == door->klass->name) { + app::PlainDoor_SetDoorway(reinterpret_cast(door), true, {}); + } + else if ("MushroomWallDoor"sv == door->klass->name) { + app::MushroomWallDoor_SetDoorway(reinterpret_cast(door), true, {}); + } + else { + return false; + } + State.rpcQueue.push(new RpcRepairSystem(SystemTypes__Enum::Doors, door->fields.Id | 64)); + return true; +} + +void dMushroomDoorSabotageMinigame_Begin(MushroomDoorSabotageMinigame* __this, PlayerTask* task, MethodInfo* method) { + if (State.AutoOpenDoors) { + if (OpenDoor(__this->fields.myDoor)) { + Minigame_Close((Minigame*)__this, {}); + return; + } + } + app::MushroomDoorSabotageMinigame_Begin(__this, task, method); +} + void dDoorBreakerGame_Start(DoorBreakerGame* __this, MethodInfo* method) { if (State.AutoOpenDoors) { - State.rpcQueue.push(new RpcRepairSystem(SystemTypes__Enum::Doors, __this->fields.MyDoor->fields.Id | 64)); - PlainDoor_SetDoorway(__this->fields.MyDoor, true, NULL); - Minigame_Close((Minigame*)__this, NULL); - return; + if (OpenDoor(__this->fields.MyDoor)) { + Minigame_Close((Minigame*)__this, {}); + return; + } } DoorBreakerGame_Start(__this, method); } @@ -16,10 +42,10 @@ void dDoorBreakerGame_Start(DoorBreakerGame* __this, MethodInfo* method) { void dDoorCardSwipeGame_Begin(DoorCardSwipeGame* __this, PlayerTask* playerTask, MethodInfo* method) { if (State.AutoOpenDoors) { __this->fields.State = DoorCardSwipeGame_TaskStages__Enum::Inserted; - State.rpcQueue.push(new RpcRepairSystem(SystemTypes__Enum::Doors, __this->fields.MyDoor->fields.Id | 64)); - PlainDoor_SetDoorway(__this->fields.MyDoor, true, NULL); - Minigame_Close((Minigame*)__this, NULL); - return; + if (OpenDoor(__this->fields.MyDoor)) { + Minigame_Close((Minigame*)__this, {}); + return; + } } DoorCardSwipeGame_Begin(__this, playerTask, method); } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/hooks/PlayerControl.cpp b/hooks/PlayerControl.cpp index bc10cb0a..1ebd0de3 100644 --- a/hooks/PlayerControl.cpp +++ b/hooks/PlayerControl.cpp @@ -10,14 +10,15 @@ #include void dPlayerControl_CompleteTask(PlayerControl* __this, uint32_t idx, MethodInfo* method) { - std::optional taskType = std::nullopt; + if (auto player = GetEventPlayerControl(__this)) { + std::optional taskType = std::nullopt; + auto normalPlayerTasks = GetNormalPlayerTasks(__this); + for (auto normalPlayerTask : normalPlayerTasks) + if (normalPlayerTask->fields._._Id_k__BackingField == idx) taskType = normalPlayerTask->fields._.TaskType; - auto normalPlayerTasks = GetNormalPlayerTasks(__this); - for (auto normalPlayerTask : normalPlayerTasks) - if (normalPlayerTask->fields._._Id_k__BackingField == idx) taskType = normalPlayerTask->fields._.TaskType; - - synchronized(Replay::replayEventMutex) { - State.liveReplayEvents.emplace_back(std::make_unique(GetEventPlayerControl(__this).value(), taskType, PlayerControl_GetTruePosition(__this, NULL))); + synchronized(Replay::replayEventMutex) { + State.liveReplayEvents.emplace_back(std::make_unique(player.value(), taskType, PlayerControl_GetTruePosition(__this, NULL))); + } } PlayerControl_CompleteTask(__this, idx, method); } @@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ void dPlayerControl_FixedUpdate(PlayerControl* __this, MethodInfo* method) { // SeeProtect do { - if (!__this->fields.protectedByGuardian) + if (__this->fields.protectedByGuardianId <= -1) break; if (localData->fields.IsDead) break; @@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ void dPlayerControl_FixedUpdate(PlayerControl* __this, MethodInfo* method) { float _Duration = ProtectionDurationSeconds - (app::Time_get_time(nullptr) - pair.second); options.SetFloat(app::FloatOptionNames__Enum::ProtectionDurationSeconds, _Duration); if (_Duration > 0.f) - app::PlayerControl_TurnOnProtection(__this, State.ShowProtections, pair.first, nullptr); + app::PlayerControl_TurnOnProtection(__this, State.ShowProtections, pair.first, __this->fields.protectedByGuardianId, nullptr); options.SetFloat(app::FloatOptionNames__Enum::ProtectionDurationSeconds, ProtectionDurationSeconds); } while (0); @@ -310,21 +311,30 @@ void dPlayerControl_RpcSyncSettings(PlayerControl* __this, Byte__Array* optionsB PlayerControl_RpcSyncSettings(__this, optionsByteArray, method); } -void dPlayerControl_MurderPlayer(PlayerControl* __this, PlayerControl* target, MethodInfo* method) +void dPlayerControl_MurderPlayer(PlayerControl* __this, PlayerControl* target, MurderResultFlags__Enum resultFlags, MethodInfo* method) { - if (PlayerIsImpostor(GetPlayerData(__this)) && PlayerIsImpostor(GetPlayerData(target))) { + if (static_cast(resultFlags) & static_cast(MurderResultFlags__Enum::FailedError)) { + app::PlayerControl_MurderPlayer(__this, target, resultFlags, method); + return; + } + + auto killer = GetEventPlayerControl(__this); + auto victim = GetEventPlayerControl(target); + if (killer && victim) { + if(PlayerIsImpostor(GetPlayerData(__this)) && PlayerIsImpostor(GetPlayerData(target))) { + synchronized(Replay::replayEventMutex) { + State.liveReplayEvents.emplace_back(std::make_unique(killer.value(), CHEAT_ACTIONS::CHEAT_KILL_IMPOSTOR)); + } + } synchronized(Replay::replayEventMutex) { - State.liveReplayEvents.emplace_back(std::make_unique(GetEventPlayerControl(__this).value(), CHEAT_ACTIONS::CHEAT_KILL_IMPOSTOR)); + State.liveReplayEvents.emplace_back(std::make_unique(killer.value(), victim.value(), PlayerControl_GetTruePosition(__this, NULL), PlayerControl_GetTruePosition(target, NULL))); + State.replayDeathTimePerPlayer[target->fields.PlayerId] = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); } } - synchronized(Replay::replayEventMutex) { - State.liveReplayEvents.emplace_back(std::make_unique(GetEventPlayerControl(__this).value(), GetEventPlayerControl(target).value(), PlayerControl_GetTruePosition(__this, NULL), PlayerControl_GetTruePosition(target, NULL))); - State.replayDeathTimePerPlayer[target->fields.PlayerId] = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); - } // ESP: Reset Kill Cooldown if (__this->fields._.OwnerId != (*Game::pAmongUsClient)->fields._.ClientId) { - if (!target || target->fields.protectedByGuardian == false) + if (!target || target->fields.protectedByGuardianId <= -1) __this->fields.killTimer = (std::max)(GameOptions().GetKillCooldown(), 0.f); else __this->fields.killTimer = (std::max)(GameOptions().GetKillCooldown() * 0.5f, 0.f); @@ -333,7 +343,7 @@ void dPlayerControl_MurderPlayer(PlayerControl* __this, PlayerControl* target, M do { if (!State.ShowProtections) break; - if (!target || target->fields.protectedByGuardian == false) + if (!target || target->fields.protectedByGuardianId <= -1) break; if (__this->fields._.OwnerId == (*Game::pAmongUsClient)->fields._.ClientId) break; // AmKiller @@ -341,16 +351,20 @@ void dPlayerControl_MurderPlayer(PlayerControl* __this, PlayerControl* target, M !localData || !localData->fields.Role || localData->fields.Role->fields.Role == RoleTypes__Enum::GuardianAngel) break; // AmAngel + int prev = target->fields.protectedByGuardianId; PlayerControl_ShowFailedMurder(target, nullptr); - target->fields.protectedByGuardian = true; + target->fields.protectedByGuardianId = prev; } while (false); - PlayerControl_MurderPlayer(__this, target, method); + PlayerControl_MurderPlayer(__this, target, resultFlags, method); } void dPlayerControl_StartMeeting(PlayerControl* __this, GameData_PlayerInfo* target, MethodInfo* method) { - synchronized(Replay::replayEventMutex) { - State.liveReplayEvents.emplace_back(std::make_unique(GetEventPlayerControl(__this).value(), GetEventPlayer(target), PlayerControl_GetTruePosition(__this, NULL), GetTargetPosition(target))); + if (auto player = GetEventPlayerControl(__this); + player && target) { + synchronized(Replay::replayEventMutex) { + State.liveReplayEvents.emplace_back(std::make_unique(player.value(), GetEventPlayer(target), PlayerControl_GetTruePosition(__this, NULL), GetTargetPosition(target))); + } } app::PlayerControl_StartMeeting(__this, target, method); } @@ -413,21 +427,29 @@ void dGameObject_SetActive(GameObject* __this, bool value, MethodInfo* method) } void dPlayerControl_Shapeshift(PlayerControl* __this, PlayerControl* target, bool animate, MethodInfo* method) { - synchronized(Replay::replayEventMutex) { - State.liveReplayEvents.emplace_back(std::make_unique(GetEventPlayerControl(__this).value(), GetEventPlayerControl(target).value())); + auto source_player = GetEventPlayerControl(__this); + auto target_player = GetEventPlayerControl(target); + if (source_player && target_player) { + synchronized(Replay::replayEventMutex) { + State.liveReplayEvents.emplace_back(std::make_unique(source_player.value(), target_player.value())); + } } PlayerControl_Shapeshift(__this, target, animate, method); } void dPlayerControl_ProtectPlayer(PlayerControl* __this, PlayerControl* target, int32_t colorId, MethodInfo* method) { - synchronized(Replay::replayEventMutex) { - State.liveReplayEvents.emplace_back(std::make_unique(GetEventPlayerControl(__this).value(), GetEventPlayerControl(target).value())); + auto source_player = GetEventPlayerControl(__this); + auto target_player = GetEventPlayerControl(target); + if (source_player && target_player) { + synchronized(Replay::replayEventMutex) { + State.liveReplayEvents.emplace_back(std::make_unique(source_player.value(), target_player.value())); + } } PlayerControl_ProtectPlayer(__this, target, colorId, method); } -void dPlayerControl_TurnOnProtection(PlayerControl* __this, bool visible, int32_t colorId, MethodInfo* method) { - app::PlayerControl_TurnOnProtection(__this, visible || State.ShowProtections, colorId, method); +void dPlayerControl_TurnOnProtection(PlayerControl* __this, bool visible, int32_t colorId, int32_t guardianPlayerId, MethodInfo* method) { + app::PlayerControl_TurnOnProtection(__this, visible || State.ShowProtections, colorId, guardianPlayerId, method); std::pair pair { colorId, app::Time_get_time(nullptr) }; synchronized(State.protectMutex) { State.protectMonitor[__this->fields.PlayerId] = pair; diff --git a/hooks/SabotageSystemType.cpp b/hooks/SabotageSystemType.cpp index 6b848618..c8428e5b 100644 --- a/hooks/SabotageSystemType.cpp +++ b/hooks/SabotageSystemType.cpp @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ #include "utility.h" #include "logger.h" -void dSabotageSystemType_ForceSabTime(SabotageSystemType* __this, float t, MethodInfo* method) { - app::SabotageSystemType_ForceSabTime(__this, t, method); +void dSabotageSystemType_SetInitialSabotageCooldown(SabotageSystemType* __this, MethodInfo* method) { + app::SabotageSystemType_SetInitialSabotageCooldown(__this, method); // ESP: Initialize Kill Cooldown for (auto pc : GetAllPlayerControl()) { diff --git a/hooks/ShipStatus.cpp b/hooks/ShipStatus.cpp index 9d4fa0c4..9cb17226 100644 --- a/hooks/ShipStatus.cpp +++ b/hooks/ShipStatus.cpp @@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ void dShipStatus_OnEnable(ShipStatus* __this, MethodInfo* method) { Replay::Reset(); - if (Constants_ShouldFlipSkeld(NULL)) + /*if (Constants_ShouldFlipSkeld(NULL)) State.FlipSkeld = true; else - State.FlipSkeld = false; + State.FlipSkeld = false;*/ State.MatchStart = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); State.MatchCurrent = State.MatchStart; diff --git a/hooks/Vent.cpp b/hooks/Vent.cpp index 8cef9dc8..80ea1bdc 100644 --- a/hooks/Vent.cpp +++ b/hooks/Vent.cpp @@ -33,19 +33,23 @@ float dVent_CanUse(Vent* __this, GameData_PlayerInfo* pc, bool* canUse, bool* co }; void dVent_EnterVent(Vent* __this, PlayerControl* pc, MethodInfo * method) { - auto ventVector = app::Transform_get_position(app::Component_get_transform((Component_1*)__this, NULL), NULL); - app::Vector2 ventVector2D = {ventVector.x, ventVector.y}; - synchronized(Replay::replayEventMutex) { - State.liveReplayEvents.emplace_back(std::make_unique(GetEventPlayerControl(pc).value(), ventVector2D, VENT_ACTIONS::VENT_ENTER)); + if (auto player = GetEventPlayerControl(pc)) { + auto ventVector = app::Transform_get_position(app::Component_get_transform((Component_1*)__this, NULL), NULL); + app::Vector2 ventVector2D = { ventVector.x, ventVector.y }; + synchronized(Replay::replayEventMutex) { + State.liveReplayEvents.emplace_back(std::make_unique(player.value(), ventVector2D, VENT_ACTIONS::VENT_ENTER)); + } } Vent_EnterVent(__this, pc, method); } -void dVent_ExitVent(Vent* __this, PlayerControl* pc, MethodInfo * method) { - auto ventVector = app::Transform_get_position(app::Component_get_transform((Component_1*)__this, NULL), NULL); - app::Vector2 ventVector2D = {ventVector.x, ventVector.y}; - synchronized(Replay::replayEventMutex) { - State.liveReplayEvents.emplace_back(std::make_unique(GetEventPlayerControl(pc).value(), ventVector2D, VENT_ACTIONS::VENT_EXIT)); +void* dVent_ExitVent(Vent* __this, PlayerControl* pc, MethodInfo * method) { + if (auto player = GetEventPlayerControl(pc)) { + auto ventVector = app::Transform_get_position(app::Component_get_transform((Component_1*)__this, NULL), NULL); + app::Vector2 ventVector2D = { ventVector.x, ventVector.y }; + synchronized(Replay::replayEventMutex) { + State.liveReplayEvents.emplace_back(std::make_unique(player.value(), ventVector2D, VENT_ACTIONS::VENT_EXIT)); + } } - Vent_ExitVent(__this, pc, method); + return Vent_ExitVent(__this, pc, method); } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/hooks/_hooks.cpp b/hooks/_hooks.cpp index 69a2fc8a..53485415 100644 --- a/hooks/_hooks.cpp +++ b/hooks/_hooks.cpp @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ void DetourInitilization() { HOOKFUNC(InnerNetClient_Update); HOOKFUNC(AmongUsClient_OnPlayerLeft); HOOKFUNC(CustomNetworkTransform_SnapTo); - HOOKFUNC(Constants_ShouldFlipSkeld); + //HOOKFUNC(Constants_ShouldFlipSkeld); HOOKFUNC(LobbyBehaviour_Start); HOOKFUNC(GameObject_SetActive); //HOOKFUNC(NoShadowBehaviour_LateUpdate); @@ -155,7 +155,10 @@ void DetourInitilization() { HOOKFUNC(EOSManager_UpdatePermissionKeys); HOOKFUNC(GameOptionsManager_set_CurrentGameOptions); HOOKFUNC(ExileController_ReEnableGameplay); - HOOKFUNC(SabotageSystemType_ForceSabTime); + HOOKFUNC(SabotageSystemType_SetInitialSabotageCooldown); + HOOKFUNC(FungleShipStatus_OnEnable); + HOOKFUNC(MushroomWallDoor_SetDoorway); + HOOKFUNC(MushroomDoorSabotageMinigame_Begin); if (!HookFunction(&(PVOID&)oPresent, dPresent, "D3D_PRESENT_FUNCTION")) return; @@ -212,7 +215,7 @@ void DetourUninitialization() UNHOOKFUNC(InnerNetClient_Update); UNHOOKFUNC(AmongUsClient_OnPlayerLeft); UNHOOKFUNC(CustomNetworkTransform_SnapTo); - UNHOOKFUNC(Constants_ShouldFlipSkeld); + //UNHOOKFUNC(Constants_ShouldFlipSkeld); UNHOOKFUNC(LobbyBehaviour_Start); //UNHOOKFUNC(NoShadowBehaviour_LateUpdate); UNHOOKFUNC(FollowerCamera_Update); @@ -236,7 +239,10 @@ void DetourUninitialization() UNHOOKFUNC(EOSManager_UpdatePermissionKeys); UNHOOKFUNC(GameOptionsManager_set_CurrentGameOptions); UNHOOKFUNC(ExileController_ReEnableGameplay); - UNHOOKFUNC(SabotageSystemType_ForceSabTime); + UNHOOKFUNC(SabotageSystemType_SetInitialSabotageCooldown); + UNHOOKFUNC(FungleShipStatus_OnEnable); + UNHOOKFUNC(MushroomWallDoor_SetDoorway); + UNHOOKFUNC(MushroomDoorSabotageMinigame_Begin); if (DetourDetach(&(PVOID&)oPresent, dPresent) != 0) return; diff --git a/hooks/_hooks.h b/hooks/_hooks.h index 7dfc5e6f..68faf9ca 100644 --- a/hooks/_hooks.h +++ b/hooks/_hooks.h @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ void DetourInitilization(); void DetourUninitialization(); bool dAutoOpenDoor_DoUpdate(AutoOpenDoor* __this, float dt, MethodInfo* method); -bool dConstants_ShouldFlipSkeld(MethodInfo* method); +//bool dConstants_ShouldFlipSkeld(MethodInfo* method); void dInnerNetClient_Update(InnerNetClient* __this, MethodInfo* method); void dAmongUsClient_OnPlayerLeft(AmongUsClient* __this, ClientData* data, DisconnectReasons__Enum reason, MethodInfo* method); void dCustomNetworkTransform_SnapTo(CustomNetworkTransform* __this, Vector2 position, uint16_t minSid, MethodInfo* method); @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ void dMeetingHud_PopulateResults(MeetingHud* __this, Il2CppArraySize* states, Me void dPlainDoor_SetDoorway(PlainDoor* __this, bool open, MethodInfo* method); void dPlayerControl_CompleteTask(PlayerControl* __this, uint32_t idx, MethodInfo* method); void dPlayerControl_FixedUpdate(PlayerControl* __this, MethodInfo* method); -void dPlayerControl_MurderPlayer(PlayerControl* __this, PlayerControl* target, MethodInfo* method); +void dPlayerControl_MurderPlayer(PlayerControl* __this, PlayerControl* target, MurderResultFlags__Enum resultFlags, MethodInfo* method); void dPlayerControl_StartMeeting(PlayerControl* __this, GameData_PlayerInfo* target, MethodInfo* method); void dPlayerControl_RpcSyncSettings(PlayerControl* __this, Byte__Array* optionsByteArray, MethodInfo* method); void dPlayerControl_HandleRpc(PlayerControl* __this, uint8_t callId, MessageReader* reader, MethodInfo* method); @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ void dSceneManager_Internal_ActiveSceneChanged(Scene previousActiveScene, Scene void dShipStatus_OnEnable(ShipStatus* __this, MethodInfo* method); void dPolusShipStatus_OnEnable(PolusShipStatus* __this, MethodInfo* method); void dVent_EnterVent(Vent* __this, PlayerControl* pc, MethodInfo * method); -void dVent_ExitVent(Vent* __this, PlayerControl* pc, MethodInfo * method); +void* dVent_ExitVent(Vent* __this, PlayerControl* pc, MethodInfo * method); void dLobbyBehaviour_Start(LobbyBehaviour* __this, MethodInfo* method); void dGameObject_SetActive(GameObject* __this, bool value, MethodInfo* method); void dNoShadowBehaviour_LateUpdate(NoShadowBehaviour* __this, MethodInfo* method); @@ -65,11 +65,14 @@ void dRoleManager_SelectRoles(RoleManager* __this, MethodInfo * method); //void dRoleManager_AssignRolesFromList(List_1_GameData_PlayerInfo_* players, int32_t teamMax, List_1_RoleTypes_* roleList, int32_t* rolesAssigned, MethodInfo* method); void dPlayerPhysics_FixedUpdate (PlayerPhysics* __this, MethodInfo* method); bool dSaveManager_GetPurchase(String* itemKey, String* bundleKey, MethodInfo* method); -void dPlayerControl_TurnOnProtection(PlayerControl* __this, bool visible, int32_t colorId, MethodInfo* method); +void dPlayerControl_TurnOnProtection(PlayerControl* __this, bool visible, int32_t colorId, int32_t guardianPlayerId, MethodInfo* method); void dAmongUsClient_OnGameEnd(AmongUsClient* __this, Object* endGameResult, MethodInfo* method); void dAccountManager_UpdateKidAccountDisplay(AccountManager* __this, MethodInfo* method); void dPlayerStorageManager_OnReadPlayerPrefsComplete(PlayerStorageManager* __this, void* data, MethodInfo* method); bool dPlayerPurchasesData_GetPurchase(PlayerPurchasesData* __this, String* itemKey, String* bundleKey, MethodInfo* method); void dGameOptionsManager_set_CurrentGameOptions(GameOptionsManager* __this, IGameOptions* value, MethodInfo* method); void dExileController_ReEnableGameplay(ExileController* __this, MethodInfo* method); -void dSabotageSystemType_ForceSabTime(SabotageSystemType* __this, float t, MethodInfo* method); +void dSabotageSystemType_SetInitialSabotageCooldown(SabotageSystemType* __this, MethodInfo* method); +void dFungleShipStatus_OnEnable(FungleShipStatus* __this, MethodInfo* method); +void dMushroomWallDoor_SetDoorway(MushroomWallDoor* __this, bool open, MethodInfo* method); +void dMushroomDoorSabotageMinigame_Begin(MushroomDoorSabotageMinigame* __this, PlayerTask* task, MethodInfo* method); diff --git a/resources/resource_data.h b/resources/resource_data.h index d8760042..f42dabd5 100644 --- a/resources/resource_data.h +++ b/resources/resource_data.h @@ -16,12 +16,13 @@ #define IDB_PNG12 112 #define IDB_PNG13 113 #define IDB_PNG14 114 +#define IDB_PNG15 115 // Next default values for new objects // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS -#define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 115 +#define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 116 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 40001 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1001 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101 diff --git a/resources/resource_data.rc b/resources/resource_data.rc index 52d6986b..9458ce4c 100644 --- a/resources/resource_data.rc +++ b/resources/resource_data.rc @@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ IDB_PNG13 PNG "play.png" IDB_PNG14 PNG "pause.png" +IDB_PNG15 PNG "the_fungle.png" + #endif // English (United States) resources ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// diff --git a/resources/the_fungle.png b/resources/the_fungle.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e9a47c1b Binary files /dev/null and b/resources/the_fungle.png differ diff --git a/rpc/RpcMurderPlayer.cpp b/rpc/RpcMurderPlayer.cpp index 82f82acc..9b03f359 100644 --- a/rpc/RpcMurderPlayer.cpp +++ b/rpc/RpcMurderPlayer.cpp @@ -9,5 +9,6 @@ RpcMurderPlayer::RpcMurderPlayer(const PlayerSelection& target) void RpcMurderPlayer::Process() { - PlayerControl_RpcMurderPlayer(*Game::pLocalPlayer, target.get_PlayerControl().value_or(nullptr), NULL); + (*Game::pLocalPlayer)->fields.isKilling = true; + PlayerControl_RpcMurderPlayer(*Game::pLocalPlayer, target.get_PlayerControl().value_or(nullptr), true, NULL); } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/rpc/RpcRepairSystem.cpp b/rpc/RpcRepairSystem.cpp index 260fd0e2..89b7876d 100644 --- a/rpc/RpcRepairSystem.cpp +++ b/rpc/RpcRepairSystem.cpp @@ -16,5 +16,5 @@ RpcRepairSystem::RpcRepairSystem(SystemTypes__Enum selectedSystem, uint32_t amou void RpcRepairSystem::Process() { - ShipStatus_RpcRepairSystem(*Game::pShipStatus, this->selectedSystem, this->amount, NULL); + ShipStatus_RpcUpdateSystem(*Game::pShipStatus, this->selectedSystem, this->amount, NULL); } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/used_types.txt b/used_types.txt index 8414744d..fa6bd65b 100644 --- a/used_types.txt +++ b/used_types.txt @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ EOSManager FullAccount SpawnFlags__Enum InnerNetObject -PlainDoor__Array +OpenableDoor__Array PlayerVoteArea PlayerVoteArea__Array SystemTypes__Enum @@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ PlainShipRoom PlainShipRoom__Array ShipStatus_MapType__Enum ShipStatus -StringNames__Enum SwitchSystem ISystemType Dictionary_2_TKey_TValue_Entry_SystemTypes_ISystemType_ @@ -221,3 +220,8 @@ UpdateState__Enum AbstractChatInputField__Fields FreeChatInputField__Fields FreeChatInputField +MurderResultFlags__Enum +FungleShipStatus +OpenableDoor +MushroomWallDoor +MushroomDoorSabotageMinigame diff --git a/user/state.hpp b/user/state.hpp index 395ffd0c..355b7f1d 100644 --- a/user/state.hpp +++ b/user/state.hpp @@ -181,7 +181,8 @@ class Settings { Ship = 0, Hq = 1, Pb = 2, - Airship = 3 + Airship = 3, + Fungle = 4, } mapType = MapType::Ship; bool AutoOpenDoors = false; diff --git a/user/utility.cpp b/user/utility.cpp index f92f732c..5290f0c8 100644 --- a/user/utility.cpp +++ b/user/utility.cpp @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ #include "profiler.h" #include +using namespace std::string_view_literals; + EXTERN_C IMAGE_DOS_HEADER __ImageBase; int randi(int lo, int hi) { @@ -122,8 +124,7 @@ Vector2 GetTrueAdjustedPosition(PlayerControl* playerControl) #pragma region PlayerSelection PlayerSelection::PlayerSelection() noexcept { - this->clientId = Game::NoClientId; - this->playerId = Game::NoPlayerId; + this->reset(); } PlayerSelection::PlayerSelection(const PlayerControl* playerControl) { @@ -132,7 +133,7 @@ PlayerSelection::PlayerSelection(const PlayerControl* playerControl) { this->playerId = playerControl->fields.PlayerId; } else { - new (this)PlayerSelection(); + this->reset(); } } @@ -140,6 +141,10 @@ PlayerSelection::PlayerSelection(GameData_PlayerInfo* playerData) { new (this)PlayerSelection(app::GameData_PlayerInfo_get_Object(playerData, nullptr)); } +PlayerSelection::PlayerSelection(const PlayerSelection::Result& result) { + new (this)PlayerSelection(result.has_value() ? result.get_PlayerControl() : nullptr); +} + PlayerSelection::Result PlayerSelection::validate() { auto playerControl = this->get_PlayerControl(); if (playerControl) { @@ -148,17 +153,27 @@ PlayerSelection::Result PlayerSelection::validate() { return { (*playerControl), playerData }; } } - this->clientId = Game::NoClientId; - this->playerId = Game::NoPlayerId; + this->reset(); return {}; } bool PlayerSelection::equals(const PlayerSelection& selectedPlayer) const { + if (this == &selectedPlayer) return true; if (!this->has_value() || !selectedPlayer.has_value()) return false; return std::tie(clientId, playerId) == std::tie(selectedPlayer.clientId, selectedPlayer.playerId); } +bool PlayerSelection::equals(const PlayerSelection::Result& selectedPlayer) const { + if (!this->has_value() || !selectedPlayer.has_value()) return false; + if (clientId == Game::HostInherit) { + return playerId == selectedPlayer.get_PlayerControl()->fields.PlayerId; + } + return std::tie(clientId, playerId) == + std::tie(selectedPlayer.get_PlayerControl()->fields._.OwnerId, + selectedPlayer.get_PlayerControl()->fields.PlayerId); +} + std::optional PlayerSelection::get_PlayerControl() const { if (!this->has_value()) return std::nullopt; @@ -202,27 +217,6 @@ std::optional PlayerSelection::get_PlayerData() const } return std::nullopt; } - -Game::PlayerId PlayerSelection::get_PlayerId() const noexcept { -#if 0//_DEBUG - LOG_ASSERT(this->has_value()); -#endif - return this->playerId; -} - -Game::ClientId PlayerSelection::get_ClientId() const noexcept { -#if 0//_DEBUG - LOG_ASSERT(this->has_value()); -#endif - return this->clientId; -} - -bool PlayerSelection::is_LocalPlayer() const noexcept { -#if 0//_DEBUG - LOG_ASSERT(this->has_value()); -#endif - return this->clientId == (*Game::pAmongUsClient)->fields._.ClientId; -} #pragma endregion ImVec4 AmongUsColorToImVec4(const Color& color) { @@ -288,8 +282,8 @@ PlayerControl* GetPlayerControlById(Game::PlayerId id) { return NULL; } -PlainDoor* GetPlainDoorByRoom(SystemTypes__Enum room) { - for (auto door : il2cpp::Array((*Game::pShipStatus)->fields.AllDoors)) +OpenableDoor* GetOpenableDoorByRoom(SystemTypes__Enum room) { + for (auto door : GetAllOpenableDoors()) { if (door->fields.Room == room) { @@ -300,7 +294,7 @@ PlainDoor* GetPlainDoorByRoom(SystemTypes__Enum room) { return nullptr; } -il2cpp::Array GetAllPlainDoors() { +il2cpp::Array GetAllOpenableDoors() { return (*Game::pShipStatus)->fields.AllDoors; } @@ -337,14 +331,16 @@ std::vector GetNormalPlayerTasks(PlayerControl* player) { return normalPlayerTasks; } -SabotageTask* GetSabotageTask(PlayerControl* player) { +Object_1* GetSabotageTask(PlayerControl* player) { static std::string sabotageTaskType = translate_type_name("SabotageTask"); auto playerTasks = GetPlayerTasks(player); for (auto playerTask : playerTasks) - if (sabotageTaskType == playerTask->klass->_0.name || sabotageTaskType == playerTask->klass->_0.parent->name) - return (SabotageTask*)playerTask; + if (sabotageTaskType == playerTask->klass->_0.name + || sabotageTaskType == playerTask->klass->_0.parent->name + || "MushroomMixupSabotageTask"sv == playerTask->klass->_0.name) + return (Object_1*)playerTask; return NULL; } @@ -375,22 +371,18 @@ void RepairSabotage(PlayerControl* player) { } } } - - if (hqHudOverrideTaskType == sabotageTask->klass->_0.name) { + else if (hqHudOverrideTaskType == sabotageTask->klass->_0.name) { State.rpcQueue.push(new RpcRepairSystem(SystemTypes__Enum::Comms, 16)); State.rpcQueue.push(new RpcRepairSystem(SystemTypes__Enum::Comms, 17)); } - - if (hudOverrideTaskType == sabotageTask->klass->_0.name) { + else if (hudOverrideTaskType == sabotageTask->klass->_0.name) { State.rpcQueue.push(new RpcRepairSystem(SystemTypes__Enum::Comms, 0)); } - - if (noOxyTaskType == sabotageTask->klass->_0.name) { + else if (noOxyTaskType == sabotageTask->klass->_0.name) { State.rpcQueue.push(new RpcRepairSystem(SystemTypes__Enum::LifeSupp, 64)); State.rpcQueue.push(new RpcRepairSystem(SystemTypes__Enum::LifeSupp, 65)); } - - if (reactorTaskType == sabotageTask->klass->_0.name) { + else if (reactorTaskType == sabotageTask->klass->_0.name) { if (State.mapType == Settings::MapType::Ship || State.mapType == Settings::MapType::Hq) { State.rpcQueue.push(new RpcRepairSystem(SystemTypes__Enum::Reactor, 64)); State.rpcQueue.push(new RpcRepairSystem(SystemTypes__Enum::Reactor, 65)); @@ -405,6 +397,12 @@ void RepairSabotage(PlayerControl* player) { State.rpcQueue.push(new RpcRepairSystem(SystemTypes__Enum::Reactor, 17)); } } + else if ("MushroomMixupSabotageTask"sv == sabotageTask->klass->_0.name) { + //State.rpcQueue.push(new RpcRepairSystem(SystemTypes__Enum::MushroomMixupSabotage, 0)); + } + else { + STREAM_ERROR("Unknown Task:" << sabotageTask->klass->_0.name); + } } void CompleteTask(NormalPlayerTask* playerTask) { @@ -421,7 +419,12 @@ const char* TranslateTaskTypes(TaskTypes__Enum taskType) { "Buy Beverage", "Process Data", "Run Diagnostics", "Water Plants", "Monitor Oxygen", "Store Artifacts", "Fill Canisters", "Activate Weather Nodes", "Insert Keys", "Reset Seismic Stabilizers", "Scan Boarding Pass", "Open Waterways", "Replace Water Jug", "Repair Drill", "Align Telecopse", "Record Temperature", "Reboot Wifi", "Polish Ruby", "Reset Breakers", "Decontaminate", "Make Burger", "Unlock Safe", "Sort Records", "Put Away Pistols", "Fix Shower", "Clean Toilet", "Dress Mannequin", - "Pick Up Towels", "Rewind Tapes", "Start Fans", "Develop Photos", "Get Biggol Sword", "Put Away Rifles", "Stop Charles", "Vent Cleaning"}; + "Pick Up Towels", "Rewind Tapes", "Start Fans", "Develop Photos", "Get Biggol Sword", "Put Away Rifles", "Stop Charles", "Vent Cleaning", "None", + // 2023.10.24 added + "Build Sandcastle", "Catch Fish","Collect Shells", "Lift Weights", "Roast Marshmallow", "Throw Frisbee", "Collect Samples", "Collect Vegetables", + "Hoist Supplies", "Mine Ores", "Polish Gem", "Replace Parts", "Help Critter", "Crank Generator", "Fix Antenna", "Find Signal", "Mushroom Mixup Sabotage", + "Extract Fuel", "Monitor Mushroom", "Play Video Game", + }; return TASK_TRANSLATIONS.at(static_cast(taskType)); } @@ -430,7 +433,10 @@ const char* TranslateSystemTypes(SystemTypes__Enum systemType) { "MedBay", "Security", "Weapons", "Lower Engine", "Communications", "Ship Tasks", "Doors", "Sabotage", "Decontamination", "Launchpad", "Locker Room", "Laboratory", "Balcony", "Office", "Greenhouse", "Dropship", "Decontamination", "Outside", "Specimen Room", "Boiler Room", "Vault Room", "Cockpit", "Armory", "Kitchen", "Viewing Deck", "Hall Of Portraits", "Cargo Bay", "Ventilation", "Showers", "Engine Room", "The Brig", "Meeting Room", "Records Room", "Lounge Room", "Gap Room", "Main Hall", "Medical", - "Decontamination" }; + "Decontamination", + // 2023.10.24 added + "Zipline", "Mining Pit", "Fishing Dock", "Rec Room", "Lookout", "Beach", "Highlands", "Jungle", "Sleeping Quarters", "Mushroom Mixup Sabotage", "Heli Sabotage", + }; return SYSTEM_TRANSLATIONS.at(static_cast(systemType)); } @@ -594,10 +600,10 @@ std::string GetGitBranch() return "unavailable"; } -void ImpersonateName(PlayerSelection& _player) +void ImpersonateName(__maybenull GameData_PlayerInfo* data) { - auto player = _player.validate(); if (!player.has_value()) return; - app::GameData_PlayerOutfit* outfit = GetPlayerOutfit(player.get_PlayerData()); + if (!data) return; + app::GameData_PlayerOutfit* outfit = GetPlayerOutfit(data); if (!(IsInGame() || IsInLobby() || outfit)) return; const auto& playerName = convert_from_string(GameData_PlayerOutfit_get_PlayerName(outfit, nullptr)); if (playerName.length() < 10) { @@ -704,6 +710,7 @@ Color GetRoleColor(RoleBehaviour* roleBehaviour) { switch (roleBehaviour->fields.Role) { default: case RoleTypes__Enum::Crewmate: + case RoleTypes__Enum::CrewmateGhost: c = Palette__TypeInfo->static_fields->White; break; case RoleTypes__Enum::Engineer: @@ -713,6 +720,7 @@ Color GetRoleColor(RoleBehaviour* roleBehaviour) { break; case RoleTypes__Enum::Impostor: case RoleTypes__Enum::Shapeshifter: + case RoleTypes__Enum::ImpostorGhost: c = Palette__TypeInfo->static_fields->ImpostorRed; break; } @@ -730,12 +738,14 @@ std::string GetRoleName(RoleBehaviour* roleBehaviour, bool abbreviated /* = fals case RoleTypes__Enum::GuardianAngel: return (abbreviated ? "GA" : "GuardianAngel"); case RoleTypes__Enum::Impostor: + case RoleTypes__Enum::ImpostorGhost: return (abbreviated ? "Imp" : "Impostor"); case RoleTypes__Enum::Scientist: return (abbreviated ? "Sci" : "Scientist"); case RoleTypes__Enum::Shapeshifter: return (abbreviated ? "SH" : "Shapeshifter"); case RoleTypes__Enum::Crewmate: + case RoleTypes__Enum::CrewmateGhost: return (abbreviated ? "Crew" : "Crewmate"); default: return (abbreviated ? "Unk" : "Unknown"); @@ -838,7 +848,10 @@ std::string GetPlayerName() { LOG_ASSERT(field != nullptr); auto customization = il2cpp_field_get_value_object(field, player); LOG_ASSERT(customization != nullptr); - return convert_from_string(app::PlayerCustomizationData_get_Name(customization, nullptr)); + static FieldInfo* field2 = il2cpp_class_get_field_from_name(customization->Il2CppClass.klass, "name"); + auto name = il2cpp_field_get_value_object(field2, customization); + LOG_ASSERT(name != nullptr); + return convert_from_string(reinterpret_cast(name)); } void SetPlayerName(std::string_view name) { diff --git a/user/utility.h b/user/utility.h index 1db25061..33a8929f 100644 --- a/user/utility.h +++ b/user/utility.h @@ -84,13 +84,14 @@ class PlayerSelection { #endif return _playerData->fields.Disconnected; } - constexpr bool equals(_Maybenull_ const PlayerControl* playerControl) const { - return _playerControl == playerControl; + constexpr bool equals(const Result& _Right) const noexcept { + if (!this->has_value() || !_Right.has_value()) return false; + return _playerControl == _Right._playerControl; } - constexpr bool equals(_Maybenull_ const GameData_PlayerInfo* playerData) const { - return _playerData == playerData; + constexpr bool has_value() const noexcept { + return _has_value; } - constexpr bool has_value() const { + constexpr operator bool() const noexcept { return _has_value; } private: @@ -116,13 +117,24 @@ class PlayerSelection { PlayerSelection() noexcept; explicit PlayerSelection(const PlayerControl* playerControl); explicit PlayerSelection(GameData_PlayerInfo* playerData); + PlayerSelection(const PlayerSelection::Result& result); PlayerSelection::Result validate(); bool equals(const PlayerSelection& selectedPlayer) const; - Game::PlayerId get_PlayerId() const noexcept; - Game::ClientId get_ClientId() const noexcept; - bool is_LocalPlayer() const noexcept; + bool equals(const PlayerSelection::Result& selectedPlayer) const; + Game::PlayerId get_PlayerId() const noexcept { + return this->playerId; + } + Game::ClientId get_ClientId() const noexcept { + return this->clientId; + } + + constexpr void reset() noexcept { + this->clientId = Game::NoClientId; + this->playerId = Game::NoPlayerId; + } + bool has_value() const noexcept { return (this->clientId != Game::NoClientId || this->playerId != Game::NoPlayerId); } @@ -147,14 +159,15 @@ GameData_PlayerInfo* GetPlayerData(PlayerControl* player); Vector2 GetTrueAdjustedPosition(PlayerControl* player); GameData_PlayerInfo* GetPlayerDataById(Game::PlayerId id); PlayerControl* GetPlayerControlById(Game::PlayerId id); -PlainDoor* GetPlainDoorByRoom(SystemTypes__Enum room); -il2cpp::Array GetAllPlainDoors(); +// MushroomWallDoor or PlainDoor +OpenableDoor* GetOpenableDoorByRoom(SystemTypes__Enum room); +il2cpp::Array GetAllOpenableDoors(); il2cpp::List GetAllPlayerControl(); il2cpp::List GetAllPlayerData(); il2cpp::Array GetAllDeadBodies(); il2cpp::List GetPlayerTasks(PlayerControl* player); std::vector GetNormalPlayerTasks(PlayerControl* player); -SabotageTask* GetSabotageTask(PlayerControl* player); +Object_1* GetSabotageTask(PlayerControl* player); void RepairSabotage(PlayerControl* player); void CompleteTask(NormalPlayerTask* playerTask); const char* TranslateTaskTypes(TaskTypes__Enum taskType); @@ -180,7 +193,7 @@ std::string ToString(__maybenull PlayerControl* player); std::string ToString(__maybenull GameData_PlayerInfo* data); std::string GetGitCommit(); std::string GetGitBranch(); -void ImpersonateName(PlayerSelection& player); +void ImpersonateName(__maybenull GameData_PlayerInfo* data); Game::ColorId GetRandomColorId(); void SaveOriginalAppearance(); void ResetOriginalAppearance();