PoffinHouse is a React application. It features in depth information about the Pokémon Berries and Poffins. PoffinHouse
provides interactive resources to learn how to use the Nature of your Pokémon to your advantage. Log in to save your
team and find the perfect snack for your Pokémon!
Make sure you have the following software installed:
Clone the repository: For this installation guide, we will use Webstorm as our chosen IDE
Open the Terminal with Alt+F12
Initiate Git in the terminal:
git init
Copy the provided SSH into the url:
Clone in terminal:
git clone git@github.com:Birdoppp/eindopdracht-PoffinHouse.git
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Start the server:
npm run dev
This will start a development server and automatically open the application in your default web browser.
Open the application in your browser: If the development server doesn't open automatically, you can click on the link to the following URL: http://localhost:5173
Optional commands:
npm run lint
This command will analyze the code and provide feedback on any issues found according to the project's linting rules.