A statistical pipeline for genetic analysis in connected multiparental (diploid) populations
- Functions include data filtering, map construction, genotype imputation, and haplotype reconstruction.
- Apply to many multiparental populations with shared inbred or outbred parents
- Account for various sequencing errors such as allelic bias
- Efficient for genomic data with hundreds of thousands of markers
The software is licensed under PolyForm Strict License 1.0.0. For commercial use, a (paid) license agreement needs to be set up. To obtain the license agreement, contact rabbit-support@wur.nl.
See RABBITManual for the detailed online document.
- Download and install Julia available at https://julialang.org/
- Download RABBIT repository
- In a command shell, run
path/to/bin/julia.exe path/to/install_RABBIT.jl
Alternatively, from the Julia (>=v1.9.7, 64-bit) REPL, run
Similarly, use uninstall_RABBIT.jl to uninstall RABBIT, and use test_RABBIT.jl to test RABBIT.
RABBIT consists of a set of Julia packages. Here is a list of key packages.
Package name | Description |
MagicBase |
Basic data structures and functions |
MagicSimulate |
Simulation of genotypic/phenotypic data |
MagicFilter |
Filter genotypic data |
MagicCall |
Single marker genotype calling |
MagicMap |
Linkage map construction |
MagicImpute |
Genotype imputation |
MagicReconstruct |
Haplotype reconstruction |
MagicScan |
To load a package for data analysis such as genotype imputatioin, run
using MagicImpute
Generally, RABBIT requires two inputs: genofile and pedinfo. The following is an overview of key functions.
magicimpute("geno.vcf.gz","ped.csv"; mapfile="outstem_magicmap_construct_map.csv.gz")
To get help for a function such as magicimpute
, run
The RABBIT CLI is a collection of main function files that are located in the download RABBIT repository folder RABBITCLI
; each file is a wrapper of the corresponding julia function.
Change into work directory including input files, and run a main function file in a command shell,
path/to/bin/julia.exe path/to/RABBITCLI/src/rabbit_function.jl -g geno.vcf.gz -p ped.csv
We will assume that the paths to julia.exe and the main function file have been added in the platform environmental variable PATH
julia rabbit_function.jl -g geno.vcf.gz -p ped.csv
The following is an overview of the key main function files:
julia rabbit_magicfilter.jl -g geno.vcf.gz -p ped.csv
julia rabbit_magiccall.jl -g geno.vcf.gz -p ped.csv
julia rabbit_magicmap.jl -g geno.vcf.gz -p ped.csv
julia rabbit_magicimpute.jl -g geno.vcf.gz -p ped.csv --mapfile outstem_magicmap_construct_map.csv.gz
julia rabbit_magicreconstruct.jl -g geno.vcf.gz -p ped.csv
To get help for each main function file, run
julia rabbit_function.jl -h