Once teleported inside the structure, your mission is to:
- find the control room from which you will be able to deactivate the tracker beam;
- get back to your starting position once you've deactivated the tracker beam.
The structure is arranged as a rectangular maze composed of cells. Within the maze Kirk can go in any of the following directions: UP, DOWN, LEFT or RIGHT.
Kirk is using his tricorder to scan the area around him but due to a disruptor field, he is only able to scan the cells located in a 5-cell wide square centered on him.
Unfortunately, Spock was correct, there is a trap! Once you reach the control room an alarm countdown is triggered and you have only a limited number of rounds before the alarm goes off. Once the alarm goes off, Kirk is doomed...
Kirk will die if any of the following happens:
- Kirk's jetpack runs out of fuel. You have enough fuel for 1200 movements;
- Kirk does not reach the starting position before the alarm goes off (the alarm countdown is triggered once the control room has been reached);
- Kirk touches a wall or the ground: he is ripped apart by a mechanical trap. You will be successful if you reach the control room and get back to the starting position before the alarm goes off.
Maze format // A maze in ASCII format is provided as input. The character # represents a wall, the letter . represents a hollow space, the letter T represents your starting position, the letter C represents the control room and the character ? represents a cell that you have not scanned yet.
# height and width of the labyrinth and time before alarm is triggered
@height, @width, @countdown = gets.split(' ').map(&:to_i)
@labyrinth = '' # labyrinth represented as a serial
@teleport, @control = nil, nil # teleport and control room positions
@node = nil # node currently analyzed in pathfinding
@finish = nil # information of last node reached in pathfinding
@position = nil # current position
@passages = Array.new(@height * @width, 0) # passages on a specific node
@open_list, @closed_list = [] # open list and closed list for pathfinding
@current_to_control, @control_to_teleport = nil, nil # pathes from point to another
@step_to_control, @step_to_teleport = 0, 0 # steps done in the pathes
@alarm = false # triggered alarm
# node above position
def up(position)
position - @width if position >= @width
# node below position
def down(position)
position + @width
# node left to position
def left(position)
position - 1 if (position % @width).positive?
# node right to position
def right(position)
position + 1 if ((position + 1) % @width).positive?
# reachable positions from a position (respecting reachable_chars)
def reachable_positions(position, allowed_chars)
positions = [up(position), down(position), left(position), right(position)]
positions.select { |side| allowed_chars.include?(@labyrinth[side]) }
# next position to explore when Kirk is only discovering the labyrinth
def next_position_to_explore
positions = reachable_positions(@position, ['.', 'T'])
# go to the reachable position where Kirk has less been
positions.min_by { |position| @passages[position] }
# define the movement command from a position to go
def define_movement(position)
return 'RIGHT' if position == @position + 1
return 'LEFT' if position == @position - 1
position < @position ? 'UP' : 'DOWN'
# find the shortest path from @node to a specific character (C, T)
def shortest_path(target, allowed_nodes)
positions = reachable_positions(@node[:position], allowed_nodes)
positions.each do |position|
# do nothing if position is in the closed list
next if @closed_list.map { |node| node[:position] }.include? position
# update finish if position is finish, else update open list
position == @labyrinth.index(target) ? update_finish(target) : update_open_list(position)
return if @open_list.empty? # stop the method if all nodes have been analyzed
update_current_node # update next node to analyse
shortest_path(target, allowed_nodes) # recall the method
# update finish node if distance found is shortest than the previous one
def update_finish(position)
return if @finish && @node[:distance] + 1 >= @finish[:distance]
@finish = {
position: @labyrinth.index(position),
parent: @node,
distance: @node[:distance] + 1
# define if node should be updated or created
def update_open_list(position)
node = @open_list.find { |n| n[:position] == position }
node ? update_node(node) : create_node(position)
# add node in the open list
def create_node(position)
@open_list << {
position: position,
parent: @node,
distance: @node[:distance] + 1
# update node in the open list if distance found is shortest than the previous one
def update_node(node)
return if @node[:distance] + 1 >= node[:distance]
node[:parent] = @node
node[:distance] = @node[:distance] + 1
# update node to analyze
def update_current_node
@node = @open_list.shift
@closed_list << @node
# generate path after path has been found by browding parents from finish
def generate_path
node = @finish
steps = []
loop do
steps << node[:position]
node[:parent] ? node = node[:parent] : break
# clean pathfinder variables
def clean_pathfinder
@finish = nil
@open_list = []
@closed_list = []
loop do
y, x = gets.split(' ').map(&:to_i) # y as row and x as column
@position = y * @width + x # define current position
@passages[@position] += 1 # add a passage on current position
@alarm = true if @position == @labyrinth.index('C') # trigger alarm if enter control room
@labyrinth = '' # empty labyrinth
@height.times { @labyrinth << gets.chomp } # populate labyrinth (gets.chomp = row)
@teleport ||= @labyrinth.index('T') # define teleport position
@control ||= @labyrinth.index('C') # define control position
@node ||= { position: @teleport, parent: nil, distance: 0 }
# while no valid path has been found between control room and teleport
# => continue exploration
next_position = next_position_to_explore if @control_to_teleport.nil?
# if control room is known
# and no valid path has been found between control room and teleport
# try to find a valid path
if @control && @control_to_teleport.nil?
@node = { position: @control, parent: nil, distance: 0 }
@closed_list << @node
shortest_path('T', ['T', '.'])
@control_to_teleport = generate_path if @finish && @finish[:distance] <= @countdown
# if a valid path has been found between control room and teleport
# but no path has been found between current position room and control room
# try to find a path
if @control_to_teleport && @current_to_control.nil?
@node = { position: @position, parent: nil, distance: 0 }
@closed_list << @node
shortest_path('C', ['T', '.', 'C'])
if @finish
@current_to_control = generate_path
next_position = next_position_to_explore(['T', '.'])
# if there is a path between current position room and control room
# (meaning a valid path has been found between control room and teleport)
# and player is not in the control room
# => reach control room
if @current_to_control && !@alarm
next_position = @current_to_control[@step_to_control + 1]
@step_to_control += 1
# if player is in the control room
# => go back to teleport
if @alarm
next_position = @control_to_teleport[@step_to_teleport + 1]
@step_to_teleport += 1
puts define_movement(next_position)