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Stock Exchange Losses

A finance company is carrying out a study on the worst stock investments and would like to acquire a program to do so. The program must be able to analyze a chronological series of stock values in order to show the largest loss that it is possible to make by buying a share at a given time t0 and by selling it at a later date t1. The loss will be expressed as the difference in value between t0 and t1. If there is no loss, the loss will be worth 0.

Link to challenge


Solution 1 -> Iterate on each number and update current value and max delta where necessary.

gets.to_i # the count of inputs is unused

# <current> is the compared number
#   on first iteration, it is set to the given number
#   then it is replaced each time a greater number is found
current = 0

# <delta> is the maximum delta found (negatively)
#   it is initialized to 0
#   then it is replaced each time a greatest delta is found
delta = 0

# for each given number (stock value)
numbers = gets.split(' ').map(&:to_i)
numbers.each do |number|
    # if the delta between number and current is less than the one ever found
    #   then replace it
    delta = [delta, number - current].min
    # if the number is greater than the current
    #   then replace it
    current = [current, number].max

puts delta

Solution 2 -> Use recursion to check each period between recoveries.

gets.to_i # the count of inputs is unused
@inputs = gets.split(' ').map(&:to_i)

def max_delta(inputs, current_max = 0)
    # index where first value is recover (same or equal)
    recover_index = inputs[1..-1].index { |input| input >= inputs.first }&.+1
    # find the min value in this period and check the delta with studied value
    delta = inputs.first - inputs[1..(recover_index || -1)].min
    # replace current_max if delta is greater
    current_max = delta if delta > current_max
    # return if value is never recovered or if there is only one value left
    return current_max if !recover_index || (inputs.length - recover_index) == 1

    # find (and eventually replace) max delta for the following period
    max_delta(inputs[recover_index..-1], current_max)

# switch the sign
puts max_delta(@inputs) * -1


Solution 1 -> Iterate on each number and update current value and max delta where necessary.

package main


func min(x, y int64) int64 {
    if x < y {
        return x
    return y

func max(x, y int64) int64 {
    if x > y {
        return x
    return y

func main() {
    scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
    scanner.Buffer(make([]byte, 1000000), 1000000)
	scanner.Scan() // run unused scanner
	scanner.Scan() // run unused scanner

    // <current> is the compared number
    //   on first iteration, it is set to the given number
    //   then it is replaced each time a greater number is found
    current := int64(0)

    // <delta> is the maximum delta found (negatively)
    //   it is initialized to 0
    //   then it is replaced each time a greatest delta is found
    delta := int64(0)

    str_numbers := strings.Split(scanner.Text()," ")
    for _, str_number := range str_numbers {
        // convert number to int64
        number, _ := strconv.ParseInt(str_number, 10, 32)
        // if the delta between number and current is less than the one ever found
        //   then replace it
        delta = min(delta, number - current)
        // if the number is greater than the current
        //   then replace it
        current = max(current, number)


Solution 2 -> Use recursion to check each period between recoveries.

package main

import (

func maxDelta(numbers []int64, currentMax int64) int64 {
	// compared value
	value := numbers[0]

	// index where first value is recover (same or equal)
	recoverIndex := 0
	minNumber := value
	for i, number := range numbers[1:] {
		if number < minNumber {
			minNumber = number

		if number >= value {
			recoverIndex = i + 1

	// update max delta
	delta := value - minNumber
	if delta > currentMax {
		currentMax = delta

	// return if value is never recovered or if there is only one value left
	if recoverIndex == 0 || len(numbers)-recoverIndex == 1 {
		return currentMax

	// find (and eventually replace) max delta for the following period
	return maxDelta(numbers[recoverIndex:], currentMax)

func main() {
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
	scanner.Buffer(make([]byte, 1000000), 1000000)

	var n int
	fmt.Sscan(scanner.Text(), &n)

	inputs := strings.Split(scanner.Text(), " ")
	numbers := make([]int64, n)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		v, _ := strconv.ParseInt(inputs[i], 10, 32)
		numbers[i] = v

	// use maxDelta() and switch sign
	fmt.Println(maxDelta(numbers, 0) * -1)


Solution 1 -> Iterate on each number and update current value and max delta where necessary.

readline() // the count of inputs is unused

// <current> is the compared number
//   on first iteration, it is set to the given number
//   then it is replaced each time a greater number is found
let current = 0

// <delta> is the maximum delta found (negatively)
//   it is initialized to 0
//   then it is replaced each time a greatest delta is found
let delta = 0

// for each given number (stock value)
const numbers = readline().split(' ')
numbers.forEach((number) => {
	// if the delta between number and current is less than the one ever found
	//   then replace it
	delta = Math.min(delta, number - current)
	// if the number is greater than the current
	//   then replace it
	current = Math.max(current, number)


Solution 2 -> Use recursion to check each period between recoveries.

readline() // the count of inputs is unused
const inputs = readline().split(' ').map((input) => parseInt(input))

const maxDelta = (numbers, currentMax = 0) => {
	// index where first value is recover (same or equal)
	let recoverIndex = 0
	let minNumber = numbers[0]
	for (let i = 1; i < numbers.length; i += 1) {
		if (numbers[i] >= numbers[0]) {
			recoverIndex = i

		if (numbers[i] < minNumber) {
			minNumber = numbers[i]

	// update max delta
	const nextMax = minNumber - numbers[0] < currentMax
        ? minNumber - numbers[0]
        : currentMax

	// return if numbers[0] is never recovered or if there is only one number left
	if (recoverIndex === 0 || numbers.length - recoverIndex === 1) {
		return nextMax

	// find (and eventually replace) max delta for the following period
    // the purpose is to analyze only necessary numbers and not to iterate on each
	return maxDelta(numbers.slice(recoverIndex), nextMax)
