A finance company is carrying out a study on the worst stock investments and would like to acquire a program to do so. The program must be able to analyze a chronological series of stock values in order to show the largest loss that it is possible to make by buying a share at a given time t0 and by selling it at a later date t1. The loss will be expressed as the difference in value between t0 and t1. If there is no loss, the loss will be worth 0.
Solution 1 -> Iterate on each number and update current value and max delta where necessary.
gets.to_i # the count of inputs is unused
# <current> is the compared number
# on first iteration, it is set to the given number
# then it is replaced each time a greater number is found
current = 0
# <delta> is the maximum delta found (negatively)
# it is initialized to 0
# then it is replaced each time a greatest delta is found
delta = 0
# for each given number (stock value)
numbers = gets.split(' ').map(&:to_i)
numbers.each do |number|
# if the delta between number and current is less than the one ever found
# then replace it
delta = [delta, number - current].min
# if the number is greater than the current
# then replace it
current = [current, number].max
puts delta
Solution 2 -> Use recursion to check each period between recoveries.
gets.to_i # the count of inputs is unused
@inputs = gets.split(' ').map(&:to_i)
def max_delta(inputs, current_max = 0)
# index where first value is recover (same or equal)
recover_index = inputs[1..-1].index { |input| input >= inputs.first }&.+1
# find the min value in this period and check the delta with studied value
delta = inputs.first - inputs[1..(recover_index || -1)].min
# replace current_max if delta is greater
current_max = delta if delta > current_max
# return if value is never recovered or if there is only one value left
return current_max if !recover_index || (inputs.length - recover_index) == 1
# find (and eventually replace) max delta for the following period
max_delta(inputs[recover_index..-1], current_max)
# switch the sign
puts max_delta(@inputs) * -1
Solution 1 -> Iterate on each number and update current value and max delta where necessary.
package main
func min(x, y int64) int64 {
if x < y {
return x
return y
func max(x, y int64) int64 {
if x > y {
return x
return y
func main() {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
scanner.Buffer(make([]byte, 1000000), 1000000)
scanner.Scan() // run unused scanner
scanner.Scan() // run unused scanner
// <current> is the compared number
// on first iteration, it is set to the given number
// then it is replaced each time a greater number is found
current := int64(0)
// <delta> is the maximum delta found (negatively)
// it is initialized to 0
// then it is replaced each time a greatest delta is found
delta := int64(0)
str_numbers := strings.Split(scanner.Text()," ")
for _, str_number := range str_numbers {
// convert number to int64
number, _ := strconv.ParseInt(str_number, 10, 32)
// if the delta between number and current is less than the one ever found
// then replace it
delta = min(delta, number - current)
// if the number is greater than the current
// then replace it
current = max(current, number)
Solution 2 -> Use recursion to check each period between recoveries.
package main
import (
func maxDelta(numbers []int64, currentMax int64) int64 {
// compared value
value := numbers[0]
// index where first value is recover (same or equal)
recoverIndex := 0
minNumber := value
for i, number := range numbers[1:] {
if number < minNumber {
minNumber = number
if number >= value {
recoverIndex = i + 1
// update max delta
delta := value - minNumber
if delta > currentMax {
currentMax = delta
// return if value is never recovered or if there is only one value left
if recoverIndex == 0 || len(numbers)-recoverIndex == 1 {
return currentMax
// find (and eventually replace) max delta for the following period
return maxDelta(numbers[recoverIndex:], currentMax)
func main() {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
scanner.Buffer(make([]byte, 1000000), 1000000)
var n int
fmt.Sscan(scanner.Text(), &n)
inputs := strings.Split(scanner.Text(), " ")
numbers := make([]int64, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
v, _ := strconv.ParseInt(inputs[i], 10, 32)
numbers[i] = v
// use maxDelta() and switch sign
fmt.Println(maxDelta(numbers, 0) * -1)
Solution 1 -> Iterate on each number and update current value and max delta where necessary.
readline() // the count of inputs is unused
// <current> is the compared number
// on first iteration, it is set to the given number
// then it is replaced each time a greater number is found
let current = 0
// <delta> is the maximum delta found (negatively)
// it is initialized to 0
// then it is replaced each time a greatest delta is found
let delta = 0
// for each given number (stock value)
const numbers = readline().split(' ')
numbers.forEach((number) => {
// if the delta between number and current is less than the one ever found
// then replace it
delta = Math.min(delta, number - current)
// if the number is greater than the current
// then replace it
current = Math.max(current, number)
Solution 2 -> Use recursion to check each period between recoveries.
readline() // the count of inputs is unused
const inputs = readline().split(' ').map((input) => parseInt(input))
const maxDelta = (numbers, currentMax = 0) => {
// index where first value is recover (same or equal)
let recoverIndex = 0
let minNumber = numbers[0]
for (let i = 1; i < numbers.length; i += 1) {
if (numbers[i] >= numbers[0]) {
recoverIndex = i
if (numbers[i] < minNumber) {
minNumber = numbers[i]
// update max delta
const nextMax = minNumber - numbers[0] < currentMax
? minNumber - numbers[0]
: currentMax
// return if numbers[0] is never recovered or if there is only one number left
if (recoverIndex === 0 || numbers.length - recoverIndex === 1) {
return nextMax
// find (and eventually replace) max delta for the following period
// the purpose is to analyze only necessary numbers and not to iterate on each
return maxDelta(numbers.slice(recoverIndex), nextMax)