You mission is to print a specific line of the Conway sequence with a specific original number.
Example with 1 as original number and 6 as line to put:
1 1
2 1
1 2 1 1
1 1 1 2 2 1
3 1 2 2 1 1 <= puts
Solution 1 -> Use recursion
@r = gets.to_i # original number
@l = gets.to_i # row to display
# Define line following another line
def next_line(line, acc = [])
# take the first number in the line
current = line.first
# find the index of the first different number
# if there is not, all numbers are the same so count = line.length
count = line.index { |number| number != current } || line.length
# add the count then the current number to the accumulator
acc << count << current
# if all the numbers are the same, return the accumulator
return acc if count == line.length
# investigate following numbers
next_line(line[count..-1], acc)
# Generate conway sequence and return the last line
def conway_sequence(line, size, count)
# return line if row to display is reached
return line.join(' ') if count == size
# find next line and call method recursively
conway_sequence(next_line(line), size, count + 1)
puts conway_sequence([@r], @l, 1)
Solution 2 -> Use #chunk
Enumerates over the items, chunking them together based on the return value of the block. Consecutive elements which return the same block value are chunked together.
@r = gets.to_i # original number
@l = gets.to_i # row to display
def conway_sequence(line, size, count)
return line.join(' ') if count == size
next_line = line.chunk { |n| n } .map { |c| [c[1].count, c[0]] }.flatten
conway_sequence(next_line, size, count + 1)
puts conway_sequence([@r], @l, 1)
package main
// Define line following another line
func nextLine(line []int, acc []int) []int {
// take the first number in the line
current := line[0]
// find the index of the first different number
// if there is not, all numbers are the same so count is line length
count := len(line)
for i, v := range line {
if v != current {
count = i
// add the count then the current number to the accumulator
acc = append(acc, count, current)
// if all the numbers are the same, return the accumulator
if count == len(line) {
return acc
// investigate following numbers
return nextLine(line[count:], acc)
//Generate conway sequence and return the last line
func conwaySequence(line []int, size int, count int) string {
// return line if row to display is reached
if count == size {
res := ""
for _, v := range line {
res = res + " " + strconv.Itoa(v)
return res[1:] // remove first space char
// find next line and call method recursively
nextLine := nextLine(line, []int{})
return conwaySequence(nextLine, size, count + 1)
func main() {
var R int
var L int
fmt.Println(conwaySequence([]int{R}, L, 1))// Write answer to stdout
// Define line following another line
const nextLine = (line, acc = []) => {
// find the index of the first number diffrent than the first one
const diffIndex = line.findIndex((v) => v !== line[0]) // -1 if not found
// if there is not (-1), all numbers are the same so count is line length
const count = diffIndex === -1 ? line.length : diffIndex
// add the count then the first number to the accumulator
acc.push(count, line[0])
return count === line.length
// return the accumulator
? acc
// investigate following numbers
: nextLine(line.slice(count), acc)
// Generate conway sequence and return the last line
const conwaySequence = (line, size, count = 1) => (
count === size
// return line as string
? line.join(' ')
// find next line and call method recursively
: conwaySequence(nextLine(line), size, count + 1)
const R = parseInt(readline())
const L = parseInt(readline())
console.log(conwaySequence([R], L))