Week 04 - 4.2 | HTTP Servers Notes / Slides Link Another Link Article/Blogs Link: Express/Node introduction What is Express.js? What are the prime differences between Node JS and Express JS What is HTTP? Protocol Overview for Beginners - Must Read Understanding Request And Response Model What Is a Domain Name and Why Are They Important? What Is a Domain Name and Why Are They Important? What Is An IP Address? How Does It Work? What is a computer port? | Ports in networking How to setup a Node.js server port Express JS HTTP Methods Routing in Express Different Express Response Methods How to handle server responses in ExpressJS - The easy way! HTTP response status codes Headers vs Body What is Postman? How Web Works? What happens when you type “https://www.google.com” in your browser and press Enter Find IP Address of a Domain, Server or Website Videos Link Postman Beginner's Course - API Testing Official Website Link: Node.js Express NPM NPM - Express Postman