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100xDevs Cohort 3.0 Web Dev + Devops🚀

100xDevs Cohort 3.0 🚀 by Harkirat Singh. This repository contains live class/lecture codes, lecture assignments, assignment solutions, links to notes/slides link, some good relevant articles/blogs link for each lecture, and a list of all topics covered in the class, organized lecture-wise to help you.

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👨‍💻 Contents 👀

📌 Note: Click on the arrow sign to expand to see each topics in details with link.

Week 01 - Orientation, HTML/CSS/Basic JS

Topics Covered: HTML Basic - Tags, Attributes, title, body, div, span, h1-h6, b, i, u, br, a, center, img, input, button... & CSS Basic - inline css, external css, color, background-color, selectors, class, id, font-size, font-weigth, border, padding, margin, flexbox... & Build some part of VS Code Landing Page.

Topics Covered: JavaScript Basic - Interpreted, Compiled Time Language, Dynamically Typed, Single threaded, Multithreading, Garbage collector, JavaScript Synatx, Variables, var, let, const, datatypes, numer, string, boolean, operators, functions, if/else, loops, objects, arrays, array of objects, object of objects, problem solving and solved assignment problems.

Cohort 2 Warmup Videos

Topics Covered: VS Code Installation & HTML Basic - Tags, Attributes, Heading(h1-h6), div, span, title, body, head, p, img, a, input, button,b, br, center... & CSS Basic - Inline CSS, color, id, class, selector, color, background-color, font-size, font-weight, padding, margin, text-align, border, border-radius, box-shadow, float, flexbox & Build Some Part of Zerodha Landing Page.

Week 02 - Async JS

Topics Covered: Synchronous, Asynchronous Code, I/O heavy operations, fs Module, fs.readFile, fs.readFileSync, I/O bound tasks vs CPU bound tasks, Functional Arguments, Callbacks, setTimeout, Call Stack... & Solve Some Problems.

Topics Covered: Class and Object, Date & Map Class, Callback, setTimeOut, Promise Class, Creating promisified version of fs.readFile and Solve Some Problems.

Week 02 - Offline Videos

Topics Covered: Node.js Installation, Linux Command Basic and Advanced(cd, pwd, ls, touch, mkdir, rm, mv, cat, cp, chmod, echo, head, tail, |, wc, grep, history), Bash Scripting, Vim Editor, How to solve Assignment, Solve Basic CSS Assignment, VSCode Landing Page, Callback Hell, setTimeout(), async/await, Promisified Version of readFile using async/await and Solved Some Problems

Week 03 - DOM

Topics Covered: What is DOM, Why DOM, Static HTML, Dynamic HTML, Fetching Elements(querySelector, querySelectorAll, getElementById, getElementByClassName, getElementsByClassName), Updating elements(Create Stop Watch), Deleting elements(removeChild), Adding elements(createElement, appendChild) and Build Simple Todo App.

Topics Covered: Complex DOM Manipulation, State Derived Frontends, State Derived Rendering, Component, State variable, render, and Build Simple Todo App with Add, Update and Delete Functionality.

Week 04 - Node.js and HTTP

Topics Covered: What is Node.js, V8 Engine, Bun JavaScript Runtime, Node.js Project, npm, chalk module, Internal and External Packages, package.json & package-lock.json file & Solved Some Problems.

Topics Covered: HTTP Protocols, Request Response Model, Ports, Methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), Response, Status Code, (2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx), Body, Routes, Headers, Clients (Browser & Postman) and Created our First HTTP Server using Express.

Week 04 - Offline Videos

Topics Covered: What and Why express?, Create HTTP Server using Express, Request Methods(GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) Status Code(200, 404, 500, 411, 403), Create Hospital Game Backend. What and Why is Middleware? and Solved Some Problems.

Week 05

📚 Week 05

Topics Covered: Recap Last Week(Domain name/IP, Port, Methods, Plaintext vs JSON vs HTML response, Status Codes, Body, Routes, Express), Headers, Fetch API in the Browser, Axios, Query params, Creating our own HTTP Server using Express.

Topics Covered: What and Why Middlewares and How it works?, Route specific middlewares, Inline and Global Middlewares, Commonly used middlewares(express.json(), bodyParser.json()), CORS - Cross origin resource sharing, Why CORS? and Solved Some Problems.

Week 05 - Offline Videos

Topics Covered: Git & GitHub in details, Arrow Functions, map(), reduce(), fetch API, Axios Library, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE request and solved som problems.

Week 06

📚 Week 06

Topics Covered: What is authentication?, Auth workflow, Create an express app, Tokens and JWT (JSON Web tokens) based authentication, Tokens vs JWTs, Authorization header.

Topics Covered: Revision of Week 6.1, Auth Middleware, logger request, LocalStorage, Connecting Frontend with Backend for Auth App...

Week 06 - Offline Videos

Topics Covered: JWT, Auth, tokens, sign(), decode(), verify() method Error Handling using try/catch block, Input Validation using Zod, MongoDB Installation and Solved Some Problems.

Week 07 - MongoDB

Topics Covered: What is authentication?, Auth workflow, Create an express app, Tokens and JWT (JSON Web tokens) based authentication, Tokens vs JWTs, Authorization header.

Topics Covered: Recap of Week 7.1, What is Hashing and Why?, Salting, bcrypt algorithm, Error Handling using try-catch, Input Validation using Zod, ans solved signin and signup endpoints.

Week 08 - Course Selling App

Topics Covered: Created some backend of a Course Selling App, project file structure & explore p5.js-web-editor github repository.

Topics Covered: Created complete backend of a Course Selling App.

Week 08 - Offline Videos

Topics Covered: What and Why databases?, What is MongoDB?, Some good examples, and Created some backend of a Course Selling Website.

Week 09 - React

Topics Covered: What and Why React, Components, State, Re-rendering, What is JSX?, useState, Create Counter-App using 3 diffenrnt way 1. DOM, 2. state and component and 3. React, Create Simple Todo App using React.

Topics Covered: useState and useEffect Hooks, Conditional Rendering, Props, useState Cleanup, Dependency Array, Mounting, Unmounting, Rendering, Create Countdown App...

Topics Covered: Create React project locally, Components, Hooks(useState, useEffect), dependency array, cleanup functions, fetch data from API, re-render, props, conditional-rendering...

Topics Covered: children-props, lists and keys, inline styling, class-based vs functional component, lifecycle methods, error boundary, react fragment and create some small app...

Week 10

📚 Week 10

Topics Covered: Single Page Application, Routing(react-router-dom), Layout, useRef Hook, why we need useRef hook, and Create a Clock with start and stop functionality using useRef.

Topics Covered: Rolling-up the State, unoptimal re-renders, Prop-Drilling, Context API, Recoils state management library...

Week 11

📚 Week 11

Topics Covered: Custom Hooks - useCounter, useFetch, useFetch with re-fetching, usePrev, useDebounce...

Topics Covered: Context API, Recoil (State Management Library), Atom & Selectors...

Topics Covered: Recoil (State Management Library), Atoms, selectors, Asynchronous data queries, useRecoilValue, useRecoilState, useSetRecoilState, atomFamily, selectorFamily, useRecoilValueLoadable & useRecoilStateLoadable.

Week 12 - Ui/Ux by Keshav

Topics Covered: Typography(Fonts, Font Weight, Font Size, Leading, Tracking), Colors(RGB, HSL, ...), What and Why UI/UX, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), UI/Frontend Designing...

Topics Covered: Reacp Week 12.1, UI/Frontend, Branding, Create, Vimal Pan Masala(Bolo Zubaan Kesari) Website...

Week 13 - Tailwind

Topics Covered: Learn About Tailwind CSS with Vite, What and Why Tailwind CSS, Colors, background-colors, fonts, text, border, radius, flexbox, grid and build some projects using react and tailwind...

Topics Covered: Learn about animation in tailwind, Create Sidebar and Projects...

Week 14 - TypeScript

Topics Covered: Learn About What and Why TypeScript, JavaScript vs TypeScript, TypeScript Compiler, tsconfig.json file, Basic Data Types, number, string, boolean, null, undefined, Objects, let, const, Functions, Interface, Types...

Topics Covered: Learn about difference between Types and Interface, Arrays, Objects, Union, Intersection, Class, Abstract Class, Inheritance, extends vs implements, solve some problems

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