What is the 11001010
converted to a decimals
- 2^7: 1×27=1×128=128
- 2^6: 1×26=1×64=64
- 2^5: 0×25=0×32=0
- 2^4: 0×24=0×16=0
- 2^3: 1×23=1×8=8
- 2^2: 0×22=0×4=0
- 2^1: 1×21=1×2=2
- 2^0: 0×20=0×1=0 = 202
What do you think happens to the first element here? Does it throw an error?
let uint8Arr = new Uint8Array([0, 255, 127, 128]);
uint8Arr[1] = 300;
Given we just derived a few public keys in SOL, can you try doing the same for ETH? Again for reference, this is how backpack does it - https://github.com/coral-xyz/backpack/blob/master/packages/secure-background/src/services/evm/util.ts#L3
Create a simple web based wallet where someone can come and create a pneumonic, add multiple wallets and see the public key associated with each wallet