A complete chess game implemented in Java, featuring a graphical user interface (GUI) and support for all standard chess rules.
- Local two-player mode.
- Full adherence to chess rules:
- Pawn promotion
- Castling
- En passant
- Check and checkmate validation
- Interactive GUI with highlighted possible moves.
- Custom-designed chess piece assets.
- Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or later.
Clone the Repository
Clone the project to your local machine using Git:git clone https://github.com/BeshoyEhab/Chess-Game cd Chess-Game
Compile the Source Code
Use the following command to compile the Java source files:javac -d out/production/Chess-Game src/*.java
Start the Game
Run the compiled program to launch the chess game:java -cp out/production/Chess-Game Game
├── src/ # Java source files
├── assets/ # Chess piece images and other graphical resources
├── README.md # Project documentation
└── LICENSE # License information
This project is distributed under the MIT License. Refer to the LICENSE file for more details.