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Streaming processing of cosmic rays using Drift Tubes detectors


The goal of this project is to reproduce a real-time processing of real data collected in a particle physics detector and publish the results in a dashboard for live monitoring.

1 Introduction

The introductory set of information on the underlying physics and detector details can be found in Section 4.1 of MAPD_DataProcessing_2023.pdf document.

2 Task

Starting from data collected by the DAQ of the detector, this project will require creating a streaming application to monitor basic detector quality plots as an online streaming application.
Data should be produced to a Kafka topic by a stream-emulator script. The processing of the hits should then be performed in a distributed framework such as Dask or pySpark. The results of the processing will have to be re-injected into a new Kafka topic hosted on the same brokers. A final consumer (ideally a simple python script) will perform the plotting and display live updates of the quantities evaluated online. (bokeh or pyplot are good choices to create simple "dashboards", but other solutions can be applied for this task).

2.1 Data structure

The dataset is provided on a cloud storage s3 bucket hosted on Cloud Veneto.
The dataset is composed of multiple txt files formatted as comma-separated values, where each record (row) can be associated with each new signal processed in the DAQ of the detector. The data-format is the following:

  • FPGA
  • HEAD

Data should be injected into a Kafka topic by a process emulating a continuous DAQ stream.
A realistic data production rate is about 1000 records/sec (i.e. 1000 rows/sec). However, it might be beneficial to create a tunable-rate producer to adjust the emulated hit-rate.

2.2 Data processing

The processing can be performed with either Spark or Dask.
It is suggested to work with batches of data of a few (1 to 5) seconds.
Remember that the shorter the batch size, the fastest the processing should be to "keepup" with the polling of the data; however, the longer the batch size, the larger the dataset to be processed for each batch.
The data processing will have to start with a data-cleansing step where all entries with HEAD != 2 must be dropped from the dataset, as they will provide ancillary information not useful in the context of the project.
The mapping between the data-format and the detectors is the following:

  • Chamber 0 → (FPGA = 0) AND (TDC_CHANNEL in [0-63])
  • Chamber 1 → (FPGA = 0) AND (TDC_CHANNEL in [64-127])
  • Chamber 2 → (FPGA = 1) AND (TDC_CHANNEL in [0-63])
  • Chamber 3 → (FPGA = 1) AND (TDC_CHANNEL in [64-127])

The following information should be produced per each batch:

  1. total number of processed hits, post-clensing (1 value per batch)
  2. total number of processed hits, post-clensing, per chamber (4 values per batch)
  3. histogram of the counts of active TDC_CHANNEL, per chamber (4 arrays per batch)
  4. histogram of the total number of active TDC_CHANNEL in each ORBIT_CNT, per chamber (4 arrays per batch)

These pieces of information should be wrapped in one message per batch and injected into a new Kafka topic.

2.3 Live plotting

The results of the processing should be presented in the form of a continuously updating dashboard.
A python (or another language) script should consume data from the topic, and create plots and histograms of the aforementioned quantities. Simple python modules such as bokeh or pyplot (in its free version) can help create a continuously updating webpage where to visualize the plots. You are however encouraged to explore and apply any other solution for this part of the task you might consider viable.

2.4 Extras

Check Section 5.2.4 of the pdf.

3 Hint

  • Start by prototyping the processing for a single static batch before extending to the streaming part
  • Dealing with a structured dataset, it might be useful to use directly Dask/pySpark DataFrames instead of Bags/RDDs
  • The Kafka messages results of the distributed processing could be formatted in a way to encode, for each histogram, an array of bins and counts. For instance, a json structured as follows might be one (although not the only one!) viable alternative:
msg_json = {
  "histo_1" = { "bin_edges" = [...],
                "bin_counts"= [...]
  "histo_2" = {...},


30 with Lode (So it is safe to take inspiration from our code 😉)