This project is using docker-compose to automate the creation of stack necessary to receive, process, store and visualize data received from distributed IoT weather devices more here.
Stack can be used to collect any data measured by the devices (you only need to change the telegraf.conf and mosquitto.conf file)
Project also contains special script
which creates SSL certificates used by clients to authenticate to Telegraf.
In order to use this project, you need to configure telegraf.conf
- enable/disable SSL requirement
- entire [[inputs.mqtt_consumer]] input section
- [[outputs.influxdb_v2]] URL, organization, bucket and token (configure [[outputs.influxdb]] if using InfluxDB <2.0)
- enable/disable SSL requirement
- root CA certificate path
- MQTT server certificate path
- MQTT server ports that are listening/subscribing to incoming topics
To setup Docker you will need to create:
- MQTT volume that is used by telegraf and mosquitto container (mainly store configuration files and shared SSL certificates)
- Influx volume that is used by influx container (all data received from telegraf will be saved in this volume)
Personally I use direnv
shell extension to load environment variables locally inside current directory
In my case .envrc
loads information from gopass but you can set those environment variables directly in .envrc