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Helm registry

A simple Helm registry for store and share Helm package

This project is for have a simple Helm registry and a web admin UI for manage registry. There are 2 parts :

  • Backend : Build in Go, API for store Helm package
  • Frontend : Build in ReactJS, for Web UI to manage Helm registry

These parts are Docker images, that you use and deploy him in Docker env.

Features ✨

  • Expose index.yaml file and /charts/*.tgz charts, according to the Helm registry requirement
  • Chart Discovery : Automatically insert/update/delete charts from the charts directory, in database and update the index.yaml file.
  • Chart Discovery : Browse all .tgz files and open them to search file Chart.yaml inside, extract chart information and send this to the Database and updating index.yaml file.
  • Customize the home page of the registry (/) with a CRD (helm) to describe your registry.


  • On Windows
  • On Linux
  • On Docker, use the Docker image to deploy this registry on Docker env. You can use a Docker Compose file to deploy this (an exemple here)

Helm commands coverage

Static Badge

The Helm client-side commands that you can use with this registry. Doc here

  • helm repo add : Able to add the registry in your Helm client
  • helm repo update : Update your client copy of your distant registry to be able to pull chart
  • helm search repo : Able to list all charts available in your registry
  • helm pull : Able to pull a chart from your registry to use it
  • helm push : Currently unable to push a chart into this registry (maybe in newer version)
  • credentials flags (--pass-credentials, --password, --password-stdin and --username) : Currently any credential is required to use the registry (in coming in newer version)

Get stated 🚀

Install from source code

You need to have the corresponding Golang version installed.

Download the zip or clone this repository, and go to to backend folder. Execute these following commands

Download packages :

go mod download

Run the app :

go run .

Install on Linux

Download the file Helm-Registry-x.x.x_linux.tar.gz from release artifacts in your Linux system. Uncompressed the archive with the following command :

tar -xzvf Helm-Registry-1.0.0_linux.tar.gz

I recommend to uncompressed this archive in the path /app/helm-registry/. It's better to regroup all files in a same folder.

Adding permissions to execute the app

chmod +x helm-registry

And launch the app


After first app launch, that created some files behind the app (like sqlite db and index.yaml) and create (if not exist) charts directory (default: /usr/helm-registry/charts).

Install on Windows

Download the .exe file from release artifacts and place it wherever you want. Execute the file and voilà ! That create registry.db and index.yaml. So it is better to place it in a specific folder.

Install on Docker

From image archive .tar, load the image :

docker load -i Helm-Registry-x.x.x_docker.tar

Run Docker container :

docker run helm-registry:x.x.x

With flags :

docker run -p 8080 --mount type=volume,target=/usr/helm-registry/charts,dst=/charts helm-registry:x.x.x

Environment Variables

It exists some environment variables to customize the registry.

Variable Description
REGISTRY_NAME Name of the registry
REGISTRY_DESCRIPTION A description of the registry
REGISTRY_VERSION Version of the registry
REGISTRY_MAINTAINER Name of the registry maintainer. Can be a person or an organisation
REGISTRY_MAINTAINER_URL URL of the website or email address of the registry maintainer
REGISTRY_LABELS List (separated by ';') of labels. E.g : env:prod;project:test
CHARTS_DIR Path of charts directory location. By default : for Linux /usr/helm-registry/charts, Windows %USERPROFILE%\Documents\helm-registry\charts


  • [v1] First API version with basic actions for a simple usage. According to the Helm repository requirements

Contributors 👥

Licence ⚖️

All files on this project is under Apache License v2. You can:

  • Reuse the code
  • Modified the code
  • Build the code

You must Mention the © Copyright if you use and modified code for your own profit. Thank you

© 2024 - Benjamin Fourmaux -- Beruet - All right reserved