Build simple websites right, faster.
- Runs a simple server with live changes as you code
- On-the-fly, live prepping of files for production:
- Bundles in Frow CSS framework (optional)
- Bundles in letsGo JS framework (optional)
- Enables easy to manage JS libraries via src/scripts/_templates.txt
- Builds everything into /docs for instant deployment via GitHub Pages
- Works on Mac, Linux, and Cloud9
- Fork this begin-simple repo and clone it to computer
- Navigate to this project via Terminal
- Ensure you have a recent version of Node.js
- Run
npm install
- Fork and then clone this begin-simple repo into Cloud9 (as Blank Template).
- Run
nvm install node && nvm alias default node && nvm use node
- Run
npm install
- Add 'docs' to the .gitignore file if you do not plan on using GitHub Pages for hosting
- Customize package.json and LICENSE
- Visit src/scripts/_includes.txt to add libraries or disable letsGo.js
- Visit src/styles/styles.sass to add more styles or disable Frow CSS
- Search all files for "replace-me"
- Navigate to project via Terminal
- Run
npm start
- Watch terminal for the link to preview your website