This repository aims to fix latest TH3D (v2.48) bugs (like with leveling, offsets, print speed...) and also explains PROPERLY how to flash through ICSP using an Arduino Uno. The wiring diagram is also included.
--- FLASH INFO ---
In some cases, flashing may require the GND ISCP pin to be shocked twice for flashing ability to unlock.
The wiring diagram wiring-diag.png
to flash the ATMega2560 board through ISCP using and Arduino Uno is also included in the root folder of this repo.
You can either compile manually the firmware yourself, using this source code (or) simply use the compiled firmware.hex
/ firmware.bin
that is provided in the root folder of this repo.
--- SOURCECODE INFO --- ALL changes are annotated under the tag "BC:" (eg: "BC: Modified by BatchCode").
If you wish to quickly test the new uploaded firmware to check its performance, you can use the provided cube_xyz.gcode
(in the root folder of this repo) that will actually print a calibration cube of 2cm height.
--- DONT FORGET TO DOWNLOAD UG8 lib in IDE --- FLASH UNO, using sample 11 "Arduino ISP" to remap ISCP pins --- FLASH ATMEGA2560 after making sure the pin was shocked, DO NEVER try to force it unless you know what you are doing. --- once flashing is FULLY done (check in prompt), you may disconnect everything
YOU CAN also use the provided firmware.hex