Ansible galaxy role to deploy InfluxDB in docker
The purpose of this Ansible role is to allow you to manage a InfluxDB time series database.
With this role you will be able to deploy a InfluxDB container on you server.
The following packages have to be installed and well configured on the host :
The following vars have to be defined on each execution by the user to configure the InfluxDB configuration
influxdb_container_name: "influxdb"
influxdb_root_location: "/opt/docker-data/{{ influxdb_container_name }}"
influxdb_conf_location: "{{ influxdb_root_location }}/conf"
influxdb_data_location: "{{ influxdb_root_location }}/data"
influxdb_docker_networks: []
# - name: "docker_network"
influxdb_container_restart_policy: "always" #(always, no, on-failure, unless-stopped)
See tests/test.yml
ansible-playbook tests/test.yml --ask-sudo-password -e influxdb_root_location="$(pwd)/.workdir/"
- On MacsOS due to Docker Machine root limitation : add
-e ansible_become_user="$(whoami)"
- hosts: localhost
- role: ../ansible-influxdb-in-docker