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Slim Framework 3 OOP skeleton with Web, Secured API and Cli endpoints. | Upstream on Gitlab

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Slim 3 OOP Skeleton

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This is a full OOP skeleton project for Slim 3 that includes the following usefull dependencies / middlewares :

This skeleton provide:

--> A Web controller (app/src/Core/Controller/WebController.php) that you can extend to get default depencies loads. It load the following services :

  • Twig
  • Monolog
  • Flash

It also include two Twig templates based on Material Design Lite. The following Front & Back office templates :

--> A secured authenticated API controller using Basic Auth, MongoDB and JSON Web Token (JWT) middlewares.

  • GET - api/auth to a get a JWT on succesfull authentication.
  • GET - api/user to retrieves User informations.

--> A CLI controller (app/src/Core/Controller/CliController.php) witch load Monolog and CLImate and provide some usefull functions.

A Setup Class is provided to help initiate MongoBD structure and creates users.

Create your project

The project is available on Packagist, so you can create a new project with the following command:

$ composer create-project -n -s dev l0gin/slim-oop-skeleton my-app

Run it

  1. $ cd my-app
  2. $ php -S -t public public/index.php
  3. Browse to http://localhost:8888

Prefer using Apache 2.4 and PHP 7.0 (FPM).

Key directories

  • app: Application code
  • app/src: All class files within the App namespace
  • app/templates: Twig template files
  • app/conf: Custom / environment settings
  • cache/twig: Twig's Autocreated cache files
  • log: Log files
  • public: Webserver root
  • public/assets: Public ressources (css, js, img, ...)
  • vendor: Composer dependencies

Key files

  • public/index.php: Entry point to application
  • app/Core/Bootstrap/HttpBootstrap.php: HTTP Bootstrap class for Web and API endpoints - Load and setup App
  • app/Core/Bootstrap/CliBootstrap.php: CLI Bootstrap class for CLI endpoints - Load and setup App
  • app/Core/Settings.php: Default configuration
  • app/Core/Dependencies.php: Services for Slim DI Container
  • app/Core/Middlewares.php: Application middlewares
  • app/Core/Routes.php: All application routes are here
  • app/src/Core/Controller/WebController.php: Web Controller super class - For Web endpoint using
  • app/src/Core/Controller/ApiController.php: API Controller super class - For API endpoint using
  • app/src/Core/Controller/CliController.php: CLI Controller super class - For CLI endpoint using
  • app/src/Controller/Web/Front.php: Controller class for the home page
  • app/src/Controller/Web/Back.php: Controller class for the dashboard page
  • app/src/Controller/Api/Auth.php: Controller class for API Authentication
  • app/src/Controller/Api/User.php: Controller class for User action through API
  • app/src/Controller/Cli/Setup.php: Controller class for app setup
  • app/conf/local.settings.php.dist: Copy this file as local.settings.php and add your custom / environment settings
  • app/templates/layouts/front.twig: Main Twig template file for front layout pages
  • app/templates/layouts/back.twig: Main Twig template file for back layout pages
  • app/templates/pages/front/*: Twig template files for front pages
  • app/templates/pages/back/*: Twig template files for back pages

Use dependencies

In your controllers override the parent contructor and load your dependency from Slim Container.

Load PDO dependency


final class MyController extends WebController
     * @var \PDO PDO Instance
    private $pdo;

     * MyController constructor override
     * @param Container $c Slim App Container
    public function __construct(Container $c)
        $this->pdo = $c->get('pdo');


Override / Set local (environment) settings

Copy local.settings.php.dist to local.settings.php and add your env settings.


return [
    'settings' => [

        //Slim Settings
        'displayErrorDetails' => true, //Display Slim Errors

        // PDO settings
        'pdo' => [
            'driver'    => 'mysql',
            'host'      => '',
            'database'  => 'mydb',
            'user'      => 'foo',
            'passwd'    => 'bar'
        // Mongo DB settings        
        'mongo' => [
            'host' => '',
            'port' => 27017,
            'options' => [
                //"username" => 'foo',
                //"password" => 'bar'
            'driverOptions' => [],
            'default_db' => 'database'

        //Google Analytics
        'google_analytics' => [
            'api_key' => 'UA-XXXXX-Y',
            'anonymize_ip' => false

Adding Dependencies / Middlewares / Routes

App\Core\Dependencies, App\Core\Middlewares and App\Core\Routes classes have an auto-load function witch call every methods starting with load (such as loadTwig).

So, to add a service, a middleware or a new route function (multiple routes can be added into each load function), add a function like the following services setup :


 * Load Faker
protected function loadFaker()
     * Faker Factory Service
     * @param Container $c
     * @return \Faker\Factory
    $this->dic['faker'] = function (Container $c) {
        return Faker\Factory::create();

 * Load AMQP Stream Connection
protected function loadAMQP()
     * AMQP Stream Connection
     * @param Container $c
     * @return \PhpAmqpLib\Connection\AMQPStreamConnection
    $this->dic['amqp'] = function (Container $c) {
        $settings = $c->get('settings')['amqp']; //@TODO: Add this setting into Settings.php and/or local.settings.php
        return new \PhpAmqpLib\Connection\AMQPStreamConnection(

To simply add a front-office route, just add it into loadFrontRoutes() function. (Directly inside Routes class or inside an extended class).


    // /!\ Directly inside Routes class
     * Load front-office routes
    protected function loadFrontRoutes()
        $this->app->get('/', 'App\Controller\Front:homeAction')
        $this->app->get('/contact', 'App\Controller\Front:contactAction')
    // /!\ Inside a Routes extended class
    class MyRoutes extends \App\Core\Routes
         * Load front-office routes
        protected function loadFrontRoutes()
            $this->app->get('/contact', 'App\Controller\FrontController:contactAction')

Debug Bar

Displays a debug bar in the browser with information from php. No more var_dump() in your code!

maximebf/php-debugbar is handled with php-middleware/phpdebugbar from

It load the following collectors:

Default collectors:

  • PhpInfoCollector
  • MessagesCollector
  • RequestDataCollector
  • TimeDataCollector
  • MemoryCollector
  • ExceptionsCollector

Extra collectors:

  • ConfigCollector (based on app settings)
  • MonologCollector
  • PDOCollector

Command Line Interface (PHP CLI) Endpoint

This skeleton provide a CLI endpoint to help you create cli script using core app dependency injection and all other stuff.

For example, to run init() function from App\CLI\Setup:

$ php bin/cli.php -s Setup::init -v

Add some verbosity:

$ php bin/cli.php -s Setup::init -v
# Or
$ php bin/cli.php -s Setup::init --verbose

Print help:

$ php bin/cli.php -s Setup::init -h
# Or
$ php bin/cli.php -s Setup::init --help

Add or update an User by calling user() function from App\Controller\Cli\Setup:

$ php bin/cli.php -s Setup::user -l admin2 -p coucou -g test -v

Add argument and help

To add argument check, override checkParameters() function like the Setup.php does and use addParameter() function to:

  • Add short and long option (related to getOpt())
  • Describe argument
  • Add example(s)

Description and example(s) are automaticaly printed by printHelp() function.

     * Custom parameter check
     * @return bool Return false will automaticaly call printHelp() function and stop script execution
    public function checkParameters()
        // Add custom parameter
        $this->addParameter('a', 'all', 'Setup All', '--all');

        if(parent::checkParameters()) {
            // Check custom parameter
            $aOpt = $this->getArg('a');
            if ($aOpt !== null) {
                $this->initAll = true;
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

Asset Management

To fully deploy project you have some other setup steps to follow:

    #Install gulp globally:
    $ npm install --global gulp
    #Install gulp in your project devDependencies:
    $ npm install --save-dev gulp`
  • Install Gulp dependencies:

    $ npm i

  • Run Gulp tasks:

    # CSS task: clean CSS files
    $ gulp beautify_css
    # Deploy assets for production: minify CSS, JS
    $ gulp
    # Or
    $ gulp prod
    # Build as you dev (Auto launch 'gulp prod' on file changing)
    $ gulp wath


Gulp-autoprefixer issue

If you have an error like that while running gulp build


        this.processing = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
ReferenceError: Promise is not defined
    at LazyResult.async (/var/www/websites/weather-dashboard/web/node_modules/gulp-autoprefixer/node_modules/postcss/lib/lazy-result.js:157:31)

Take a look at here:

Twig Extensions

This skeleton provide a custom Twig Extension that implement the following Twig functions:

getCssUrl(asset): Return minified css file URL if ['assets']['min'] == true and files exists. Otherwise return original css file URL if exists

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ getCssUrl('front.main.css') }}">

getJsUrl(asset): Return minified js file URL if ['assets']['min'] == true and files exists. Otherwise return original js file URL if exists

    <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ getJsUrl('front.main.js') }}"></script>

Add Twig Functions

Feel free to add twig functions by editing or overriding App\Core\Twig\AssetTwigExtension. To add a Twig function, just add a function starting with the twig function name and ending with Function.

     * Twig Function to get JS asset URL
     * @param $filename
     * @return string
     * @throws \Exception
    public function getJsUrlFunction($filename)
        return $this->getAssetUrl('js', $filename);

System Auth

Basic Autentication & JWT:

Get a JSON Web Token by authenticating in /api/auth then just deal with the token.

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46Y291Y291" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" ""


  "status": "ok",
  "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE0Njc4MDU2MDQsImV4cCI6MTQ2NzgxMjgwNCwianRpIjoiR2NRa3VoM3poeVBhRUJyVUVtaGsrdz09Iiwic3ViIjoiNTc3Y2Q1ZWNkNDJhYTQyYzVkMWZmMzQyIn0.4GectmgSi4qOforBGm31Z8Qd4b2kM_EFrNC9TfQXkos"

Get User informations using the JWT from api auth:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE0Njc4MDU2MDQsImV4cCI6MTQ2NzgxMjgwNCwianRpIjoiR2NRa3VoM3poeVBhRUJyVUVtaGsrdz09Iiwic3ViIjoiNTc3Y2Q1ZWNkNDJhYTQyYzVkMWZmMzQyIn0.4GectmgSi4qOforBGm31Z8Qd4b2kM_EFrNC9TfQXkos" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" ""


  "login": "admin",
  "created_at": "48482-09-12 15:03:51",
  "updated_at": "48482-09-12 15:03:51",
  "group_name": "test",
  "group_id": "577cd5ebd42aa42c5d1ff341"


  • Unit test endpoint
  • PHP Doc generator
  • Rest API Doc generator (Phinx, APIJS, ...)
  • Bower to install public vendor assets