Configuration for i3 in my PC/personal system at Arch Gnu/Linux.
- Upload config file to
- Upload .i3blocks.conf file to
- Keep a socks5 tunnel via ssh in background alive
- Support English And persian language in i3 (US, and Farsi:Persian)
- Custom workspace (with name)
- Custom font
- Style for windows
- My personal shortcodes for chromium, firefox, subl3, telegram-desktop and others...
- Move all chromium and firefox software to browser workspace, ...
- Print screen with
shift+prt key
and print single windows withprt key
using$ scrot
A Persian (Farsi) Font - قلم (فونت) فارسی وزیر
My nickname is Max, Programming language developer, Full-stack programmer. I love computer scientists, researchers, and compilers. (Max Base)
Thanks to gasem for other/
directory and thanks to Rastikerdar for his fonts.
A team includes some programmer, developer, designer, researcher(s) especially Max Base.