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@github-actions github-actions released this 13 May 08:03
· 108 commits to master since this release


  • CLI b2 executable now points to the latest stable ApiVer version, b2v4, previously it pointed to b2v3.
    These means following breaking changes:
    • b2 will no longer persists credentials and other secrets on disk if credentials were passed through B2_* environment variables. To explicitly persist them and keep using local cache for better performance, user can simply call b2 account authorize
    • b2 ls and b2 rm no longer accept two positional arguments, instead accepting only B2 URI (e.g. b2://bucketName/path)
  • Changed sync command exit status code from 0 to 1 if any warnings or errors were encountered during the operation.


  • Invalid unicode characters read from filesystem will no longer interrupt b2 sync


  • Deprecated authorize-account, get-account-info and clear-account, use account {authorize|get|clear} instead.
  • Deprecated delete-file-version, use rm instead. Added --bypass-governance option to rm.
  • Deprecated file-info, get-url, cat, upload-file, download-file, copy-file-by-id, hide-file, update-file-legal-hold and update-file-retention, use file {info|url|cat|upload|download|copy-by-id|hide|update} instead.
  • Deprecated get-download-url-with-auth, use file url instead. Added --with-auth and --duration options to file url.
  • Deprecated list-buckets, get-bucket, create-bucket, update-bucket, delete-bucket, get-download-auth and notification-rules, use bucket {list|get|create|update|delete|get-download-auth|notification-rule} instead.
  • Deprecated list-keys, create-key and delete-key, use key {list|create|delete} instead.
  • Deprecated list-parts, use file large parts instead.
    Deprecated list-unfinished-large-files, use file large unfinished list instead.
    Deprecated cancel-large-file amd cancel-all-unfinished-large-files, use file large unfinished cancel instead.
  • Deprecated replication-{setup|delete|pause|unpause|status}, use replication {setup|delete|pause|unpause|status} instead.


  • Add account {authorize|get|clear} commands.
  • Add bucket {list|get|create|update|delete|get-download-auth|notification-rule} commands.
  • Add file large {parts|unfinished list|unfinished cancel} commands.
  • Add file {info|url|cat|upload|download|copy-by-id|hide|update} commands.
  • Add key {list|create|delete} commands.
  • Add replication {setup|delete|pause|unpause|status} commands.
  • Allow b2v3 to be run in official Docker image without the need to change entrypoint.


  • Automate nested subcommand documentation generation.
  • Display short descriptions instead of arguments in subcommands help messages.
  • Sort subcommands in --help alphabetically for better readability.