Terra-- is a fork of Terra++ intended to strip down dependencies to Minecraft and Forge so it can be used safely in as dependency for other projects (this is not a mod).
Just add Jitpack as a maven repository to your build.gradle
, as well as the repositories needed for Terra--'s dependencies, and declare this repository as a dependency to your own project.
E.g. :
repositories {
// Classic JCenter repository that has most of what we need
// JitPack will build this repo and provide it as a dependency
maven {
name = "JitPack"
url = "https://jitpack.io/"
// DaPorchop's repo for PorkLib
maven {
name = "DaPorkchop_"
url = "https://maven.daporkchop.net/"
// This is for leveldb
maven {
name = "OpenCollab Snapshots"
url = "https://repo.opencollab.dev/snapshot/"
dependencies {
// Include this repository as a dependency through Jitpack
// master-SNAPSHOT indicates to use the latest commit on master,
// you can replace this with a commit hash or a reference to anoter branch
compile 'com.github.SmylerMC:terraminusminus:master-SNAPSHOT'
// Your other depencencies would go down there...
- Tree cover data: treecover2000 v1.7 hosted by @DaPorkchop_
- Building+Road+Water data: OpenStreetMap under the Open Database License. It is downloaded in real-time using TerraPlusPlusOSMTileGen hosted by @DaPorkchop_. (© OpenStreetMap contributors)