modbus tcp simulator - headless docker runtime for modbuspal configurations
fork of but heavily modfied to extract just a headless docker runtime. The idea is to use original modbuspal as UI tool to export a project files which you can then use to feed in to the runtime.
major changes to the original modbuspal:
- removed all GUI elements to get rid of Swing, AWT, JFreeChart dependencies
- code for rxtx and jpython is disabled and removed, so only modbus tcp will work and only linear, random and sine generators. scripts and serial won't work.
- converted to maven project with java 11 and java module system support
- added docker support
- record feature is enabled and ouputs to console, with human readable timestamps
- no support for learn feature
- always starts on port 502 (if other port is needed, use it as docker container and map it accordingly)
this project uses maven as build tool, just
mvn clean install
and you get an executable jar under /target/modbuspal-runtime.jar.
you can add your xmpp project from modbuspal as first argument:
java -jar .\target\modbuspal-runtime.jar .\samples\project01.xmpp
or you can set MODBUSPAL_PROJECT environment variable as path to your project file and then just run
java -jar .\target\modbuspal-runtime.jar
The included Docker file is a multistage build which builds the jar, a slim jre and copies jre+jar to a debian-slim image.
docker build -t modbuspalruntime .
you can either run with a included sample project
docker run -p502:502 -e MODBUSPAL_PROJECT=/projects/project01.xmpp modbuspalruntime
or mount your project and refer to it via environment variables
docker run -p502:502 -v ${path-to-my-projects}:/projects -e MODBUSPAL_PROJECT=/projects/my-project01.xmpp modbuspalruntime