Mind the gaps: understanding and improving out-of-hours care for people with advanced illness and their informal carers
Pask S, Davies JM, Mohamed A, Leniz J, Chambers RL, McFarlane P, Bone AE, Barclay S, Higginson IJ, Sleeman KE & Murtagh FEM (King’s College London, Cicely Saunders Institute; Hull York Medical School at the University of Hull; and University of Cambridge, UK). Better End of Life 2022. Mind the gaps: understanding and improving out-of-hours care for people with advanced illness and their informal carers. Research report. London (UK): Marie Curie. (November 2022) https://www.mariecurie.org.uk/globalassets/media/documents/policy/beol-reports-2022/better-end-of-life-report-2022.pdf
- View the analysis code used in NHS Digital's TRE for England
- View the phenotyping algorithms and codelists used in NHS Digital's TRE for England
This is a sub-project of project CCU024 approved by the CVD-COVID-UK / COVID-IMPACT Approvals & Oversight Board (sub-project: CCU024_01). It successfully received funding through a rapid funding call by Health Data Research UK, Office for National Statistics and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) as part of the wider Data and Connectivity National Core Study. The project is led by Irene Higginson and Mevhibe Hocaoglu (King’s College London) and builds on existing UKRI and National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) work to use national data to answer this key COVID-19 research question.
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