Code for simulating suspensions with magnetic particles using the SPH method.
----------------------- DESCRIPTION ------------------------
Code for simulating suspensions with magnetic particles using the SPH method.
In the following references, the simplified model, which only considers dipole-dipole forces between particles and assumes the magnetic moment is instantaneously aligned with the magnetic field, is used:
Emanuele Rossi; Jose A Ruiz-López; A Vázquez-Quesada; M Ellero. Dynamics and rheology of a suspension of super-paramagnetic chains under the combined effect of a shear flow and a rotating magnetic field. Soft Matter, 17(24), 6006-6019. 2021.
Adolfo Vázquez-Quesada; Thomas Franke; Marco Ellero. Theory and simulation of the dynamics, deformation, and breakup of a chain of superparamagnetic beads under a rotating magnetic field. Physics of Fluids. 29, pp. 032006, 2017.
The following magnetic interactions have been implemented
- Dipole-dipole forces between particles.
- Dipole-dipole torques between particles.
- Magnetic torque on individual particles.
This code is based on the original MCF code developed by Xin Bian. The current version has been developed in collaboration between
- Marco Ellero, leader of the CFD Modelling and Simulation group at BCAM (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics) in Bilbao, Spain.
- Adolfo Vazquez-Quesada from the Department of Fundamental Physics at UNED, in Madrid, Spain.
Developers: Xin Bian. Adolfo Vazquez-Quesada.
-------------------------- INSTALLATION -------------------------------
After download MCF/mcf/ folder, I suppose you have already installed PPM library in a proper path, which needs to be given when you configure mcf client. I also suppose you have installed makedepf90, which is to check routines dependency of mcf/src/*.F90.
- run script
to clean all old files, which may be machine dependant.
- run script
to make use of GNU autoconf + automake, which generates configure script.
- run configuration.
./configure --prefix=$HOME/MCF/mcf/mcf_install/ FC=ifort MPIFC=mpif90 LDFLAGS=-L$HOME/MCF/ppm/local/lib/ FCFLAGS=-I$HOME/MCF/ppm/local/include/ MAKEDEPF90=$HOME/MCF/ppm/local/bin/makedepf90
to generate Makefile, which is used to compile mcf code.
LDFLAGS: indicate ppm library object files. FCFLAGS: indicate ppm library header files.
- run compiler
make -j 8
to compile mcf code, -j 8 specify to use 8 processors to accelerate compiling.
- run installation
make install
to install mcf executable binary at ...../mcf/mcf_install/ folder.
-------------- USE -----------------------------------------------
Three input files are required to launch a simulation. Examples of these input files can be found in the 'mcf_config' directory. The details of the inputs are explained within those files.