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Making a SWBFII Addon for XBOX (part 2) Build (or munge)

BAD-AL edited this page Dec 21, 2020 · 2 revisions

Building (or 'Munging')

We normally use the 'Visual Munge' tool that Pandemic shipped with the SWBFII mod tools. One reason that I like to use Visual Munge is that it copies your mod files over to the correct location in the 'addon' folder on the PC. Other than that feature, I'd prefer to just use the command line.

Building or 'munging' with the mod tools is pretty easy to do from the command line too, the drawback is that your files aren't copied anywhere; so you'll have to do that yourself. To build from the command line (CMD, not PowerShell) cd to the '_BUILd' folder associated with your mod. If you type in the the cmd terminal 'munge.bat /help', you'll see the following message:

Usage: munge [/PLATFORM [PC|PS2|XBOX]]
             [/WORLD [EVERYTHING|NOTHING|<world1> <world2> ...]]
             [/SIDE [EVERYTHING|NOTHING|<side1> <side2> ...]]
             [/LOAD] [/SOUND] [/COMMON] [/SHELL] [/MOVIES] [/LOCALIZE]

  If no parameters are specified then everything is munged.
  /PLATFORM The platform to munge the data for (default PC)
  /LANGUAGE The lanuage used for building (default ENGLISH)
  /WORLD    Selectively munges world data.  If "EVERYTHING" or "NOTHING" is 
            specified all world data is munged or not respectively
  /SIDE     Selectively munges side data.  If "EVERYTHING" or "NOTHING" is
            specified all side data is munged or not respectively
  /LOAD     If specified munges loading screen data
  /SOUND    If specified munges sound data
  /COMMON   If specified munges common data
  /SHELL    If specified munges shell data
  /MOVIES   If specified munges movie data
  /LOCALIZE If specified munges localization data
  /NOXBOXCOPY If specified skips the data copy to the xbox

Here we see the arguments we can use to build from the command line.

I typically use:

Z:\BF2_ModTools\data_ABC\_BUILD> munge.bat /PLATFORM XBOX 

And for when I just have a change to a SIDE:

Z:\BF2_ModTools\data_ABC\_BUILD> munge.bat /PLATFORM XBOX /SIDE

If I want to target only the 'REP' side:

Z:\BF2_ModTools\data_ABC\_BUILD> munge.bat /PLATFORM XBOX /SIDE REP

The same technique applies for munging World.