Though the provisioning of Azure PaaS services can be fully automated, it is recommended that you deploy Azure OpenAI and Azure Cosmos DB Mongo vCore manually in your subscription for this reference application.
The reason for this is that you may already have these resources deployed (i.e - Azure OpenAI) and they may not be available in all regions. Furthermore, you may face Azure OpenAI model quota constraints.
In Azure Portal, go to Marketplace and search for "Azure OpenAI". Proceed through the dialogs to provision this resource.
Once it is provisioned, navigate to the Resource Management -> Keys and Endpoint page within the account as shown below.
Capture the values of the endpoint URL and Key 1. You will later set your CAIG_AZURE_OPENAI_URL and CAIG_AZURE_OPENAI_KEY environment variables with these values.
Create model deployments for the gpt-4 and text-embedding-ada-002 models. It is expected that, over time, the names of these models will change, so use the current version of each.
You should set your CAIG_AZURE_OPENAI_COMPLETIONS_DEP and CAIG_AZURE_OPENAI_EMBEDDINGS_DEP environment variables to the deployment names of these two models in your Azure OpenAI account.
When you build the Docker images for your application they should be pushed to your ACR.
The example Bicep deployment scripts in this repository use DockerHub for this public reference implementation. However, you should use your private and secure Azure Container Registry instead.
In Azure Portal, go to Marketplace and search for "Azure Cosmos DB". Select "Azure Cosmos DB for Mongo DB" on the first page:
Then select "vCore Cluster" on the second page as shown below.
Choose the Cluster Tier of your choice. The Free Tier or M25 Tier will be adequate for this reference application.
Be sure to record the Admin Username and Password values that you provide. These values will be needed to form the connection string.
After the Azure Cosmos DB Mongo vCore account has been created, navigate to it in your Azure Portal and navigate to the "Settings -> Connection Strings" page as shown below.
Copy the "Connection string" value on that page into a text editor; it should look like the following. Edit the part of the connection string with the content "user:password" and substitute the Admin Username and Password that you specified above when creating the account.
Save this edited connection string value. You will later set your CAIG_AZURE_MONGO_VCORE_CONN_STR environment variable with this value.