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Remote Monitoring v1.0.0
Remote Monitoring Release Notes | Version 1.0.0
Deployment improvements
- Provision all local and cloud deployment resources in their own resource group
- Added support for uploading zip packages to storage for deployment and generated connection string for zip packages with symmetric key
- Unique name generation based on suite name for resources
- Azure ARM-based template deployments for local and cloud for all resources
- Auto-provisioning of Azure Active Directory application and assignment of user to admin role
- Auto-start of stream analytics jobs upon provisioning
- Use IoT Hub instead of Event Hub for direct input to Azure Stream Analytics jobs
- Respect Sku's of resources for existing deployments
Runtime improvements
- Separate web jobs from the web site for independent scalability
- Update simulators to run in single instance in web job and event host processors run in n instances
Remote Monitoring Solution Portal improvements
- Added ability to delete a pending device
- Added ability to delete a rule
- Added visual status indications to rules grid
- Added Apple Mac-specific copy text message
- Fix a bug where mixed case event hub name would break actions flow
- Refactored query for Stream Analytics rules job to fix some bugs and simplify logic
- Color-code devices on dashboard map based on how recently they have had an alert
- Improve display of DeviceID on dashboard map when clicked
- Clicking a device on the dashboard map displays the telemetry data and the summary data for that device
- Selecting a device on the dashboard highlights alarm rows for that device in the alarm history
- Globalization bug fixes and improvements, including adding a pseudo-localized tt resource for testing
- Add FxCop rules for Globalization and minimum rules to help prevent globalization regressions
- Font size consistency improvements
- Hide “Previous” and “Next” paging buttons on device grid and rules grid when only one page of data exists
- Stream Analytics reference data reliability improvements
- Fixed some minor visual and labelling issues
- Add logic to try to prevent race conditions and unexpected behavior during one-time data initialization in the WebJob
- Fixed a minor bug where concurrent edits on rules were not handled well
- Improved error handling and reporting in REST API
- Fix possible issue where caching around device enable/disable may have caused issues
- Fix a bug with multiple collections in the same DocumentDB
- Clarify local and UTC dates and times in user interface
- Clarify lack of localization and local timezone support for device properties
- Fix a bug on the dashboard where the static map image broke the alert history grid
- Updated code so that OAuth could be more easily used with the REST API
- Fix a bug where datetimeoffset command parameters were not formatted correctly
- Fix a bug where the simulator would return success for unknown commands
- Fix a bug where upgrading a solution would cause the alerts on the dashboard to fail due to a data format change in the blob storage
- Fix a bug where the map always included the Seattle area, regardless of device location
- Fix a bug with multiple collections in the same DocumentDB
- Fix a bug that allowed resending commands to disabled devices and devices that no longer support the command
- Fix some visual issues with the navigation bar images, especially in Edge browser
- Fix a bug where the DocumentDB would sometimes return an HTTP 401 error, especially during debugging, due to timestamp mismatch issues
- Fix a bug where some or all simulated devices would sometimes send identical telemetry data (due to issues around the random number generator’s seed)
- General code cleanup
- Refactor the styles using BEM (Block Element Modifier) convention
Known Issues
- IoTHub skus are not currently respected (always switches to default of template). This will be fixed when we switch to Azure Powershell 1.0.