It's a simple Spring-Boot Microservice for Consuming messages from ActiveMQ Queues and Publish it to ActiveMQ Topics. I'm using MarshallingMessageConverter with Jaxb2Marshaller for both consuming and publishing XML message.
I have also created Unit test and EmbeddedActiveMQ integration test.
- Run ActiveMQ.
- Default url: http://localhost:8161/
- Login by default user (admin/admin)
- Create Queue with name source in ActiveMQ-Queues.
- Please set activeMQ url, inbound.endpoing and outbound.endpoint in properties.yml
broker-url: tcp://localhost:61616
endpoint: source
endpoint: destination
- Run run.bat file or execute mvn clean install spring-boot:run
- Now send message from created source queue. (past bellow sample XML in message body)
- Check task.log file or console for details.