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Welcome to the Madrid's Consul wiki!
- Check your computer IP (i.e.
- Launch rails server
rails server -b
- On your device open
and test
For a given FILENAME, FOLDERS structure, and ENV (decidepre/decidepro)
- SSH into the server and navigate into shared files folder:
ssh ENV
cd participacion/shared/public/system
Maybe create additional FOLDERS
inside that directory?
- Upload file
scp FILENAME.pdf deploy@ENV:/aytomad/app/participa/participacion/shared/public/system/FOLDERS/FILENAME.pdf
- Get the url... something like https://decide.madrid.es/system/FOLDERS/FILENAME.pdf
If you get an error while trying to ssh a server or do a capistrano deployment, you may have to ssh the proxy again:
ssh decideproxy ssh-add
To do a deploy to an ENV (preproduction/production):
- Cleanup releases
cap ENV deploy:cleanup
- Run the deploy script (preproduction will deploy master branch, production will deploy stable)
cap ENV deploy
To deploy an specific branch to an ENV:
cap ENV deploy branch=BRANCH_NAME
bin/rake csv:export RAILS_ENV=preproduction
ssh decidepre
cd participacion/current
bin/rails c preproduction
Check current status with: https://github.com/AyuntamientoMadrid/consul/compare/master...consul:master
Ensure you have a consul remote like:
$ git remote -v
consul git@github.com:consul/consul.git (fetch)
consul git@github.com:consul/consul.git (push)
origin git@github.com:AyuntamientoMadrid/consul.git (fetch)
origin git@github.com:AyuntamientoMadrid/consul.git (push)
- Create new branch from master and merge consul's master branch:
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout -b upstream
git fetch consul
git merge consul/master
- Fix any merge conflicts, and
git push
- Fill PR description with included Consul's PR links and
Consul pull ⬇️
title https://github.com/AyuntamientoMadrid/consul/compare/master...upstream - After merging that PR, open a new one from master to stable with title
Deploy to Pro 🚀
: https://github.com/AyuntamientoMadrid/consul/compare/stable...master
rake sitemap:refresh:no_ping
scp deploy@decidepro:~/participacion/current/log/production.log ~/your_local_directory
Regarding databases: admindb@madrid.es
Regarding new requests iampeticiones@madrid.es
Regarding adding public ssh keys to servers servidorvirtualiam@madrid.es with carbon copy to tecnoiamwebsolicitud@madrid.es
Centro de atención de Incidencias de Informática y Comunicaciones del Ayuntamiento de Madrid (SICAM)
SICAM's Phone:
- 33033 if calling from within a Government building
- 915133033 if calling from outside a Government building
SICAM's Officing hours: 07:30 - 22.00 Monday to Friday
You will need your AYRE username and our office's phone number: 91 480 21 79 The name of our application is "Participación Ciudadana"