We will apply soft-margin SVM to handwritten digits from the processed US Postal Service Zip Code data set.
In this dataset, the 1st column is digit label and 2nd and 3rd columns are the features. We will train a one-versus-one (one digit is class +1 and another digit is class -1) classifier for the digits ‘1’ (+1) and ‘5’ (-1). (In the original dataset, only consider data samples(rows) with the label as either 1 or 5, for both train and test settings.
In this exercise we try to answer the following questions:
(a) Consider the linear kernel K(xn, xm) = xn^Txm. Train using the provided training data
and test using the provided test data, and report your accuracy over the entire test set,
and the number of support vectors.
(b) In continuation, train only using the first {50, 100, 200, 800} points with the linear
kernel. Report the accuracy over the entire test set, and the number of support vectors
in each of these cases.
(c) Consider the polynomial kernel K(xn, xm) = (1 + xn^Txm), where Q is the degree of
the polynomial. Comparing Q = 2 with Q = 5, comment whether each of the following
statements is TRUE or FALSE.
i. When C = 0.0001, training error is higher at Q = 5.
ii. When C = 0.001, the number of support vectors is lower at Q = 5.
iii. When C = 0.01, training error is higher at Q = 5.
iv. When C = 1, test error is lower at Q = 5.
(d) Consider the radial basis function (RBF) kernel K(xn, xm) = e(−||xn − xm||2) in the soft-margin SVM approach. Which value of C ∈ {0.01, 1, 100, 104, 106} results in the
lowest training error? The lowest test error? Show the error values for all the C values.
The data (extracted features of intensity and symmetry) for training and testing are available at: