use unilog::{Level, UniLog, Fatal, Error, Warn, Notice, Info, Debug, Trace};
fn main() {
let instance = UniLog::init()
.set_log_file_name("server.log") // dont forget the file extension
.max_log_file_size(20) // 20 Mb, would truncate the log file if its size exceeds this limit!
Fatal! (instance, "TRIAL of fatal error via macros !!");
Notice!(instance, "TRIAL of notices lets see what happens !!");
Warn! (instance, "TRIAL of warnings lets see what happens !!");
Info! (instance, "TRIAL of information lets see what happens !!");
Debug! (instance, "TRIAL of debugging lets see what happens !!");
Error! (instance, "TRIAL of error lets see what happens !!");
Trace! (instance, "TRIAL of tracing lets see what happens !!");
[Feb 08 16:38:33] | [NOTICE] : TRIAL of notoices lets see what happens !!
[Feb 08 16:38:33] | [WARNN ] : TRIAL of warnings lets see whta happens !!
[Feb 08 16:38:33] | [ERROR ] : TRIAL of error lets see what hap !!
[Feb 08 16:38:33] | [TRACE ] : TRIAL of tracing lets see what hap !!
[Feb 08 16:44:05] | [FATAL ] : Trial for Fatal error via macros !!
[Feb 08 16:46:04] | [FATAL ] : Trial for Fatal error via macros !!
[Feb 08 16:46:04] | [NOTICE] : TRIAL of notices lets see what happens !!
[Feb 08 16:46:04] | [WARNN ] : TRIAL of warnings lets see what happens !!
[Feb 08 16:46:04] | [INFO ] : TRIAL of information lets see what happens !!
[Feb 08 16:46:04] | [DEBUG ] : TRIAL of debugging lets see what happens !!
[Feb 08 16:46:04] | [ERROR ] : TRIAL of error lets see what happens !!
[Feb 08 16:46:04] | [TRACE ] : TRIAL of tracing lets see what happens !!