- 🔭 Graduate Student Researcher at Georgia Tech in the Sherrill Group
- 💻 Neovim (nvim config)
- 🌱 Actively Learning more about:
- PyTorch
- C++
- Computer-based drug design
- Symmetry Adapted Perturbation Theory (SAPT) for understanding drug design
- Cheaper dispersion methods (d4_dimers)
- Improved docking scoring functions
- Machine Learned Force Field (MLFF) development
- Highly distributed parallelization for high-throughput dataset generation (hrcl_jobs)
- Astrochemistry
- vergil.chemistry.gatech.edu
- Collaborated with Caroline Glick, C.
David Sherrill, and Sherrill group to create
website using
, andSQL
- Created users and blog functionality for members to update website news
- Deployed and maintain website
- dyesdb.com
- Visualizes electronic excited state energies for thousands of Vis-NIR organic dyes for dye sensitized solar cells (DOI:10.1039/D3DD00023K)
- Provides a browser interface for 0nset, a tool for computing the λ onset value for dyes (DOI:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2021.107544)
- Wrote
frontend andFlask
- Collaborated with mvee18 to create r410berry.com for the Computational Astrochemistry Research Group @ Ole Miss
- Wrote the frontend in
- Deployed and maintained website on a Linode server
- hrcl_jobs provides functionality to distribute jobs on compute clusters
- Provides basic functionalities for interacting with SQL/PostgreSQL databases
- Example jobspecs for psi4, AutoDock Vina, AP-Net2, and OpenMM
- HF is a simple SCF code written in CPP dependent on Psi4
- d4_dimers has python3 frontend for calling CPP submodule dispersion to accelerate -D4 damping function parameter fitting by over 400x.