- Specifications:
- Train folder that contains folders*, each folder will contain the dataset to train the model.
- Test folder that contains folders*, each folder will contain the dataset to train the model.
- Preprocess:
Each sub folder in the train/test set goes through the same preprocess steps.
- converting to gray scale
- if the width != height, add padding to the small one (white border) to make the picture a square so that width = height
- resizing to 40X40
The program used the ration of 90:10 for the train/validation sets
- Train:
Giving the model the preprocessed dataset and train it using:
- Chi Square distance function
- Euclidean distance function
The program will take the best trained model with K neighbor from 1 to 15 (usually the best is between 7 to 9).
- Test:
After training will test the best model using the preprocessed test dataset.
- Result:
Will save a csv file that contains confusion matrix and classification report. Can be changed to save the best model.
*folders = letter folders (0 = a, 1 = b and so on).
Example of how the file tree should look like:
- Train
- 0
- pic1.jpg
- pic2.jpg
- pic3.jpg
- 1
- 2
- Test
- 0
- 1
- pic1.jpg
- pic2.jpg
- pic3.jpg
- 2
- preprocessed.py
- knn_classifier.py
python version 3.7
libraries needed:
- opencv
- numpy
- os
- argparse
- pandas
- scikit-learn
- scikit-image
- datetime
- random
- open terminal/CMD
- pre process TRAIN and TEST folders -> python preprocess.py [--train TRAIN_PATH] [--test TEST_PATH].
2.1. it will be output to "processed_train" or "processed_test". 3. start the classifier -> python knn_classifier.py .
3.1. output -> csv file that will hold both knn distance results.
*Note: can change the code to save the model and use it in various ways.
Aviel Cohen - linkedin
Noah Solomon - github, linkedin
The dataset used in this project was HHD_v0 HHD_v0 was divided into TEST/TRAIN sets which included all 26 sub directories related to each hebrew letter. The dataset, HHD_v0, was developed by I. Rabaev, B. KurarBarakat, A. Churkin and J. El-Sana for their paper HHD_v0