This repository implements an image search engine that leverages object detection and image vectorization using YOLO for object detection and ResNet for image vectorization. The engine creates a vector store to enable efficient image search based on similarity.
- Object Detection: Detects objects in images using the YOLO model.
- Image Vectorization: Vectorizes images using a pre-trained ResNet model.
- Vector Store Management: Creates and manages vector stores using FAISS for fast image similarity search.
- Search Engine: Enables querying an image, detects objects, vectorizes them, and retrieves the most similar images from the database.
To use this repository, the following dependencies are required:
- pandas
- numpy
- opencv-python
- matplotlib
- langchain
- torch
- torchvision
- tensorflow
- ultralytics
- faiss
- Setup
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Object Detection Model: YOLOv8 is used for object detection.
- Vectorization Model: A pre-trained ResNet18 is used for feature extraction.
MODEL_VECTORIZE_IMG = torch.hub.load('pytorch/vision:v0.10.0', 'resnet18', pretrained=True)
Checks if the vector store exists and if it's not empty.
detect_object_dataset(path_img: list, model: str= MODEL_DETECT_OBJ)
Detects objects in images using the YOLO model.
path_img (list): List of paths to images. model (str): Model used for detection (default is YOLOv8).
detected_objects (list): List of detected objects. label_img (list): Dict of Corresponding image labels.
Example :
detected_objects, label_img = = detect_object_dataset(path_img = ["img1.png", "img2.jpeg"])
detect_object_query(img_cv2, model = YOLOV8)
Detects objects in images using the YOLO model.
img_cv2 (numpy.ndarray): the cv2 loaded image model (str): Model used for detection (default is YOLOv8).
detected_objects (List[numpy.ndarray]): List of detected objects. label_img (Dict[str:str]): Dict of corresponding image labels.
Example :
img_cv2 = cv2.imread("./static/images/cat0.jpeg")
detected_objects, label_img = detect_object_query(img_cv2)
init_search_engine_images(path_folder, path_store_db, path_db="", extension_img=EXTENSION_IMG, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, size_img=SIZE_IMG model_vectorize_img=MODEL_VECTORIZE_IMG)
Initializes the image search engine by creating or loading the vector store.
path_folder (str): Path to the folder containing images. path_store_db (str): Path to store the vector database. path_db (str): Path to the pre-existing vector store (optional). extension_img (list): List of image extensions. batch_size (int): Batch size for processing. size_img (tuple): Size of the images for vectorization. model_vectorize_img (str): Model for image vectorization.
The database, image vectorizer, and DataLoader.
Example :
db, vectorizer, data_loader = init_search_engine_images(path_folder="./images", path_store_db="./vector_store")
search_engine_image(query, db, vectorizer, data_loader, nb_similar=5) Searches the database for images similar to the provided query.
query (list): List of images for querying. db (str): Vector store database. vectorizer (str): Image vectorizer model. data_loader (str): DataLoader for batch processing. nb_similar (int): Number of similar images to retrieve.
A dictionary of results containing the labels and images of the most similar objects.
Example :
results = search_engine_image(query=["query_image.jpg"], db=db, vectorizer=vectorizer, data_loader=data_loader)
init_search_engine_images(path_folder="./static/images", path_store_db="./static/vector_store")` Initialize the search engine and create the vector store:
path_folder (str): path to the folder which contains the images we want to vectorize path_store_db (str): where we want to store the vector store
Returns: db (FAISS): the database, vector store vectorizer (ResNet): the vectorizer of images data_loader (Tensor): the batches of Tensor dataset of images
Example :
db, vectorizer, data_loader = init_search_engine_images(path_folder="./static/images",
search_engine_image(query, db, vectorizer, data_loader, nb_similar=5)
Search for similar images using a query image:
query (numpy.ndarray): the image we want to detect object and find simlarity db (FAISS): faiss vector store vectorizer (ResNet): resnet vectorizer data_loader (Tensor): the tensor batch dataset of images nb_similar=5 (int): the number of similar images we want, 5 by default
dict_results(Dict[str:str, numpy.ndarray]): the dict result with these following keys ("{label}", "images_path", "labels", "img") draw_objects(numpy.ndarray): the query image with bounding boxes drew
Example :
dict_results, draw_objects = search_engine_image(query=["./query_images/query1.jpg"], db=db, vectorizer=vectorizer, data_loader=data_loader, nb_similar=5)
Contributing Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss your changes.
Contact For any questions or issues, feel free to contact us at [].