This project intends to study the Data Fusion and Multi-Task Learning applied to the detection of danger situations during drive.
The project is divided in three parts:
- Dataset Generation:
- Uses CARLA simulator to generate the dataset
- Opponent Detection
- Convolutional Neural Networks
- Situation Evaluation
- Based on the opponent detection, car position
- Python3 and libraries
- Tensorflow 2.0 and PyTorch
- Carla Simulator 9.6.0+
Install python libraries:
python3 -m install pyqtgraph pygame matplotlib h5py opencv-python future numpy jupyter PyQt5 open3d
Carla Simulator is used to generate the dataset to train and test the network models.
Download and install:
mkdir -p simulator/carla
cd simulator/carla
tar -xf CARLA_0.9.6.tar.gz
Start Carla:
One LiDAR sensor and 1-4 cameras are set up in the EGO vehicle.
Run Scripts:
cd scripts
The data generated will be stored on the "./dataset" folder.