My name is Matteo, and I am currently studying Astronomy at the University of Padua.
After graduating, I plan to continue my studies abroad, possibly in Northern Europe. 🌍
I'm passionate about electronics, and in my spare time, I love diving into creating or modifying code with Python, whether for academic purposes or just for fun. 💻
I'll be creating various projects—some related to courses I've taken in Padua, and others not particularly tied to any course (including my first simple programs created to learn and practice). 📚
Goals: Expand my knowledge in the world of programming and learn new programming languages.
For now, I'll be focusing on Python, with potential additions of C++ and Fortran in the not-too-distant future. 🚀
- Email (unofficial):
- LinkedIn: Matteo Carta
In my free time, I love photography, especially astrophotography with my Newtonian 150/750 telescope paired with a Nikon D7100.
You can check out some of my photos here. (Work in Progress: Photos will be added soon!)